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Sep 1, 2022
Oct 1, 2022
Business value
When debugging, it has been possible to control whether to break on errors. However, until now, failing Try functions would also lead to breaking execution. These Try functions are usually used to handle errors and might not be of interest. To allow ignoring these to more efficiently debug errors, a new option has been added to omit errors in Try functions.
Feature details
We have added new options to control when the debugger should break on errors in Try functions. Instead of the old Boolean BreakOnError setting in a launch.json file connection setup, this now takes one of the following values: true, false, None, All, ExcludeTry
The behavior for each option is:
false/None: Does not break on any errors.
true/All: Breaks on all errors.
ExcludeTry: Breaks on errors only if they occur outside of the context of a Try function.
The values true and false are retained for now for backward compatibility. They map to All and None. We recommend using the latter going forward. True and false might become obsolete in a future version.
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