Label.Image 属性


获取或设置显示在 Label 上的图像。

 property System::Drawing::Image ^ Image { System::Drawing::Image ^ get(); void set(System::Drawing::Image ^ value); };
public System.Drawing.Image Image { get; set; }
public System.Drawing.Image? Image { get; set; }
member this.Image : System.Drawing.Image with get, set
Public Property Image As Image



显示在 Image 上的 Label。 默认值为 null


下面的代码示例演示如何创建一个 Label ,然后显示 Image 隐藏的 Label代码示例。 首先,该示例创建一个 Label ,然后基于磁盘文件创建一个 Image 。 接下来,初始化属性Size以包含 .Image 最后,属性 Image 初始化为 Image.

   void CreateMyLabel()
      // Create a new label and create a bitmap.
      Label^ label1 = gcnew Label;
      Image^ image1 = Image::FromFile( "c:\\MyImage.bmp" );

      // Set the size of the label to accommodate the bitmap size.
      label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( image1->Width, image1->Height );

      // Initialize the label control's Image property.
      label1->Image = image1;

      // ...Code to add the control to the form...
public void CreateMyLabel() 
    // Create a new label and create a bitmap.

    Label label1 = new Label();
    Image image1 = Image.FromFile("c:\\MyImage.bmp");

    // Set the size of the label to accommodate the bitmap size.

    label1.Size = new Size(image1.Width, image1.Height);

    // Initialize the label control's Image property.

    label1.Image = image1;

    // ...Code to add the control to the form...
Private Sub CreateMyLabel()

    ' Create a new label and bitmap.

    Dim Label1 As New Label()
    Dim Image1 As Image

    Image1 = Image.FromFile("c:\\MyImage.bmp")

    ' Set the size of the label to accommodate the bitmap size.

    Label1.Size = Image1.Size        

    ' Initialize the label control's Image property.

    Label1.Image = Image1

    ' ...Code to add the control to the form...

End Sub


Image属性不能与ImageList属性ImageIndex同时使用。 Image当属性用于显示图像时,ImageList属性ImageIndex将自动设置为其默认设置。

