

Having completed this module, you now have a better understanding of how Log Analytics and alerts can help highlight issues before they become a problem. You know about the different gateways, and when to reset them. Also, you understand the tools available, and why some key issues can cause problems with certificate-based VPN connections.

Now you’ve completed this module, you should be able to:

  • Explore Log Analytics to determine which logs can help to resolve key issues in your organization.

  • Understand the different gateways and SKUs.

  • Determine when it's necessary to reset VPN Gateways.

  • Differentiate between error types to troubleshoot connections.

  • Outline the key issues with certificate-based VPN connections.

Learn more

Use these resources to discover more about the topics covered.

Tutorial - Connect an on-premises network and a virtual network: S2S VPN: Azure portal - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

About ExpressRoute virtual network gateways - Azure | Microsoft Docs

Azure VPN Gateway configuration settings | Microsoft Docs

Gateway SKUs by tunnel, connection, and throughput

About BGP with VPN Gateway - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Download VPN device configuration scripts for S2S VPN connections - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Editing a sample VPN device script

Log Analytics tutorial - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs

Reset a VPN gateway or connection to reestablish IPsec tunnels - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Troubleshoot an Azure site-to-site VPN connection that can't connect - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Connect a computer to a virtual network using Point-to-Site and RADIUS authentication: PowerShell - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Configuring a RADIUS server

Azure VPN Gateway: Create & install VPN client config files - P2S RADIUS connections | Microsoft Docs

Monitoring Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Troubleshoot Point-to-Site connections: macOS X clients - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Troubleshoot Point-to-Site VPN clients - Microsoft Entra authentication - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Troubleshoot Azure point-to-site connection problems - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs