CreateClusterResourceType function (clusapi.h)

Creates a resource type in a cluster. The PCLUSAPI_CREATE_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE type defines a pointer to this function.


DWORD CreateClusterResourceType(
  [in] HCLUSTER hCluster,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszResourceTypeName,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszDisplayName,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszResourceTypeDll,
  [in] DWORD    dwLooksAlivePollInterval,
  [in] DWORD    dwIsAlivePollInterval


[in] hCluster

Handle to the cluster to receive the new resource type.

[in] lpszResourceTypeName

Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string containing the name of the new resource type. The specified name must be unique within the cluster.

[in] lpszDisplayName

Pointer to the display name for the new resource type. While the content of lpszResourceTypeName should uniquely identify the resource type on all clusters, the content of lpszDisplayName should be a localized friendly name for the resource suitable for displaying to administrators.

[in] lpszResourceTypeDll

Pointer to the fully qualified name of the resource DLL for the new resource type or the path name relative to the Cluster directory.

[in] dwLooksAlivePollInterval

Default millisecond value to be used as the poll interval needed by the new resource type's LooksAlive function. The dwLooksAlivePollInterval parameter is used to set the resource type's LooksAlivePollInterval property.

[in] dwIsAlivePollInterval

Default millisecond value to be used as the poll interval needed by the new resource type's IsAlive function. The dwIsAlivePollInterval parameter is used to set the resource type's IsAlivePollInterval property.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the operation fails, the function returns a system error code.


The CreateClusterResourceType function only defines the resource type in the cluster database and registers the resource type with the Cluster service. To complete the process of installing a new resource type in a cluster, developers must install the resource DLLs and Cluster Administrator extension DLLs for the new types on each node in the cluster. Also, if Cluster Administrator will be used on systems that are not member nodes, the extension DLLs must also be installed on those systems.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also




