Store Statistics XML in database tables using SQL Traces for further analysis.
Since SQL Server 2005, query plan as well as statistics of query execution can be captured in XML format. Also, SQL Server 2005 has XQuery support to directly query XML document. By combining these two new features, users can analyze the query plans using queries.
However, in SQL Server, there is no easy way to capture the statitics XML into a table. Fortunately, there are SQL traces provided by SQL Server to capture the showplan XML and statistics XML information into trace files and loaded into tables.
Note: The only limitation is the 128 level of nesting levels supported by XML data type in SQL 2005. In that case, you have to write client code to parse the query plan, which going to be a very complex query plan.
Here is a small example using SQL traces to store the statistics XML and extract the estimated rows and actual rows.
/*Using Traces to Capture Statistics XML*/
declare @trace_id int
declare @trace_file nvarchar(200)
select @trace_file = 'c:\temp\test_stats_' + cast(newid() as varchar(100))
-- using trace table.
exec sp_trace_create @trace_id output,
-- capture statistics-xml, textdata, on
exec sp_trace_setevent @trace_id, 146, 1, 1
-- start
exec sp_trace_setstatus @trace_id, 1
-- test statement.
select * from sys.objects
-- stop
exec sp_trace_setstatus @trace_id, 0
-- close
exec sp_trace_setstatus @trace_id, 2
-- load trace files into table
if object_id('temp_trc') is not null
drop table temp_trc
select *
into temp_trc
from fn_trace_gettable(@trace_file + '.trc', default)
-- look at the captured stats xml
declare @plan xml
select @plan=cast(textdata as xml)
from temp_trc
where eventclass = 146;
-- collect the actual and also estimate stats.
with XMLNAMESPACES ('' as sql)
ro.relop.value('@NodeId', 'int') NodeId,
ro.relop.value('@PhysicalOp', 'nvarchar(200)') PhysicalOp,
ro.relop.value('@LogicalOp', 'nvarchar(200)') LogicalOp,
(ro.relop.value('@EstimateRows', 'float')
* (ro.relop.value('@EstimateRewinds', 'float')
+ ro.relop.value('@EstimateRebinds', 'float')
+ 1.0)) EstimateRows,
when root_actual.ActualRows = 0
then null
else root_actual.ActualRows
end ActualRows,
cast(ro.relop.exist('*/sql:RelOp') as bit) IsNotLeaf
from @plan.nodes('//sql:RelOp') as ro(relop)
cross apply (
select sum('@ActualRows', 'float')) ActualRows
from ro.relop.nodes('sql:RunTimeInformation/sql:RunTimeCountersPerThread') as rti(info)
) root_actual;
The output of the estimate rows and actual rows is given below:
NodeId |
PhysicalOp |
LogicalOp |
EstimateRows |
ActualRows |
IsNotLeaf |
0 |
Nested Loops |
Left Outer Join |
52 |
52 |
1 |
1 |
Nested Loops |
Left Outer Join |
52 |
52 |
1 |
2 |
Filter |
Filter |
52 |
52 |
1 |
3 |
Compute Scalar |
Compute Scalar |
52 |
1 |
4 |
Clustered Index Scan |
Clustered Index Scan |
52 |
52 |
0 |
13 |
Clustered Index Seek |
Clustered Index Seek |
52.000031 |
0 |
14 |
Clustered Index Seek |
Clustered Index Seek |
52 |
52 |
0 |
August 06, 2007
Hi Guys Anybody able to elaborate on how you view the histogram for multi column statistics. I have a query plan that has estimated Rows (2943) and Actual Rows (3099750). Out by a factor 1000.Anonymous
November 13, 2007
The comment has been removed