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Calendar.AddSeconds(DateTime, Int32) Metoda


DateTime Zwraca wartość , która jest określoną liczbą sekund od określonej DateTimewartości .

 virtual DateTime AddSeconds(DateTime time, int seconds);
public virtual DateTime AddSeconds (DateTime time, int seconds);
abstract member AddSeconds : DateTime * int -> DateTime
override this.AddSeconds : DateTime * int -> DateTime
Public Overridable Function AddSeconds (time As DateTime, seconds As Integer) As DateTime



Element DateTime , do którego należy dodać sekundy.


Liczba sekund do dodania.


Wynik DateTime , który wynika z dodania określonej liczby sekund do określonego DateTime.


DateTime Wynik jest poza obsługiwanym zakresem tego kalendarza.

seconds znajduje się poza obsługiwanym zakresem wartości zwracanej DateTime .


Poniższy przykład kodu przedstawia składowe Calendar klasy.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void DisplayValues( Calendar^ myCal, DateTime myDT )
   Console::WriteLine( "   Era: {0}", myCal->GetEra( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Year: {0}", myCal->GetYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Month: {0}", myCal->GetMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfYear: {0}", myCal->GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth: {0}", myCal->GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek: {0}", myCal->GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Hour: {0}", myCal->GetHour( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Minute: {0}", myCal->GetMinute( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Second: {0}", myCal->GetSecond( myDT ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "   Milliseconds: {0}", myCal->GetMilliseconds( myDT ) );

int main()
   // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
   DateTime myDT = DateTime(2002,4,3,gcnew GregorianCalendar);
   // Uses the default calendar of the InvariantCulture.
   Calendar^ myCal = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->Calendar;
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );
   // Adds 5 to every component of the DateTime.
   myDT = myCal->AddYears( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddMonths( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddWeeks( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddDays( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddHours( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddMinutes( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddSeconds( myDT, 5 );
   myDT = myCal->AddMilliseconds( myDT, 5 );
   // Displays the values of the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:" );
   DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
Era:          1
Year:         2002
Month:        4
DayOfYear:    93
DayOfMonth:   3
DayOfWeek:    Wednesday
Hour:         0
Minute:       0
Second:       0
Milliseconds: 0

After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:
Era:          1
Year:         2007
Month:        10
DayOfYear:    286
DayOfMonth:   13
DayOfWeek:    Saturday
Hour:         5
Minute:       5
Second:       5
Milliseconds: 5

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      DateTime myDT = new DateTime( 2002, 4, 3, new GregorianCalendar() );

      // Uses the default calendar of the InvariantCulture.
      Calendar myCal = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar;

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

      // Adds 5 to every component of the DateTime.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddWeeks( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddDays( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddHours( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddMinutes( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddSeconds( myDT, 5 );
      myDT = myCal.AddMilliseconds( myDT, 5 );

      // Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:" );
      DisplayValues( myCal, myDT );

   public static void DisplayValues( Calendar myCal, DateTime myDT )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   Era:          {0}", myCal.GetEra( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Year:         {0}", myCal.GetYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Month:        {0}", myCal.GetMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfYear:    {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfMonth:   {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   DayOfWeek:    {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Hour:         {0}", myCal.GetHour( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Minute:       {0}", myCal.GetMinute( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Second:       {0}", myCal.GetSecond( myDT ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "   Milliseconds: {0}", myCal.GetMilliseconds( myDT ) );

This code produces the following output.

April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
   Era:          1
   Year:         2002
   Month:        4
   DayOfYear:    93
   DayOfMonth:   3
   DayOfWeek:    Wednesday
   Hour:         0
   Minute:       0
   Second:       0
   Milliseconds: 0

After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:
   Era:          1
   Year:         2007
   Month:        10
   DayOfYear:    286
   DayOfMonth:   13
   DayOfWeek:    Saturday
   Hour:         5
   Minute:       5
   Second:       5
   Milliseconds: 5

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCalendar   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Sets a DateTime to April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar.
      Dim myDT As New DateTime(2002, 4, 3, New GregorianCalendar())

      ' Uses the default calendar of the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myCal As Calendar = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

      ' Adds 5 to every component of the DateTime.
      myDT = myCal.AddYears(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddMonths(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddWeeks(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddDays(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddHours(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddMinutes(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddSeconds(myDT, 5)
      myDT = myCal.AddMilliseconds(myDT, 5)

      ' Displays the values of the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:")
      DisplayValues(myCal, myDT)

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub DisplayValues(myCal As Calendar, myDT As DateTime)
      Console.WriteLine("   Era:          {0}", myCal.GetEra(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Year:         {0}", myCal.GetYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Month:        {0}", myCal.GetMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfYear:    {0}", myCal.GetDayOfYear(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfMonth:   {0}", myCal.GetDayOfMonth(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfWeek:    {0}", myCal.GetDayOfWeek(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Hour:         {0}", myCal.GetHour(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Minute:       {0}", myCal.GetMinute(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Second:       {0}", myCal.GetSecond(myDT))
      Console.WriteLine("   Milliseconds: {0}", myCal.GetMilliseconds(myDT))
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'April 3, 2002 of the Gregorian calendar:
'   Era:          1
'   Year:         2002
'   Month:        4
'   DayOfYear:    93
'   DayOfMonth:   3
'   DayOfWeek:    Wednesday
'   Hour:         0
'   Minute:       0
'   Second:       0
'   Milliseconds: 0
'After adding 5 to each component of the DateTime:
'   Era:          1
'   Year:         2007
'   Month:        10
'   DayOfYear:    286
'   DayOfMonth:   13
'   DayOfWeek:    Saturday
'   Hour:         5
'   Minute:       5
'   Second:       5
'   Milliseconds: 5


Wartość seconds jest dodawana do określonego DateTimeelementu . Jeśli seconds wartość jest ujemna, wynik DateTime jest wcześniejszy niż określony DateTime.

Część dnia wynikowego DateTime ma wpływ, jeśli wynikowy czas jest poza dniem określonego DateTime. Część miesiąca wynikowej DateTime ma wpływ, jeśli wynikowy dzień znajduje się poza miesiącem określonego DateTime. Część roku wynikowego ma wpływ, jeśli wynikowy DateTime miesiąc jest poza rokiem określonego DateTime. Część epoki wynikowej DateTime ma wpływ, jeśli wynikowy rok jest poza erą określonego DateTime.

Właściwość Kind zwracanej DateTime wartości zawsze jest równa DateTimeKind.Unspecified. Właściwość parametru time można zachowaćKind, wywołując metodęDateTime.SpecifyKind, jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie.

returnTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(cal.AddSeconds(time, seconds), time.Kind);
returnTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(cal.AddSeconds(time, seconds), time.Kind)


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