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Console.SetWindowSize(Int32, Int32) Metoda


Ustawia wysokość i szerokość okna konsoli na określone wartości.

 static void SetWindowSize(int width, int height);
public static void SetWindowSize (int width, int height);
public static void SetWindowSize (int width, int height);
public static void SetWindowSize (int width, int height);
static member SetWindowSize : int * int -> unit
static member SetWindowSize : int * int -> unit
static member SetWindowSize : int * int -> unit
Public Shared Sub SetWindowSize (width As Integer, height As Integer)



Szerokość okna konsoli mierzona w kolumnach.


Wysokość okna konsoli mierzona w wierszach.



width lub height jest mniejszy niż lub równy zero.


widthplus lub height plus WindowTopWindowLeft jest większy lub równy Int16.MaxValue.


width lub height jest większy niż największa możliwa szerokość lub wysokość okna dla bieżącej rozdzielczości ekranu i czcionki konsoli.

Użytkownik nie ma uprawnienia do wykonania tej czynności.

Wystąpił błąd we/wy.

Bieżący system operacyjny nie jest systemem Windows.


W tym przykładzie przedstawiono metodę SetWindowSize i WindowWidth właściwości i WindowHeight . Należy uruchomić przykład, aby zobaczyć pełny efekt zmiany rozmiaru okna konsoli.

W przykładzie są raportowane wymiary okna konsoli ustawione na 85 kolumn i 43 wiersze, a następnie czeka na naciśnięcie klawisza. Po naciśnięciu dowolnego klawisza wymiary okna konsoli są o połowę mniejsze, nowe wymiary są zgłaszane, a przykład czeka na kolejne naciśnięcie klawisza. Na koniec po naciśnięciu dowolnego klawisza okno konsoli zostanie przywrócone do oryginalnych wymiarów, a przykład zakończy się.

// This example demonstrates the Console.SetWindowSize method,
//                           the Console.WindowWidth property, 
//                       and the Console.WindowHeight property.
using namespace System;
int main()
   int origWidth;
   int width;
   int origHeight;
   int height;
   String^ m1 = "The current window width is {0}, and the "
   "current window height is {1}.";
   String^ m2 = "The new window width is {0}, and the new "
   "window height is {1}.";
   String^ m4 = "  (Press any key to continue...)";
   // Step 1: Get the current window dimensions.
   origWidth = Console::WindowWidth;
   origHeight = Console::WindowHeight;
   Console::WriteLine( m1, Console::WindowWidth, Console::WindowHeight );
   Console::WriteLine( m4 );
   Console::ReadKey( true );
   // Step 2: Cut the window to 1/4 its original size.
   width = origWidth / 2;
   height = origHeight / 2;
   Console::SetWindowSize( width, height );
   Console::WriteLine( m2, Console::WindowWidth, Console::WindowHeight );
   Console::WriteLine( m4 );
   Console::ReadKey( true );
   // Step 3: Restore the window to its original size.
   Console::SetWindowSize( origWidth, origHeight );
   Console::WriteLine( m1, Console::WindowWidth, Console::WindowHeight );

This example produces the following results:

The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
  (Press any key to continue...)
The new window width is 42, and the new window height is 21.
  (Press any key to continue...)
The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.

// This example demonstrates the Console.SetWindowSize method,
//                           the Console.WindowWidth property,
//                       and the Console.WindowHeight property.
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    int origWidth, width;
    int origHeight, height;
    string m1 = "The current window width is {0}, and the " +
                "current window height is {1}.";
    string m2 = "The new window width is {0}, and the new " +
                "window height is {1}.";
    string m4 = "  (Press any key to continue...)";
// Step 1: Get the current window dimensions.
    origWidth  = Console.WindowWidth;
    origHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
    Console.WriteLine(m1, Console.WindowWidth,
// Step 2: Cut the window to 1/4 its original size.
    width  = origWidth/2;
    height = origHeight/2;
    Console.SetWindowSize(width, height);
    Console.WriteLine(m2, Console.WindowWidth,
// Step 3: Restore the window to its original size.
    Console.SetWindowSize(origWidth, origHeight);
    Console.WriteLine(m1, Console.WindowWidth,
This example produces the following results:

The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
  (Press any key to continue...)
The new window width is 42, and the new window height is 21.
  (Press any key to continue...)
The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.

// This example demonstrates the Console.SetWindowSize method,
//                           the Console.WindowWidth property,
//                       and the Console.WindowHeight property.
open System

// Step 1: Get the current window dimensions.
let origWidth  = Console.WindowWidth
let origHeight = Console.WindowHeight
printfn $"The current window width is {Console.WindowWidth}, and the current window height is {Console.WindowHeight}."
printfn "  (Press any key to continue...)"
Console.ReadKey true |> ignore

// Step 2: Cut the window to 1/4 its original size.
let width  = origWidth / 2
let height = origHeight / 2
Console.SetWindowSize(width, height)
printfn $"The new window width is {Console.WindowWidth}, and the new window height is {Console.WindowHeight}."
printfn "  (Press any key to continue...)"
Console.ReadKey true |> ignore

// Step 3: Restore the window to its original size.
Console.SetWindowSize(origWidth, origHeight)
printfn $"The current window width is {Console.WindowWidth}, and the current window height is {Console.WindowHeight}."

// This example produces the following results:
// The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
//   (Press any key to continue...)
// The new window width is 42, and the new window height is 21.
//   (Press any key to continue...)
// The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
' This example demonstrates the Console.SetWindowSize method,
'                           the Console.WindowWidth property, 
'                       and the Console.WindowHeight property.
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim origWidth, width As Integer
      Dim origHeight, height As Integer
      Dim m1 As String = "The current window width is {0}, and the " & _
                         "current window height is {1}."
      Dim m2 As String = "The new window width is {0}, and the new " & _
                         "window height is {1}."
      Dim m4 As String = "  (Press any key to continue...)"
      ' Step 1: Get the current window dimensions.
      origWidth = Console.WindowWidth
      origHeight = Console.WindowHeight
      Console.WriteLine(m1, Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight)
      ' Step 2: Cut the window to 1/4 its original size.
      width = origWidth / 2
      height = origHeight / 2
      Console.SetWindowSize(width, height)
      Console.WriteLine(m2, Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight)
      ' Step 3: Restore the window to its original size.
      Console.SetWindowSize(origWidth, origHeight)
      Console.WriteLine(m1, Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight)
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
'  (Press any key to continue...)
'The new window width is 42, and the new window height is 21.
'  (Press any key to continue...)
'The current window width is 85, and the current window height is 43.
