Email marketing


The Email marketing section of the Settings work area contains pages that let you set up and configure settings related to email marketing.


The primary purpose of email-domain authentication is to protect both the sender and the recipient from any potentially fraudulent activities using email like spam, phishing, or scams by enabling SPF and DKIM.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method that helps to protect email content and headers. It's based on public/private key encryption and signatures verified using published DNS records for sender domain. This type of encryption provides valuable feedback to the recipient, that the email is sent from a verified sender. And its content hasn't been modified during the transfer phase.

SPF is another type of protection and authentication that ensures that an email was sent from a trusted source (IP address) set up by a sender domain owner.

When you error check or go live with a marketing email message, the verification system requires that the message uses a from-address from an authenticated domain registered and confirmed for your organization. You get an error if you try to send a message that has a from-address from an unregistered domain.

To view your domain authentication records, open the Settings work area and go to Email Marketing > Domains.

For more information, see Authenticate your domains.

Landing pages


This topic only applies to outbound marketing.

Use the Landing pages area to configure settings that are specific to your marketing pages. You can choose, for example, a privacy banner for your page. Additionally, you can set hosting defaults and show incoming data that is matched to existing records and portal defaults.

You can set up as many configurations sets as you want, but only one can be active at a time. One landing page configuration must always be set as the default.

To access the default marketing page settings, open the Settings work area and go to Email marketing > Landing pages.

For more information, see Configure landing pages.

Designer feature protection

Designer feature protection lets you control which users have access to which features of the content designers, including in the email, marketing page, form, and content-block designers. You can use these settings to block access by any user or team to one or both of the following designer features:

  • The designer HTML tab - Users with access to the HTML tab can work with all aspects of the HTML code that goes into your designs. By blocking access to this tab, you'll make sure that design elements that you mark as locked in the HTML code (and all content outside of design elements) won't be editable by certain (or most) users. Content-block elements provide a simple setting that enables you to lock or unlock them, but you can also lock any design element by adding the data-protected="true" HTML attribute to its opening <div> tag. For more information, see Use custom attributes to enable designer features.

  • Litmus inbox previews - The email designer's inbox preview feature provides pixel-perfect previews that show exactly what your design will look like when it's rendered in nearly any specific client/browser/platform combination. This feature is provided by a company called Litmus, and it requires that users purchase an extra license after your organization has used more than a certain number of previews (refer to your Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys license agreement for details). You might want to limit access to this feature to help manage costs and/or to have better control over who gets to use your organization's free previews.

To control access to these features, open the Settings work area and go to Email marketing > Designer feature protection. For more information, see Control access to designer features.

Screenshot of the New Designer feature protection page.

Default settings


This topic only applies to outbound marketing.

The default marketing settings define a series of defaults for marketing emails, customer journeys, double opt-in, and email deduplication. You can create your own, but only the one that is marked as Default will be active.

To access the default settings, open the Settings work area and go to Email marketing > Default settings.

Data protections


This topic only applies to outbound marketing.

The Data protection page of the Email marketing area allows marketers to enable data-privacy features of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys. These features currently focus on helping organizations comply with privacy and personal data laws and rules. This area is described in greater detail in the next module.

To view or create a data protection record, open the Settings work area and go to Email marketing > Data protections.

For more information, see Data protections in outbound marketing.