Quickstart: Set up the Data Science Virtual Machine for Windows

Get up and running with a Windows Server 2022 Data Science Virtual Machine.


To create a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine, you need an Azure subscription. Try Azure for free. Please note that Azure free accounts do not support GPU enabled virtual machine SKUs.

Create your DSVM

To create a DSVM instance:

  1. Go to the Azure portal. You might be prompted to sign in to your Azure account, if you're not already signed in.

  2. Find the virtual machine listing by typing in "data science virtual machine", and then selecting "Data Science Virtual Machine - Windows 2022."

  3. Select the Create button at the bottom.

  4. You should be redirected to the "Create a virtual machine" blade.

  5. Fill in the Basics tab:

    • Subscription: If you have more than one subscription, select the one on which the machine will be created and billed. You must have resource creation privileges for this subscription
    • Resource group: Create a new group or use an existing one
    • Virtual machine name: Enter the name of the virtual machine. This is how it will appear in your Azure portal
    • Location: Select the datacenter that's most appropriate. For fastest network access, the datacenter that hosts most of your data or is located closest to your physical location becomes the best choice. For more information, visit Azure Regions
    • Image: Leave the default value
    • Size: This should auto-populate with an appropriate size for general workloads. For more information, visit Windows VM sizes in Azure
    • Username: Enter the administrator username. You will use this username to log into your virtual machine, and it doesn't need to match your Azure username
    • Password: Enter the password you'll use to log into your virtual machine
  6. Select Review + create

  7. Review+create

    • Verify that all the information you entered is correct
    • Select Create


  • You pay no licensing fees for the software that comes pre-loaded on the virtual machine. You do pay the compute cost for the server size that you chose in the Size step
  • The provisioning process takes 10 to 20 minutes. You can view the status of your VM at the Azure portal

Access the DSVM

After you create and provision the VM, follow the steps described in connect to your Azure-based virtual machine. Use the admin account credentials that you configured in the Basics step of creating a virtual machine.

You can now use the tools that are installed and configured on the VM. You can access many of these tools through Start menu tiles and desktop icons.

Next steps