

Your company uses Java as its primary development language, and Apache Maven to build its applications. Your company would like to simplify its event reporting, and they want you to research creating a cloud-based solution. You're going to investigate using Microsoft Azure to create a serverless function, which triggers when specific values are passed in HTTP requests, and creates log entries to track the HTTP activity.

In this module, you use a Maven archetype to create a function project. You develop and test the function locally, and then deploy the function using the Maven Plugin for Azure Functions. After testing your function in the cloud, you'll update your function with custom logging features, and then redeploy it to Azure.

If you are using Gradle, there is also a similar Gradle plugin for Azure Functions.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Create a function project using a Maven archetype.
  • Run and test the function locally.
  • Deploy the function using the Maven Plugin for Azure Functions.
  • Update the function and redeploy to Azure.
  • Monitor your function's health with Azure Application Insights.


  • Experience developing Java applications.
  • Experience using Apache Maven to build projects.