Enter data more easily


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users, automatically This feature is released. Feb 1, 2020 This feature is released. Apr 1, 2020

Business value

Back-office workers often need to capture information or digitize paper material at high speed. For some users, this is their main activity for the whole workday. When this can't be automated through means like OCR and AI, users require an efficient interface that doesn't get in the way of quickly typing in data.

Feature details

Various adjustments that enhance typing or navigating fields in a list include:

  • Similar to Microsoft Excel, we've introduced the F2 key. This key toggles between selecting the field's entire value and moving to end of the value. This allows users to quickly replace the value or add to it. The key allows users to quickly replace the value or add to it. The F2 key is available for editable fields and editable cells in lists.

  • When typing to fill in a row of data, the Tab key no longer sets focus to the ellipses that bring up the context for the row. This change improves efficiency when rapidly entering data and ensures that Tab key presses are predictable. The context menu remains reachable by using the left or right arrow keys. It can be activated using the space bar or Enter key.

  • In editable lists, users can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate to the previous or next cell in a row. This capability provides a consistent experience between editable and non-editable lists and increases the speed and agility of exploring data in a list or worksheet. Similarly, when you place the cursor before the first character in cell, pressing the left arrow key will exit the cell and set focus to the previous cell. The reverse also works when the cursor is placed after the last character.

Try it now

Experience the agility of exploring and editing cells, such as in a new Sales Quote, by signing in to your online environment.

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See also

Entering Data (docs)