TraceSource.GetSupportedAttributes 方法



 virtual cli::array <System::String ^> ^ GetSupportedAttributes();
protected public:
 virtual cli::array <System::String ^> ^ GetSupportedAttributes();
protected virtual string[]? GetSupportedAttributes ();
protected virtual string[] GetSupportedAttributes ();
protected internal virtual string[] GetSupportedAttributes ();
abstract member GetSupportedAttributes : unit -> string[]
override this.GetSupportedAttributes : unit -> string[]
Protected Overridable Function GetSupportedAttributes () As String()
Protected Friend Overridable Function GetSupportedAttributes () As String()



对跟踪源支持的自定义特性进行命名的字符串数组;如果不存在自定义特性,则为 null


下面的代码示例演示方法的重写, GetSupportedAttributes 以标识 类的 MyTraceSource 自定义属性。

public class MyTraceSource : TraceSource
    string firstAttribute = "";
    string secondAttribute = "";
    public MyTraceSource(string n) : base(n) {}

    public string FirstTraceSourceAttribute
        get {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this.Attributes)
                if (de.Key.ToString().ToLower() == "firsttracesourceattribute")
                    firstAttribute = de.Value.ToString() ;
            return firstAttribute;
        set { firstAttribute = value; }

    public string SecondTraceSourceAttribute
        get {
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this.Attributes)
                if (de.Key.ToString().ToLower() == "secondtracesourceattribute")
                    secondAttribute = de.Value.ToString();
            return secondAttribute; }
        set { secondAttribute = value; }

    protected override string[] GetSupportedAttributes()
        // Allow the use of the attributes in the configuration file.
        return new string[] { "FirstTraceSourceAttribute", "SecondTraceSourceAttribute" };
Public Class MyTraceSource
    Inherits TraceSource
    Private firstAttribute As String = ""
    Private secondAttribute As String = ""

    Public Sub New(ByVal n As String)

    End Sub

    Public Property FirstTraceSourceAttribute() As String
            Dim de As DictionaryEntry
            For Each de In Me.Attributes
                If de.Key.ToString().ToLower() = "firsttracesourceattribute" Then
                    firstAttribute = de.Value.ToString()
                End If
            Next de
            Return firstAttribute
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            firstAttribute = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property SecondTraceSourceAttribute() As String
            Dim de As DictionaryEntry
            For Each de In Me.Attributes
                If de.Key.ToString().ToLower() = "secondtracesourceattribute" Then
                    secondAttribute = de.Value.ToString()
                End If
            Next de
            Return secondAttribute
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            secondAttribute = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Protected Overrides Function GetSupportedAttributes() As String()
        ' Allow the use of the attributes in the configuration file.
        Return New String() {"FirstTraceSourceAttribute", "SecondTraceSourceAttribute"}

    End Function 'GetSupportedAttributes
End Class


的默认实现 GetSupportedAttributes 返回 null


TraceSource 类或派生类继承时,可以重写 GetSupportedAttributes() 方法,为类提供自定义属性。
