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Technical Reference for Application Deployment in Configuration Manager

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)

In this article, you'll learn how application deployments work.

Before You Begin

When troubleshooting application deployments, there are multiple items that can be useful when reviewing client logs. These items include:

  • Application CI ID
  • Application Unique ID
  • Deployment Type Unique ID
  • Application Deployment Unique ID (also known as Assignment Unique ID)
  • Application Deployment Purpose
  • Content Unique ID
  • Collection ID and Name
  • Collection Type

To simplify troubleshooting, you can run a SQL query similar to below against the Configuration Manager database to obtain the information listed above.

SELECT APP.CI_ID [App CI ID], APP.CI_UniqueID [App Unique ID], APP.DisplayName [App Name],
DT.CI_UniqueID [DT Unique ID], DT.ContentId [DT Content ID],
CIA.Assignment_UniqueID [Assignment ID], CIA.CollectionID, CIA.CollectionName,
CASE CIA.OfferTypeID WHEN 0 THEN 'Required' WHEN 2 THEN 'Available' WHEN 3 THEN 'Simulate' ELSE 'Unknown' END AS [Deployment Purpose],
CASE C.CollectionType WHEN 1 THEN 'User Collection' WHEN 2 THEN 'Device Collection' ELSE 'Unknown' END AS [Collection Type],
DT.Technology, DT.DisplayName [DT Name]
FROM fn_ListApplicationCIs(1033) APP
JOIN fn_ListDeploymentTypeCIs(1033) DT ON DT.AppModelName = APP.ModelName AND DT.IsLatest = 1
LEFT JOIN v_CIAssignment CIA ON CIACI.AssignmentID = CIA.AssignmentID
LEFT JOIN v_Collection C ON C.CollectionID = CIA.CollectionID
WHERE APP.IsLatest = 1 AND APP.DisplayName = 'Application Name' -- Replace Application Name


When you execute this query, you must use the Application Name listed in the General Information tab of Application Properties, instead of using the Localized application name listed in the Software Center tab of Application properties.

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