BindingList<T>.AllowEdit 属性



 property bool AllowEdit { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool AllowEdit { get; set; }
member this.AllowEdit : bool with get, set
Public Property AllowEdit As Boolean


如果列表项可以编辑,则为 true;否则为 false。 默认值为 true


下面的代码示例演示如何设置 AllowEdit 属性。 有关完整示例,请参阅 BindingList<T> 类概述主题。

    // Declare a new BindingListOfT with the Part business object.
    BindingList<Part> listOfParts; 
    private void InitializeListOfParts()
        // Create the new BindingList of Part type.
        listOfParts = new BindingList<Part>();

        // Allow new parts to be added, but not removed once committed.        
        listOfParts.AllowNew = true;
        listOfParts.AllowRemove = false;

        // Raise ListChanged events when new parts are added.
        listOfParts.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;

        // Do not allow parts to be edited.
        listOfParts.AllowEdit = false;
        // Add a couple of parts to the list.
        listOfParts.Add(new Part("Widget", 1234));
        listOfParts.Add(new Part("Gadget", 5647));
' Declare a new BindingListOfT with the Part business object.
Private WithEvents listOfParts As BindingList(Of Part)

Private Sub InitializeListOfParts()

    ' Create the new BindingList of Part type.
    listOfParts = New BindingList(Of Part)

    ' Allow new parts to be added, but not removed once committed.        
    listOfParts.AllowNew = True
    listOfParts.AllowRemove = False

    ' Raise ListChanged events when new parts are added.
    listOfParts.RaiseListChangedEvents = True

    ' Do not allow parts to be edited.
    listOfParts.AllowEdit = False

    ' Add a couple of parts to the list.
    listOfParts.Add(New Part("Widget", 1234))
    listOfParts.Add(New Part("Gadget", 5647))

End Sub


AllowEdit属性通常由其他组件用于确定是否允许编辑列表中的项。 当 设置为新值时 AllowEditListChanged 将发生 类型 Reset 为 的事件。

