Exercise - Use the Environment monitoring tool in Lifecycle Services


You will need a finance and operations apps project and environment installed through Lifecycle Services to perform this exercise. You will also need an account to access the Lifecycle Services page.


The finance and operations apps developer has been tasked with checking the Environment monitoring tool in Lifecycle Services, to ensure that the environment is running smoothly.

  1. In your browser, go to the Lifecycle Services homepage (https://lcs.dynamics.com/v2).
  2. Sign in by using your Lifecycle Services credentials.
  3. Go to your project on the left side of the page.
  4. In the Environments section of the page, select your environment name.
  5. On the Environment details page, select Environment monitoring on the Monitoring FastTab.
  6. On the Overview tab of the Environment Monitoring page, you can access further information about the User load, Activity load, and User activity.
  7. Select the Activity tab to view Raw logs.