Engage customers through applications

Build cloud-native applications to connect customers in new ways. Cloud-native applications are built from the ground up, optimized for cloud scale and performance. Cloud-native applications are based on microservices architecture, use managed services, and take advantage of continuous delivery to achieve reliability and faster time to market.

Innovation with applications includes both modernizing your existing applications that are hosted on-premises and building cloud-native applications by using containers or serverless technologies. Azure provides PaaS services like Azure App Service to help you easily modernize your existing web and API apps written in .NET, .NET Core, Java, Node.js, Ruby, Python, or PHP for deployment in Azure.

With an open-standard container model, building microservices or containerizing your existing applications and deploying them on Azure is simple when you use managed services like Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instances, and Web App for Containers. Serverless technologies like Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps use a consumption model (pay for what you use) and help you focus on building your application rather than deploying and managing infrastructure.

One of the advantages of cloud-based solutions is the ability to gather feedback faster and start delivering value to your user. Whether that user is an external customer or a user in your own company, the faster you can get feedback on your applications, the better.

Azure App Service

Azure App Service provides a hosting environment for your applications that removes the burden of infrastructure management and OS patching. It provides automation of scale to meet the demands of your users while bound by limits that you define to keep costs in check.

Azure App Service provides first-class support for languages like ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, and Python. If you need to host another runtime stack, Web App for Containers lets you quickly and easily host a Docker container within App Service, so you can host your custom code stack in an environment that gets you out of the server business.


To configure or monitor Azure App Service deployments:

  1. Go to App Services.
  2. Configure a new service: select Add and follow the prompts.
  3. Manage existing services: select the desired application from the list of hosted applications.

Azure Cognitive Services

With Azure Cognitive Services, you can infuse advanced intelligence directly into your application through a set of APIs that let you take advantage of Microsoft-supported AI and machine learning algorithms.


To configure or monitor Azure Cognitive Services deployments:

  1. Go to Cognitive Services.
  2. Configure a new service: select Add and follow the prompts.
  3. Manage existing services: select the desired service from the list of hosted services.

Azure Bot Service

Azure Bot Service extends your standard application by adding a natural bot interface that uses AI and machine learning to create a new way to interact with your customers.


To configure or monitor Azure Bot Service deployments:

  1. Go to Bot Services.
  2. Configure a new service: select Add and follow the prompts.
  3. Manage existing services: select the desired bot from the list of hosted services.

Azure DevOps

During your innovation journey, you'll eventually find yourself on the path to DevOps. Microsoft has long had an on-premises product known as Team Foundation Server (TFS). During our own innovation journey, Microsoft developed Azure DevOps, a cloud-based service that provides build and release tools supporting many languages and destinations for your releases. For more information, see Azure DevOps.

Visual Studio App Center

As mobile apps continue to grow in popularity, the need for a platform that can provide automated testing on real devices of various configurations grows. Visual Studio App Center not only provides a place where you can test your cloud-native applications across iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS, it also provides a monitoring platform that can use Azure Application Insights to analyze your telemetry quickly and easily. For more information, see Visual Studio App Center.

Visual Studio App Center also provides a notification service that lets you use a single call to send notifications to your application across platforms without having to contact each notification service individually.

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