SiteMapProvider.GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode) 方法


当在派生类中被重写时,将检索特定 SiteMapNode 的子节点。

 abstract System::Web::SiteMapNodeCollection ^ GetChildNodes(System::Web::SiteMapNode ^ node);
public abstract System.Web.SiteMapNodeCollection GetChildNodes (System.Web.SiteMapNode node);
abstract member GetChildNodes : System.Web.SiteMapNode -> System.Web.SiteMapNodeCollection
Public MustOverride Function GetChildNodes (node As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNodeCollection



要检索其所有子节点的 SiteMapNode


包含指定 SiteMapNodeCollection 的直接子节点的只读 SiteMapNode;如果不存在子节点,则为 null 或空集合。


下面的代码示例演示如何在实现 GetChildNodes 抽象 SiteMapProvider 类的类中实现 方法。 将SimpleTextSiteMapProvider分层父/子关系存储在一个对象中,将所有SiteMapNode对象存储在另一Hashtable个对象中。 方法 GetChildNodes 使用这两 ArrayList 个 对象执行反向查找。

此代码示例是为 SiteMapProvider 类提供的一个更大示例的一部分。

// Implement the GetChildNodes method.
public override SiteMapNodeCollection GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode node)
  SiteMapNodeCollection children = new SiteMapNodeCollection();
  // Iterate through the ArrayList and find all nodes that have the specified node as a parent.
  lock (this)
    for (int i = 0; i < childParentRelationship.Count; i++)

      string nodeUrl = ((DictionaryEntry)childParentRelationship[i]).Key as string;

      SiteMapNode parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, nodeUrl);

      if (parent != null && node.Url == parent.Url)
        // The SiteMapNode with the Url that corresponds to nodeUrl
        // is a child of the specified node. Get the SiteMapNode for
        // the nodeUrl.
        SiteMapNode child = FindSiteMapNode(nodeUrl);
        if (child != null)
          children.Add(child as SiteMapNode);
          throw new Exception("ArrayLists not in sync.");
  return children;
protected override SiteMapNode GetRootNodeCore()
  return RootNode;
// Implement the GetParentNode method.
public override SiteMapNode GetParentNode(SiteMapNode node)
  // Check the childParentRelationship table and find the parent of the current node.
  // If there is no parent, the current node is the RootNode.
  SiteMapNode parent = null;
  lock (this)
    // Get the Value of the node in childParentRelationship
    parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, node.Url);
  return parent;
' Implement the GetChildNodes method.
Public Overrides Function GetChildNodes(ByVal node As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNodeCollection
  Dim children As New SiteMapNodeCollection()
  ' Iterate through the ArrayList and find all nodes that have the specified node as a parent.
  SyncLock Me
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To childParentRelationship.Count - 1

      Dim de As DictionaryEntry = CType(childParentRelationship(i), DictionaryEntry)
      Dim nodeUrl As String = CType(de.Key, String)

      Dim parent As SiteMapNode = GetNode(childParentRelationship, nodeUrl)

      If Not (parent Is Nothing) AndAlso node.Url = parent.Url Then
        ' The SiteMapNode with the Url that corresponds to nodeUrl
        ' is a child of the specified node. Get the SiteMapNode for
        ' the nodeUrl.
        Dim child As SiteMapNode = FindSiteMapNode(nodeUrl)
        If Not (child Is Nothing) Then
          children.Add(CType(child, SiteMapNode))
          Throw New Exception("ArrayLists not in sync.")
        End If
      End If
    Next i
  End SyncLock
  Return children
End Function 'GetChildNodes

Protected Overrides Function GetRootNodeCore() As SiteMapNode
  Return RootNode
End Function ' GetRootNodeCore()

' Implement the GetParentNode method.
Public Overrides Function GetParentNode(ByVal node As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNode
  ' Check the childParentRelationship table and find the parent of the current node.
  ' If there is no parent, the current node is the RootNode.
  Dim parent As SiteMapNode = Nothing
  SyncLock Me
    ' Get the Value of the node in childParentRelationship
    parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, node.Url)
  End SyncLock
  Return parent
End Function 'GetParentNode


派生自 类的 SiteMapProvider 类必须实现抽象 GetChildNodes 方法。


在派生类中重写 GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode) 方法时,请确保对子节点执行安全修整,并确保返回的集合是只读的。 集合仅包含指定 node的直接子级。

