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Single.NaN Pole


Reprezentuje nie liczbę (NaN). To pole jest stałe.

public: float NaN = NaN;
public const float NaN = NaN;
val mutable NaN : single
Public Const NaN As Single  = NaN

Wartość pola

Value = NaN


W poniższym przykładzie pokazano stałą NaN .

Single zero = 0;

// This condition will return false.
if ( (0 / zero) == Single::NaN )
   Console::WriteLine( "0 / 0 can be tested with Single::NaN." );
   Console::WriteLine( "0 / 0 cannot be tested with Single::NaN; use Single::IsNan() instead." );
Single zero = 0;

// This condition will return false.
if ((0 / zero) == Single.NaN)
    Console.WriteLine("0 / 0 can be tested with Single.NaN.");
    Console.WriteLine("0 / 0 cannot be tested with Single.NaN; use Single.IsNan() instead.");
let zero = 0f

// This condition will return false.
if 0f / zero = Single.NaN then
    printfn "0 / 0 can be tested with Single.NaN."
    printfn "0 / 0 cannot be tested with Single.NaN use Single.IsNan() instead."
Dim zero As Single = 0

' This condition will return false.
If (0 / zero) = Single.NaN Then
    Console.WriteLine("0 / 0 can be tested with Single.NaN.")
    Console.WriteLine("0 / 0 cannot be tested with Single.NaN; use Single.IsNan() instead.")
End If


Metoda lub operator zwraca NaN wartość, gdy wynik operacji jest niezdefiniowany. Na przykład wynik dzielenia zera na zero to NaN, jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie. (Należy jednak pamiętać, że dzielenie liczby niezerowej przez zero zwraca wartość lub PositiveInfinityNegativeInfinity, w zależności od znaku dzielnika).

float zero = 0.0f;
Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", zero, zero, zero/zero);
// The example displays the following output:
//         0 / 0 = NaN
let zero = 0f
printfn $"{zero} / {zero} = {zero / zero}"
// The example displays the following output:
//         0 / 0 = NaN
Dim zero As Single = 0
Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", zero, zero, zero/zero)
' The example displays the following output:
'         0 / 0 = NaN

Ponadto wywołanie metody z wartością lub operacją NaN na NaN wartości zwraca wartość NaN, jak pokazano w poniższym przykładzie.

float nan1 = Single.NaN;

Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", 3, nan1, 3 + nan1);
Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", nan1, Math.Abs(nan1));
// The example displays the following output:
//       3 + NaN = NaN
//       Abs(NaN) = NaN
let nan1 = Single.NaN

printfn $"{3} + {nan1} = {3f + nan1}"
printfn $"Abs({nan1}) = {abs nan1}"
// The example displays the following output:
//       3 + NaN = NaN
//       Abs(NaN) = NaN
Dim nan1 As Single = Single.NaN

Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", 3, nan1, 3 + nan1)
Console.WriteLine("Abs({0}) = {1}", nan1, Math.Abs(nan1))
' The example displays the following output:
'       3 + NaN = NaN
'       Abs(NaN) = NaN

IsNaN Użyj metody , aby określić, czy wartość nie jest liczbą. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Single operatory nie mogą być używane do porównywania Single.NaN z innymi Single wartościami, chociaż metody porównania (takie jak Equals i CompareTo) mogą. Poniższy przykład ilustruje różnicę w zachowaniu między operatorami Single porównania i metodami.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Console.WriteLine("NaN == NaN: {0}", Single.NaN == Single.NaN); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN != NaN: {0}", Single.NaN != Single.NaN); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.Equals(NaN): {0}", Single.NaN.Equals(Single.NaN)); 
      Console.WriteLine("! NaN.Equals(NaN): {0}", ! Single.NaN.Equals(Single.NaN)); 
      Console.WriteLine("IsNaN: {0}", Double.IsNaN(Double.NaN));
      Console.WriteLine("\nNaN > NaN: {0}", Single.NaN > Single.NaN); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN >= NaN: {0}", Single.NaN >= Single.NaN); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN < NaN: {0}", Single.NaN < Single.NaN);
      Console.WriteLine("NaN < 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN < 100.0f); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN <= 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN <= 100.0f); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN >= 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN > 100.0f);
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.CompareTo(NaN): {0}", Single.NaN.CompareTo(Single.NaN)); 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.CompareTo(100.0): {0}", Single.NaN.CompareTo(100.0f)); 
      Console.WriteLine("(100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): {0}", (100.0f).CompareTo(Single.NaN)); 
// The example displays the following output:
//       NaN == NaN: False
//       NaN != NaN: True
//       NaN.Equals(NaN): True
//       ! NaN.Equals(NaN): False
//       IsNaN: True
//       NaN > NaN: False
//       NaN >= NaN: False
//       NaN < NaN: False
//       NaN < 100.0: False
//       NaN <= 100.0: False
//       NaN >= 100.0: False
//       NaN.CompareTo(NaN): 0
//       NaN.CompareTo(100.0): -1
//       (100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): 1
open System

