Post go-live workshop implementation and follow up


The following sections describe how to implement the Post go-live workshop and then conduct follow-up sessions for more in-depth information.

Post go-live workshop participants

The Post go-live workshop is the opportunity for the project team and the project sponsors to assess the success of their implementation and to reflect on the adjustments to make in the future.

With that in mind, you should consider the following guidelines:

  • The workshop should be attended by representatives from the customer organization and the partner organization that is assisting with the implementation.

  • The workshop should include the project sponsor, project manager, and solution architect from the customer and the partner organization. If the customer doesn't have the solution architect role in their organization, then the responsible technical stakeholder(s) should be involved. If the partner organization doesn't have a designated solution architect who is responsible for the implementation, then the equivalent delivery lead, functional lead, or technical architects should be involved.

Implement the Post go-live workshop

The solution architect facilitates the Post go-live workshop and frames the discussions, but the expectation is that the implementation team will present the post go-live information.

Each section of the agenda should be assigned an owner within the implementation team.

Preparing and completing the presentation template for the workshop allows for richer discussions that often result in clear adjustment actions to take (for example, on the project goals, the lessons learned, or the post go-live assessment).

One main goal of the Post go-live workshop is to reflect on the implementation journey and identify the adjustments to make in the future to improve on all possible levels (project delivery, collaboration, communication, and so on). So it's critical for everyone to come to the sessions with a growth mindset, which encourages candid and constructive exchanges.

The intent of the Post go-live workshop isn't to review the status of support incidents or to treat solution design questions at this late stage.

Post go-live workshop outputs

The Post go-live workshop has a main output in the form of a workshop summary email that highlights the key recommendations that are presented during the session. It doesn't have a findings document (as is the case for the Solution blueprint review workshop).

This approach allows the implementation team to follow up with the relevant party and in the most efficient approach based on the related subject, such as:

  • project delivery
  • project risk or issue
  • licensing
  • transition to support

The final presentation, including the actions that are listed during the session, should be distributed to all parties who participated, including the implementation leadership and the executive sponsors in both organizations. This full distribution will ensure an alignment on the items that are discussed and on the following adjustment actions to take.

Post go-live workshop follow-up

After the Post go-live workshop has been conducted and the adjustment actions have been identified, the implementation team will follow up after the workshop by using the appropriate channel based the related subject. For example, support incidents on the standard platform with Microsoft, or licensing questions with the Microsoft account team.

The learnings that are compiled throughout the engagement and Success by Design workshops should be used even after the implementation.

For larger programs or projects, the implementation team should consider running Success by Design reviews internally. You can use the Use Success by Design for Dynamics 365 solutions self-service training material that is available online.