Task.ActualDuration 属性 (Project)

获取或设置任务的实际工期 (以分钟为单位)。 只读的摘要任务。 读/写 Variant



表达 一个代表 Task 对象的变量。



Sub MarkLongDurationTasks() 
 Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop 
 Dim Minutes As Long ' Duration entered by user 
 ' Prompt user for the actual duration, in minutes. 
 Minutes = Val(InputBox$("Enter the actual duration, in minutes: ")) 
 ' Don't do anything if the InputBox$ was cancelled. 
 If Minutes = 0 Then Exit Sub 
 ' Cycle through the tasks of the active project. 
 For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 
 ' Mark a task if it exceeds the duration. 
 If T.ActualDuration > Minutes Then T.Marked = True 
 Next T 
End Sub


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