printfn $"NaN == NaN: {Single.NaN = Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN != NaN: {Single.NaN <> Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN.Equals(NaN): {Single.NaN.Equals Single.NaN}"
printfn $"! NaN.Equals(NaN): {not (Single.NaN.Equals Single.NaN)}"
printfn $"IsNaN: {Double.IsNaN Double.NaN}"

printfn $"\nNaN > NaN: {Single.NaN > Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN >= NaN: {Single.NaN >= Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN < NaN: {Single.NaN < Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN < 100.0: {Single.NaN < 100f}"
printfn $"NaN <= 100.0: {Single.NaN <= 100f}"
printfn $"NaN >= 100.0: {Single.NaN > 100f}"
printfn $"NaN.CompareTo(NaN): {Single.NaN.CompareTo Single.NaN}"
printfn $"NaN.CompareTo(100.0): {Single.NaN.CompareTo 100f}"
printfn $"(100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): {100f.CompareTo Single.NaN}"
// The example displays the following output:
//       NaN == NaN: False
//       NaN != NaN: True
//       NaN.Equals(NaN): True
//       ! NaN.Equals(NaN): False
//       IsNaN: True
//       NaN > NaN: False
//       NaN >= NaN: False
//       NaN < NaN: False
//       NaN < 100.0: False
//       NaN <= 100.0: False
//       NaN >= 100.0: False
//       NaN.CompareTo(NaN): 0
//       NaN.CompareTo(100.0): -1
//       (100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): 1
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Console.WriteLine("NaN = NaN: {0}", Single.NaN = Single.NaN) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN <> NaN: {0}", Single.NaN <> Single.NaN) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.Equals(NaN): {0}", Single.NaN.Equals(Single.NaN)) 
      Console.WriteLine("Not NaN.Equals(NaN): {0}", Not Single.NaN.Equals(Single.NaN)) 
      Console.WriteLine("IsNaN: {0}", Double.IsNaN(Double.NaN))
      Console.WriteLine("NaN > NaN: {0}", Single.NaN > 100.0f) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN >= NaN: {0}", Single.NaN >= 100.0f) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN < NaN: {0}", Single.NaN < Single.NaN)
      Console.WriteLine("NaN < 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN < 100.0f) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN <= 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN <= 100.0f) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN >= 100.0: {0}", Single.NaN > 100.0f)
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.CompareTo(NaN): {0}", Single.NaN.CompareTo(Single.Nan)) 
      Console.WriteLine("NaN.CompareTo(100.0): {0}", Single.NaN.CompareTo(100.0f)) 
      Console.WriteLine("(100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): {0}", (100.0f).CompareTo(Single.NaN)) 
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       NaN == NaN: False
'       NaN != NaN: True
'       NaN.Equals(NaN): True
'       ! NaN.Equals(NaN): False
'       IsNaN: True
'       NaN > NaN: False
'       NaN >= NaN: False
'       NaN < NaN: False
'       NaN < 100.0: False
'       NaN <= 100.0: False
'       NaN >= 100.0: False
'       NaN.CompareTo(NaN): 0
'       NaN.CompareTo(100.0): -1
'       (100.0).CompareTo(Single.NaN): 1


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