Exercise - Set up the Azure environment


To set up the Azure environment for the optional incident management exercise, complete the following steps.


To complete this optional exercise, you need access to an Azure subscription. If you don't have a subscription, create a free account.


Be aware that this exercise creates resources that might incur costs in your Azure subscription. To estimate the costs, see Microsoft Sentinel pricing.

Deploy the Azure Resource Manager template

  1. Select the following button to deploy the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template that creates the Azure resources. Sign in to Azure if prompted.

    Deploy To Azure.

  2. On the Custom deployment page, provide the following information:

    • Subscription: Select your Azure subscription if not already selected.
    • Resource group: Select Create new, and name the resource group azure-sentinel-rg.
    • Location: Select the Azure region where you want to deploy Microsoft Sentinel.
    • Workspace name: Provide a unique name for the Microsoft Sentinel workspace, such as <yourName>-Sentinel.
  3. Leave the other settings as is, select Review + create, and then select Create.

Wait for the deployment to finish. The deployment should take less than five minutes.

Verify deployed resources

  1. When the deployment finishes, select Go to resource group, or search for Resource groups in the portal and then select azure-sentinel-rg.

  2. On the azure-sentinel-rg page, sort the list of resources by Type.

  3. Confirm that the resource group contains the following resources:

    Name Type Description
    <yourName>-Sentinel Log Analytics workspace Log Analytics workspace that Microsoft Sentinel uses, with the name you chose for the workspace.
    simple-vmNetworkInterface Network interface Network interface for the VM.
    SecurityInsights(<yourName>-Sentinel) Solution Security insights for Microsoft Sentinel.
    st1<xxxxx> Storage account Storage account used by the VM, where <xxxxx> represents a random string that's generated to create a unique storage account name.
    simple-vm Virtual machine (VM) VM to use in the demonstration.
    vnet1 Virtual network Virtual network for the VM.

Configure the Microsoft Sentinel connector

Next, deploy the Azure Activity log connector for Microsoft Sentinel.

  1. In the Azure portal, search for and select Microsoft Sentinel.
  2. On the Microsoft Sentinel page, select the Microsoft Sentinel workspace you created.
  3. On the workspace page, select Data connectors under Configuration in the left menu.
  4. On the Data connectors page, search for and select Azure Activity, and then select Open connector page on the Azure Activity screen.
  5. At the bottom of the Azure Activity page, select Launch Azure Policy Assignment Wizard.
  6. In the Basics tab of the wizard, select the ellipsis ... under Scope. On the Scopes pane, select your subscription and then select Select.
  7. Select the Parameters tab, and choose your Microsoft Sentinel workspace from the Primary Log Analytics workspace drop-down list.
  8. Select the Remediation tab, and select the Create a remediation task checkbox. This action applies the subscription configuration to send the information to the Log Analytics workspace.
  9. Select the Review + Create button to review the configuration, and then select Create.

The Azure Activity connector might take up to an hour to display a status of Connected. While the connector deploys, continue to the following units to learn about incidents in Microsoft Sentinel.