Known issues: Service principal alerts in Microsoft Entra Domain Services
Service principals are applications that the Azure platform uses to manage, update, and maintain a Microsoft Entra Domain Services managed domain. If a service principal is deleted, functionality in the managed domain is impacted.
This article helps you troubleshoot and resolve service principal-related configuration alerts.
A Service Principal required for Microsoft Entra Domain Services to function properly has been deleted from your Microsoft Entra directory. This configuration impacts Microsoft's ability to monitor, manage, patch, and synchronize your managed domain.
If a required service principal is deleted, the Azure platform can't perform automated management tasks. The managed domain may not correctly apply updates or take backups.
To check which service principal is missing and must be recreated, complete the following steps:
In the Microsoft Entra admin center, search for and select Enterprise applications. Choose All applications from the Application Type drop-down menu, then select Apply.
Search for each of the following application IDs. For Azure Global, search for AppId value
. For other Azure clouds, search for AppId value6ba9a5d4-8456-4118-b521-9c5ca10cdf84
. If no existing application is found, follow the Resolution steps to create the service principal or re-register the namespace.Application ID Resolution 2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36 Recreate a missing service principal 443155a6-77f3-45e3-882b-22b3a8d431fb Re-register the Microsoft.AAD
namespaceabba844e-bc0e-44b0-947a-dc74e5d09022 Re-register the Microsoft.AAD
namespaced87dcbc6-a371-462e-88e3-28ad15ec4e64 Re-register the Microsoft.AAD
If application ID 2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36 is missing from your Microsoft Entra directory in Azure Global, use Microsoft Graph PowerShell to complete the following steps. For other Azure clouds, use AppId value 6ba9a5d4-8456-4118-b521-9c5ca10cdf84. For more information, see Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
If needed, install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module and import it as follows:
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Now recreate the service principal using the [New-MgServicePrincipal][/powershell/module/microsoft.graph.applications/new-mgserviceprincipal] cmdlet:
New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId "2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36"
The managed domain's health automatically updates itself within two hours and removes the alert.
If application ID 443155a6-77f3-45e3-882b-22b3a8d431fb
, abba844e-bc0e-44b0-947a-dc74e5d09022
, or d87dcbc6-a371-462e-88e3-28ad15ec4e64
is missing from your Microsoft Entra directory, complete the following steps to re-register the Microsoft.AAD
resource provider for your Azure subscription:
- In the Azure portal, search for and select Subscriptions.
- Choose the subscription associated with your managed domain.
- From the left-hand navigation expand Settings, then select Resource Providers.
- Search for
, then select Re-register.
The managed domain's health automatically updates itself within two hours and removes the alert.
The service principal with the application ID "d87dcbc6-a371-462e-88e3-28ad15ec4e64" was deleted and then recreated. The recreation leaves behind inconsistent permissions on Microsoft Entra Domain Services resources needed to service your managed domain. Synchronization of passwords on your managed domain could be affected.
Domain Services automatically synchronizes user accounts and credentials from Microsoft Entra ID. If there's a problem with the Microsoft Entra application used for this process, credential synchronization between Domain Services and Microsoft Entra ID fails.
To recreate the Microsoft Entra application used for credential synchronization, use Microsoft Graph PowerShell to complete the following steps. For more information, see Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
If needed, install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module and import it as follows:
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
Now delete the old application and object using the following PowerShell cmdlets:
$app = Get-MgApplication | Where-Object { $_.IdentifierUris -eq '' } Remove-MgApplication -ApplicationId $app.Id $sp = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Azure AD Domain Services Sync'" Remove-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $sp.Id
After you delete both applications, the Azure platform automatically recreates them and tries to resume password synchronization. The managed domain's health automatically updates itself within two hours and removes the alert.
If you still have issues, open an Azure support request for additional troubleshooting assistance.