Exercise - Configure back-end pools for encryption


You want to implement end-to-end encryption for the shipping-portal application. Encrypting all data between users and servers helps ensure that no unauthorized user can intercept and read the data.

In this unit, you'll set up the web application and the application gateway. Next, you'll create some self-signed SSL certificates and enable encryption in your backend pool to help secure the traffic from the application gateway to your servers.

The following image highlights the elements you configure in this exercise. You're setting up an application gateway by using Azure Application Gateway v2.

Diagram that highlights the elements (backend pool, SSL certificate, and HTTP settings) created in this exercise.

Deploy a virtual machine and an application gateway

  1. Open the Azure Cloud Shell in your browser and sign in to the directory with access to the subscription in which you want to create resources. We'll use the Bash shell environment for this exercise.

  2. Run the following command in the Cloud Shell to create a resource group for your resources. Replace <resource group name> with a name for your resource group, and <location> with the Azure region in which you'd like to deploy your resources.

    az group create --resource-group <resource group name> --location <location>
  3. Run the following command in the Cloud Shell to create a variable to store your resource group name:

    export rgName=<resource group name>
  4. In Azure Cloud Shell, run the following command to download the source code for the shipping portal:

    git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-end-to-end-encryption-with-app-gateway shippingportal
  5. Move to the shippingportal folder:

    cd shippingportal
  6. Run the following setup script to create the virtual machine, certificates, and application gateway:

    bash setup-infra.sh


    This script takes several minutes to finish. Allow it to work through multiple processes to unpack and configure the gateway and resources. You should see that the process succeeded with zero warnings and zero errors.

Verify that the web server is configured correctly

  1. Run the following command to display the URL of the web server that the setup script created.

    echo https://"$(az vm show \
      --name webservervm1 \
      --resource-group $rgName \
      --show-details \
      --query [publicIps] \
      --output tsv)"
  2. Copy and paste the URL into your web browser and go to the URL.

    Your browser will most likely display a warning message similar to the following image. The exact content in the warning message can vary, depending on your browser. The example image is from Microsoft Edge.

    Screenshot of a warning about an unauthenticated server in Microsoft Edge.

    This warning occurs because the web server is configured through a self-signed certificate that can't be authenticated. On this warning page, look for and select the link to proceed to the website; for example, select Go on to the webpage or select Advanced and then Proceed, or the equivalent. The result takes you to the shipping portal home page, as shown in the following image. It's a sample app to test that the server is configured correctly.

    Screenshot of the shipping portal home page Microsoft Edge.

Configure the backend pool for encryption

  1. Run the following command to get the private IP address of the virtual machine that's acting as the web server.

    echo privateip="$(az vm list-ip-addresses \
      --resource-group $rgName \
      --name webservervm1 \
      --query "[0].virtualMachine.network.privateIpAddresses[0]" \
      --output tsv)"
  2. Create a variable to store your private IP address. Replace <privateIP> with the IP address from the previous step.

    export privateip=<privateIP>
  3. Set up the backend pool for Application Gateway by using the virtual machine's private IP address.

    az network application-gateway address-pool create \
      --resource-group $rgName \
      --gateway-name gw-shipping \
      --name ap-backend \
      --servers $privateip
  4. Upload the VM certificate in the backend pool to Application Gateway as a trusted root certificate. The setup script generated this certificate and stored it in the shipping-ssl.crt file.

    az network application-gateway root-cert create \
      --resource-group $rgName \
      --gateway-name gw-shipping \
      --name shipping-root-cert \
      --cert-file server-config/shipping-ssl.crt
  5. Configure the HTTP settings to use the certificate:

    az network application-gateway http-settings create \
      --resource-group $rgName \
      --gateway-name gw-shipping \
      --name https-settings \
      --port 443 \
      --protocol Https \
      --host-name $privateip
  6. Run the following commands to set the trusted certificate for the backend pool to the certificate installed on the backend VM:

    export rgID="$(az group show --name $rgName --query id --output tsv)"
    az network application-gateway http-settings update \
        --resource-group $rgName \
        --gateway-name gw-shipping \
        --name https-settings \
        --set trustedRootCertificates='[{"id": "'$rgID'/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/gw-shipping/trustedRootCertificates/shipping-root-cert"}]'

You now have a virtual machine running the shipping portal site, and an application gateway. You've configured SSL encryption between Application Gateway and your application server.