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KinectGestureRecognizer Class

Provides gesture and manipulation recognition, and settings.


public ref class KinectGestureRecognizer sealed
public sealed class KinectGestureRecognizer
var kinectGestureRecognizer = WindowsPreview.Kinect.Input.KinectGestureRecognizer;


KinectGestureRecognizer has the following members.


Name Description
KinectGestureRecognizer Initializes a new instance of the KinectGestureRecognizer class.


Name Description
AutoProcessInertia Gets or sets a value that indicates whether manipulations during inertia are generated automatically. If false, the app is expected to call ProcessInertia periodically.
BoundingRect Gets the bounds of a tappable gesture recognizer.
GestureSettings Gets or sets a value that indicates the gesture and manipulation settings supported by an application.
InertiaTranslationDeceleration Gets or sets a value that indicates the rate of deceleration from the start of inertia to the end of inertia (when the translation manipulation is complete).
InertiaTranslationDisplacement Gets or sets a value that indicates the relative change in the screen location of an object from the start of inertia to the end of inertia (when the translation manipulation is complete).
IsActive Gets a value that indicates whether an interaction is being processed.
IsInertial Gets a value that indicates whether a manipulation is still being processed during inertia (no input points are active).


Name Description
CompleteGesture Causes the gesture recognizer to finalize an interaction.
ProcessDownEvent Processes pointer input and raises the KinectGestureRecognizer events appropriate to a pointer down action for the gestures and manipulations specified by the GestureSettings property.
ProcessInertia Performs inertia calculations and raises the various inertia events.
ProcessMoveEvents Processes pointer input and raises the KinectGestureRecognizer events appropriate to a pointer move action for the gestures and manipulations specified by the GestureSettings property.
ProcessUpEvent Processes pointer input and raises the KinectGestureRecognizer events appropriate to a pointer up action for the gestures and manipulations specified by the GestureSettings property."


Name Description
Holding Occurs when a user performs a press and hold gesture.
ManipulationCompleted Occurs when the input points are lifted and all subsequent motion (translation or zoom) through inertia has ended.
ManipulationInertiaStarting Occurs when all contact points are lifted during a manipulation and the velocity of the manipulation is significant enough to initiate inertia behavior (translation and zoom continue after the input pointers are lifted).
ManipulationStarted Occurs when one or more input points have been initiated and subsequent motion (translation or zoom) has begun.
ManipulationUpdated Occurs after one or more input points have been initiated and subsequent motion (translation or zoom) is under way.
PressingCompleted Occurs when the system no longer considers the pointer to be over a tappable gesture recognizer.
PressingStarted Occurs when the pointer begins a press gesture over a tappable gesture recognizer.
PressingUpdated Occurs as additional points are processed by the gesture recognizer during a press gesture.
Tapped Occurs when the Kinect for Windows sensor input is interpreted as a tap gesture.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect.Input

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect.Input Namespace