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INameCreationService Interfejs


Udostępnia usługę, która może generować unikatowe nazwy obiektów.

public interface class INameCreationService
public interface INameCreationService
type INameCreationService = interface
Public Interface INameCreationService


Poniższy przykładowy kod zawiera przykładową INameCreationService implementację. Usługa może utworzyć unikatową nazwę na podstawie typu, który nie pasuje do żadnych nazw w określonym kontenerze. Może również zweryfikować określony ciąg nazwy.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design::Serialization;
using namespace System::Globalization;

namespace NameCreationServiceExample
   public ref class NameCreationService: public System::ComponentModel::Design::Serialization::INameCreationService

      // Creates an identifier for a particular data type that does not conflict 
      // with the identifiers of any components in the specified collection.
      virtual String^ CreateName( System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ container, System::Type^ dataType )
         // Create a basic type name string.
         String^ baseName = dataType->Name;
         int uniqueID = 1;
         bool unique = false;

         // Continue to increment uniqueID numeral until a 
         // unique ID is located.
         while (  !unique )
            unique = true;

            // Check each component in the container for a matching 
            // base type name and unique ID.
            for ( int i = 0; i < container->Components->Count; i++ )
               // Check component name for match with unique ID string.
               if ( container->Components[ i ]->Site->Name->StartsWith( String::Concat( baseName, uniqueID ) ) )
                  // If a match is encountered, set flag to recycle 
                  // collection, increment ID numeral, and restart.
                  unique = false;

         return String::Concat( baseName, uniqueID );

      // Returns whether the specified name contains 
      // all valid character types.
      virtual bool IsValidName( String^ name )
         for ( int i = 0; i < name->Length; i++ )
            Char ch = name[ i ];
            UnicodeCategory uc = Char::GetUnicodeCategory( ch );
            switch ( uc )
               case UnicodeCategory::UppercaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::LowercaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::TitlecaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::DecimalDigitNumber:

                  return false;
         return true;

      // Throws an exception if the specified name does not contain 
      // all valid character types.
      virtual void ValidateName( String^ name )
         for ( int i = 0; i < name->Length; i++ )
            Char ch = name[ i ];
            UnicodeCategory uc = Char::GetUnicodeCategory( ch );
            switch ( uc )
               case UnicodeCategory::UppercaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::LowercaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::TitlecaseLetter:
               case UnicodeCategory::DecimalDigitNumber:

                  throw gcnew Exception( String::Format( "The name '{0}' is not a valid identifier.", name ) );
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Globalization;

namespace NameCreationServiceExample
    public class NameCreationService : System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService
        public NameCreationService()

        // Creates an identifier for a particular data type that does not conflict 
        // with the identifiers of any components in the specified collection.
        public string CreateName(System.ComponentModel.IContainer container, System.Type dataType)
            // Create a basic type name string.
            string baseName = dataType.Name;
            int uniqueID = 1;

            bool unique = false;            
            // Continue to increment uniqueID numeral until a 
            // unique ID is located.
            while( !unique )
                unique = true;
                // Check each component in the container for a matching 
                // base type name and unique ID.
                for(int i=0; i<container.Components.Count; i++)
                    // Check component name for match with unique ID string.
                    if( container.Components[i].Site.Name.StartsWith(baseName+uniqueID.ToString()) )
                        // If a match is encountered, set flag to recycle 
                        // collection, increment ID numeral, and restart.
                        unique = false;
            return baseName+uniqueID.ToString();

        // Returns whether the specified name contains 
        // all valid character types.
        public bool IsValidName(string name)
            for(int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                char ch = name[i];
                UnicodeCategory uc = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(ch);
                switch (uc) 
                    case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:       
                    case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:     
                    case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter:                                                  
                    case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber:                         
                        return false;                
            return true;        

        // Throws an exception if the specified name does not contain 
        // all valid character types.
        public void ValidateName(string name)
            for(int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                char ch = name[i];
                UnicodeCategory uc = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(ch);
                switch (uc) 
                    case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:       
                    case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:     
                    case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter:                                                  
                    case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber:                         
                        throw new Exception("The name '"+name+"' is not a valid identifier.");                
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class NameCreationService
    Implements System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    ' Creates an identifier for a particular data type that does not conflict 
    ' with the identifiers of any components in the specified collection
    Public Function CreateName(ByVal container As System.ComponentModel.IContainer, ByVal dataType As System.Type) As String Implements INameCreationService.CreateName
        ' Create a basic type name string
        Dim baseName As String = dataType.Name
        Dim uniqueID As Integer = 1

        Dim unique As Boolean = False
        ' Continue to increment uniqueID numeral until a unique ID is located.
        While Not unique
            unique = True
            ' Check each component in the container for a matching 
            ' base type name and unique ID.
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To container.Components.Count - 1
                ' Check component name for match with unique ID string.
                If container.Components(i).Site.Name.StartsWith((baseName + uniqueID.ToString())) Then
                    ' If a match is encountered, set flag to recycle 
                    ' collection, increment ID numeral, and restart.
                    unique = False
                    uniqueID += 1
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
        End While

        Return baseName + uniqueID.ToString()
    End Function

    ' Returns whether the specified name contains 
    ' all valid character types.
    Public Function IsValidName(ByVal name As String) As Boolean Implements INameCreationService.IsValidName
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To name.Length - 1
            Dim ch As Char = name.Chars(i)
            Dim uc As UnicodeCategory = [Char].GetUnicodeCategory(ch)
            Select Case uc
                Case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber
                Case Else
                    Return False
            End Select
        Next i
        Return True
    End Function

    ' Throws an exception if the specified name does not contain 
    ' all valid character types.
    Public Sub ValidateName(ByVal name As String) Implements INameCreationService.ValidateName
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To name.Length - 1
            Dim ch As Char = name.Chars(i)
            Dim uc As UnicodeCategory = [Char].GetUnicodeCategory(ch)
            Select Case uc
                Case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter, UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber
                Case Else
                    Throw New Exception("The name '" + name + "' is not a valid identifier.")
            End Select
        Next i
    End Sub

End Class


Może DesignerLoader zaimplementować tę usługę, aby zapewnić projektantowi możliwość tworzenia nowych, unikatowych nazw obiektów. Jeśli ta usługa nie jest dostępna, projektant używa implementacji domyślnej.


CreateName(IContainer, Type)

Tworzy nową nazwę unikatową dla wszystkich składników w określonym kontenerze.


Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy określona nazwa jest prawidłowa.


Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy określona nazwa jest prawidłowa.
