WiaPropertyType Enumeration

Specifies the type of the value of an item property. Item properties can be found in the Properties collection of a Device or Item object.


Enum WiaPropertyType
    UnsupportedPropertyType = 0
    BooleanPropertyType = 1
    BytePropertyType = 2
    IntegerPropertyType = 3
    UnsignedIntegerPropertyType = 4
    LongPropertyType = 5
    UnsignedLongPropertyType = 6
    ErrorCodePropertyType = 7
    LargeIntegerPropertyType = 8
    UnsignedLargeIntegerPropertyType = 9
    SinglePropertyType = 10
    DoublePropertyType = 11
    CurrencyPropertyType = 12
    DatePropertyType = 13
    FileTimePropertyType = 14
    ClassIDPropertyType = 15
    StringPropertyType = 16
    ObjectPropertyType = 17
    HandlePropertyType = 18
    VariantPropertyType = 19
    VectorOfBooleansPropertyType = 101
    VectorOfBytesPropertyType = 102
    VectorOfIntegersPropertyType = 103
    VectorOfUnsignedIntegersPropertyType = 104
    VectorOfLongsPropertyType = 105
    VectorOfUnsignedLongsPropertyType = 106
    VectorOfErrorCodesPropertyType = 107
    VectorOfLargeIntegersPropertyType = 108
    VectorOfUnsignedLargeIntegersPropertyType = 109
    VectorOfSinglesPropertyType = 110
    VectorOfDoublesPropertyType = 111
    VectorOfCurrenciesPropertyType = 112
    VectorOfDatesPropertyType = 113
    VectorOfFileTimesPropertyType = 114
    VectorOfClassIDsPropertyType = 115
    VectorOfStringsPropertyType = 116
    VectorOfVariantsPropertyType = 119
End Enum


  • UnsupportedPropertyType
    The value of the property is an unsupported type.
  • BooleanPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Boolean.
  • BytePropertyType
    The value of the property is a Byte.
  • IntegerPropertyType
    The value of the property is an Integer.
  • UnsignedIntegerPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a non-negative Integer.
  • LongPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Long.
  • UnsignedLongPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a non-negative Long.
  • ErrorCodePropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Long.
  • LargeIntegerPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Large Integer returned as a truncated Long.
  • UnsignedLargeIntegerPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a truncated non-negative Long.
  • SinglePropertyType
    The value of the property is a Single.
  • DoublePropertyType
    The value of the property is a Double.
  • CurrencyPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Currency.
  • DatePropertyType
    The value of the property is a Date.
  • FileTimePropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Date.
  • ClassIDPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a String.
  • StringPropertyType
    The value of the property is a String.
  • ObjectPropertyType
    The value of the property is an Object.
  • HandlePropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Variant.
  • VariantPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Variant.
  • VectorOfBooleansPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Boolean elements.
  • VectorOfBytesPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Byte elements.
  • VectorOfIntegersPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Integer elements.
  • VectorOfUnsignedIntegersPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing non-negative Integer elements.
  • VectorOfLongsPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Long elements.
  • VectorOfUnsignedLongsPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing non-negative Long elements.
  • VectorOfErrorCodesPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing Long elements.
  • VectorOfLargeIntegersPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing truncated Long elements.
  • VectorOfUnsignedLargeIntegersPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing truncated non-negative Long elements.
  • VectorOfSinglesPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Single elements.
  • VectorOfDoublesPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Double elements.
  • VectorOfCurrenciesPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Currency elements.
  • VectorOfDatesPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Date elements.
  • VectorOfFileTimesPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing Date elements.
  • VectorOfClassIDsPropertyType
    The value of the property is returned as a Vector object containing String elements.
  • VectorOfStringsPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing String elements.
  • VectorOfVariantsPropertyType
    The value of the property is a Vector object containing Variant elements.


The value of the Type property on a Property object, when it comes from a Properties collection on a Device, DeviceInfo, Filter, or Item object, can return one of the members of the WiaPropertyType enumeration. This gives more information about the type of value contained in the Value property.

For example code, see Display all the Properties for the Selected Device in Shared Samples.

Enumeration Information

Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1