Power BI DataViz World Championships
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
With 4 chances to enter, you could win a conference package and make it to the LIVE Grand Finale in Las Vegas
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Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Payroll employee entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_payrollemployeeentity.
This entity provides information about the employee. You must set the payroll integration parameters before using this entity.
FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, NameValidFrom, and NameValidTo fields are no longer available on this entity. This ensures that there is only one date effective datasource that backs this entity. These fields will be available on the DirPersonNameHistoricalEntity, which was released in Platform update 43. There is an OData relationship from PayrollEmployeeEntity to DirPersonNameHistoricalEntity.
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Legal entity ID mshr_legalentityid String |
Read-only | Specifies the legal entity (company). |
Personnel number mshr_personnelnumber String |
Read-only | The employee's unique personnel number. |
Employment start date mshr_employmentstartdate Date time offset |
Read-only | The start date of the employee's employment. |
Employment end date mshr_employmentenddate Date time offset |
Read-only | The end of the employee's employment. |
Birth date mshr_birthdate Date Time Offset |
Read-only | The employee's birth date. |
Gender mshr_gender mshr_hcmpersongender option set |
Read-only | The employee's gender. |
Employment type mshr_employmenttype mshr_hcmemploymenttype option set |
Read-only | The employment type. |
Identification type ID mshr_identificationtypeid String |
Read-only | The identification type defined for the employee. |
Identification number to mshr_identificationnumber String |
Read-only | The identification number defined for the employee. |
Ready to pay mshr_readytopay mshr_noyes option set |
Read-only | Indicates if the employee is marked as ready to pay. |
Payroll employee entity ID mshr_payrollemployeeentityid GUID |
System generated | A system-generated globally unique identifier (GUID) value to uniquely identify the employee. |
Property value | Related entity | Navigation property | Collection type |
_mshr_fk_employment_id_value | mshr_hcmemploymentdetailentity | mshr_FK_Employment_id | mshr_FK_HcmEmploymentDetailEntity_PayrollEmployee |
_mshr_fk_fixedcompplan_id_value | mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentity | mshr_FK_FixedCompPlan_id | mshr_FK_PayrollFixedCompensationPlanEntity_Employee |
_mshr_fk_name_id_value | mshr_dirpersonnamehistoricalentity | mshr_FK_Name_id | - |
_mshr_fk_worker_id_value | mshr_hcmworkerbaseentity | mshr_FK_Worker_id | mshr_FK_HcmWorkerBaseEntity_PayrollEmployee |
_mshr_fk_workerbankaccount_id_value | mshr_hcmworkerbankaccountentity | mshr_FK_WorkerBankAccount_id | mshr_FK_HcmWorkerBankAccountEntity_PayrollEmployee |
_mshr_fk_variablecompaward_id_value | mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentity | mshr_FK_VariableCompAward_id | mshr_FK_PayrollVariableCompensationAwardEntity_Employee |
_mshr_fk_address_id_value | mshr_payrollworkeraddressentity | mshr_FK_Address_id | mshr_FK_PayrollWorkerAddressEntity_Worker |
GET [Organizaton URI]/api/data/v9.1/mshr_payrollemployeeentities?$filter=mshr_personnelnumber eq '000041'
"mshr_legalentityid": "USMF",
"mshr_personnelnumber": "000041",
"mshr_employmentstartdate": "2011-04-05T07:00:00Z",
"mshr_employmentenddate": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mshr_birthdate": "1987-09-12T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_gender": 200000002,
"mshr_employmenttype": 200000000,
"mshr_identificationtypeid": "SSN",
"mshr_identificationnumber": "888-99-9342",
"mshr_readytopay": 200000000,
"mshr_dataareaid": "USMF",
"mshr_primaryfield": "000041 | USMF | 4/5/2011 07:00:00 am",
"_mshr_fk_employment_id_value": "00000d4e-0000-0000-0600-014105000000",
"_mshr_fk_fixedcompplan_id_value": "00000598-0000-0000-4cd0-fda002000000",
"_mshr_fk_name_id_value": "00000832-0000-0000-d700-014105000000",
"_mshr_fk_worker_id_value": "000000af-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"_mshr_fk_workerbankaccount_id_value": "000006f2-0000-0000-b7ff-004105000000",
"mshr_payrollemployeeentityid": "00000666-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"_mshr_fk_address_id_value": null,
"_mshr_fk_variablecompaward_id_value": null,
"_mshr_dataareaid_id_value": null
Power BI DataViz World Championships
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
With 4 chances to enter, you could win a conference package and make it to the LIVE Grand Finale in Las Vegas
Learn more