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_com_ptr_t Extractors


Extract the encapsulated COM interface pointer.


operator Interface*( ) const throw( );
operator Interface&( ) const;
Interface& operator*( ) const;
Interface* operator->( ) const;
Interface** operator&( ) throw( );
operator bool( ) const throw( );


  • operator Interface* Returns the encapsulated interface pointer, which may be NULL.

  • operator Interface& Returns a reference to the encapsulated interface pointer, and issues an error if the pointer is NULL.

  • operator* Allows a smart pointer object to act as though it were the actual encapsulated interface when dereferenced.

  • operator-> Allows a smart pointer object to act as though it were the actual encapsulated interface when dereferenced.

  • operator& Releases any encapsulated interface pointer, replacing it with NULL, and returns the address of the encapsulated pointer. This operator allows you to pass the smart pointer by address to a function that has an out parameter through which it returns an interface pointer.

  • operator bool Allows a smart pointer object to be used in a conditional expression. This operator returns true if the pointer isn't NULL.


    Because operator bool is not declared as explicit, _com_ptr_t is implicitly convertible to bool, which is convertible to any scalar type. This can have unexpected consequences in your code. Enable Compiler Warning (level 4) C4800 to prevent unintentional use of this conversion.

See also

_com_ptr_t class