DSC Registry Resource
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows PowerShell 5.x
The Registry resource in Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) provides a mechanism to manage registry keys and values on a target node.
This documentation of this DSC resource covers the version that's included with PowerShell prior to version 7.2. The PSDscResources module contains new and updated DSC Resources that are officially supported by Microsoft. The PSDscResources module is available from the PowerShell Gallery.
For more information and updated documentation, see the PSDscResources reference documentation.
Registry [string] #ResourceName
Key = [string]
ValueName = [string]
[ Force = [bool] ]
[ Hex = [bool] ]
[ ValueData = [string[]] ]
[ ValueType = [string] { Binary | Dword | ExpandString | MultiString | Qword | String } ]
[ DependsOn = [string[]] ]
[ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
[ PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential] ]
Property | Description |
Key | Indicates the path of the registry key for which you want to ensure a specific state. This path must include the hive. |
ValueName | Indicates the name of the registry value. To add or remove a registry key, specify this property as an empty string without specifying ValueType or ValueData. To modify or remove the default value of a registry key, specify this property as an empty string while also specifying ValueType or ValueData. |
Force | If the specified registry key is present, Force overwrites it with the new value. If deleting a registry key with subkeys, this needs to be $true . |
Hex | Indicates if data will be expressed in hexadecimal format. If specified, the DWORD/QWORD value data is presented in hexadecimal format. Not valid for other types. The default value is $false . |
ValueData | The data for the registry value. |
ValueType | Indicates the type of the value. The supported types are: String (REG_SZ), Binary (REG_BINARY), Dword (32-bit REG_DWORD), Qword (64-bit REG_QWORD), MultiString (REG_MULTI_SZ), ExpandString (REG_EXPAND_SZ). |
Property | Description |
DependsOn | Indicates that the configuration of another resource must run before this resource is configured. For example, if the ID of the resource configuration script block that you want to run first is ResourceName and its type is ResourceType, the syntax for using this property is DependsOn = "[ResourceType]ResourceName" . |
Ensure | Indicates if the key and value exist. To ensure that they do, set this property to Present. To ensure that they do not exist, set the property to Absent. The default value is Present. |
PsDscRunAsCredential | Sets the credential for running the entire resource as. |
The PsDscRunAsCredential common property was added in WMF 5.0 to allow running any DSC resource in the context of other credentials. For more information, see Use Credentials with DSC Resources.
This example ensures that the registry value "TestValue" under a key named "ExampleKey1" is present in the HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE
hive and has the data "TestData".
Configuration RegistryTest
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
Registry RegistryExample
Ensure = "Present" # You can also set Ensure to "Absent"
ValueName = "TestValue"
ValueData = "TestData"
This example ensures that a key named "ExampleKey2" is present in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.
Configuration RegistryTest
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
Registry RegistryExample
Ensure = "Present" # You can also set Ensure to "Absent"
ValueName = ""
Changing a registry setting in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
hive requires that the configuration runs
with user credentials, rather than as the system. You can use the PsDscRunAsCredential
property to specify user credentials for the configuration. For an example, see
Running DSC with user credentials.
DSC feedback
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