XmlTextReader.Depth Właściwość


Pobiera głębokość bieżącego węzła w dokumencie XML.

 virtual property int Depth { int get(); };
public override int Depth { get; }
member this.Depth : int
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Depth As Integer

Wartość właściwości


Głębokość bieżącego węzła w dokumencie XML.


Poniższy przykład przedstawia każdy węzeł, w tym jego głębokość, numer wiersza i położenie wiersza.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   // Create the XML fragment to be parsed.
   String^ xmlFrag = "<book>\n"
   // Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
   NameTable^ nt = gcnew NameTable;
   XmlNamespaceManager^ nsmgr = gcnew XmlNamespaceManager( nt );
   // Create the XmlParserContext.
   XmlParserContext^ context = gcnew XmlParserContext( nullptr,nsmgr,nullptr,XmlSpace::None );
   // Create the reader.
   XmlTextReader^ reader = gcnew XmlTextReader( xmlFrag,XmlNodeType::Element,context );
   // Parse the XML and display each node.
   while ( reader->Read() )
      switch ( reader->NodeType )
         case XmlNodeType::Element:
            Console::Write( " {0} {1}, {2}  ", reader->Depth, reader->LineNumber, reader->LinePosition );
            Console::WriteLine( "< {0}>", reader->Name );

         case XmlNodeType::Text:
            Console::Write( " {0} {1}, {2}  ", reader->Depth, reader->LineNumber, reader->LinePosition );
            Console::WriteLine( " {0}", reader->Value );

         case XmlNodeType::EndElement:
            Console::Write( " {0} {1}, {2}  ", reader->Depth, reader->LineNumber, reader->LinePosition );
            Console::WriteLine( "</ {0}>", reader->Name );

   // Close the reader.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample{

  public static void Main(){

    // Create the XML fragment to be parsed.
    string xmlFrag  =

    // Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
    NameTable nt = new NameTable();
    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);

    // Create the XmlParserContext.
    XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, nsmgr, null, XmlSpace.None);

    // Create the reader.
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlFrag, XmlNodeType.Element, context);

    // Parse the XML and display each node.
    while (reader.Read()){
       switch (reader.NodeType){
         case XmlNodeType.Element:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
           Console.WriteLine("<{0}>", reader.Name);
         case XmlNodeType.Text:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
           Console.WriteLine("  {0}", reader.Value);
         case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition);
           Console.WriteLine("</{0}>", reader.Name);

    // Close the reader.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

public class Sample

  public shared sub Main()

    ' Create the XML fragment to be parsed.
    Dim xmlFrag as string = "<book>" + Chr(10) & _
                                    "  <misc>"  + Chr(10) & _
                                    "    <style>paperback</style>"  + Chr(10) & _
                                    "    <pages>240</pages>" + Chr(10) & _
                                    "  </misc>" + Chr(10) & _

    ' Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
    Dim nt as NameTable = new NameTable()
    Dim nsmgr as XmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt)

    ' Create the XmlParserContext.
    Dim context as XmlParserContext = new XmlParserContext(nothing, nsmgr, nothing, XmlSpace.None)

    ' Create the reader.
    Dim reader as XmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(xmlFrag, XmlNodeType.Element, context)

    ' Parse the XML and display each node.
    while (reader.Read())
       select case reader.NodeType
         case XmlNodeType.Element:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition)
           Console.WriteLine("<{0}>", reader.Name)
         case XmlNodeType.Text:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition)
           Console.WriteLine("  {0}", reader.Value)
         case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
           Console.Write("{0} {1},{2}  ", reader.Depth, reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition)
           Console.WriteLine("</{0}>", reader.Name)
       end select       
    end while           

    ' Close the reader.
  end sub
end class



Począwszy od .NET Framework 2.0, zalecamy utworzenie XmlReader wystąpień przy użyciu metody , aby korzystać z XmlReader.Create nowych funkcji.


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