Enhance your landing zone


Information in the previous units helps you prepare for your first efforts toward cloud adoption, but no single implementation option for an Azure landing zone can meet all of your needs. To reach true scale in the cloud, you'll need to keep investing in your Azure landing zones to reach operating model requirements for governance, security, and operations management.

This unit builds on the principles of landing zone refactoring. As outlined in the article Refactor landing zones, a refactoring approach to infrastructure as code removes blockers to business success while minimizing risk. That article assumes you've deployed your first landing zone and now want to expand that landing zone to meet enterprise requirements.

Shared architecture principles

Expanding your landing zone provides a code-first approach to embedding the following principles into the landing zone and more broadly into your overall cloud environment:

Diagram that illustrates shared architecture principals.

Azure Advisor, the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework, and the solutions in the Azure Architecture Center share these same principles.

Applying these principles to your landing zone improvements

To better align with the methodologies of the Cloud Adoption Framework, the preceding principles can be grouped into actionable improvements for landing zones:

  • Basic considerations: Refactor a landing zone to refine hosting, fundamentals, and other foundational elements.
  • Operations expansions: Add operations management configurations to improve performance, reliability, and operational excellence.
  • Governance expansions: Add governance configurations to improve cost, reliability, security, and consistency.
  • Security expansions: Add security configurations to improve protection of sensitive data and critical systems.

The Cloud Adoption Framework and its associated Learn modules for Govern, Manage, and Secure address each of these requirements in parallel methodologies. For more information, see the Journey toward the target architecture article.