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Scalable web and mobile applications using Azure Database for MySQL

Azure App Service
Azure Database for MySQL

Solution ideas

This article is a solution idea. If you'd like us to expand the content with more information, such as potential use cases, alternative services, implementation considerations, or pricing guidance, let us know by providing GitHub feedback.

Rapidly build engaging, performant, and scalable cross-platform and native apps for iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac.

Potential use cases

This solution is for any organization that utilizes both web and mobile applications.


Architecture diagram shows browser or mobile app requests to Azure App Services to Azure Database for My S Q L. Download an SVG of this architecture.


  1. A browser or mobile app makes requests for resources from the API.
  2. The requests are transmitted using HTTPS with TLS termination, which is handled by Azure App Services.
  3. Azure App Services handles API requests, and it can be scaled up or scaled out to handle the changing demand.
  4. Azure Database for MySQL provides a relational database service that's powered by the MySQL community edition. Use the flexible server deployment mode to enable scaling your database within seconds.



This article is maintained by Microsoft. It was originally written by the following contributors.

Principal author:

  • Andrew Harvey | Principal Program Manager - Microsoft for Startups

Next steps

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