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Lesson 3: Define a dataset for the table report - SQL Server Reporting Services

After you define the data source for the paginated report, you need to define a dataset. In Reporting Services, data that you use in reports is contained in a dataset. A dataset includes a pointer to a data source and a query to be used by the report, calculated fields, and variables.

Use the Query Designer in Report Designer to define the dataset. For this tutorial, you're going to create a query that retrieves sales order information from the AdventureWorks2022 database.

Define a Transact-SQL query for report data

  1. In the Report Data pane, select New > Dataset.... The Dataset Properties dialog box opens with the Query section displayed.

    Screenshot of the Dataset Properties dialog box showing the query section.

  2. In the Name text box, enter "AdventureWorksDataset".

  3. Then select the Use a dataset embedded in my report radio button.

  4. From the Data source dropdown box, select AdventureWorks2022.

  5. For the Query type, select the Text radio button.

  6. Type, or copy and paste, the following Transact-SQL query into the Query text box.

       soh.OrderDate AS [Date],
       soh.SalesOrderNumber AS [Order],
       pps.Name AS [Subcat],
       pp.Name as [Product],
       SUM(sd.OrderQty) AS [Qty],
       SUM(sd.LineTotal) AS [LineTotal]
    FROM Sales.SalesPerson sp
    INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
          ON sp.BusinessEntityID = soh.SalesPersonID
       INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS sd
          ON sd.SalesOrderID = soh.SalesOrderID
       INNER JOIN Production.Product AS pp
          ON sd.ProductID = pp.ProductID
       INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS pps
          ON pp.ProductSubcategoryID = pps.ProductSubcategoryID
       INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory AS ppc
          ON ppc.ProductCategoryID = pps.ProductCategoryID
    GROUP BY ppc.Name, soh.OrderDate, soh.SalesOrderNumber, pps.Name, pp.Name,soh.SalesPersonID  
    HAVING ppc.Name = 'Clothing'
  7. (Optional) Select the Query Designer button. The query is displayed in the text-based Query Designer. View the results of the query by selecting the run button on the Query Designer toolbar. The dataset displayed contains six fields from four tables in the AdventureWorks2022 database. The query makes use of Transact-SQL functionality such as aliases. For example, the SalesOrderHeader table is called soh.

  8. Select OK to exit the Query Designer.

  9. Select OK to exit the Dataset Properties dialog box.

The Report Data pane displays the AdventureWorksDataset dataset and fields.

Screenshot of the Datasets folder showing the AdventureWorksDataset and its fields.

Next step

You successfully specified a query that retrieves data for your report. Next, you're going to create the report layout. Continue with Lesson 4: Add a table to the report (Reporting Services).