Payroll position
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Payroll Positions entity in Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_payrollpositionentity.
This entity provides position-related information for a given employee.
Physical name: mshr_payrollpositionentity.
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Position ID mshr_positionid String |
Read-only | The ID of the position. |
Pay cycle ID mshr_paycycleid String |
Read-only | The pay cycle that is defined on the position. |
Annual regular hours annualregularhours Decimal |
Read-only | The annual regular hours that are defined on the position. |
Paid by legal entity paidbylegalentity String |
Read-only | The legal entity that is defined on the position and responsible for issuing payment. |
Valid to validto Date Time Offset |
Read-only | The date that the position details are valid to. |
Valid from validfrom Date Time Offset |
Read-only | The date that the position details are valid from. |
Primary field mshr_primaryfield String |
System generated | The primary field. |
Payroll position details entity ID payrollpositiondetailsentityid Guid |
Required System generated. |
A system-generated globally unique identifier (GUID) value to uniquely identify the position. |
Property value | Related entity | Navigation property | Collection type |
_mshr_fk_fixedcompplan_id_value | mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentity | mshr_FK_FixedCompPlan_id | mshr_FK_PayrollFixedCompensationPlanEntity_PayrollPosition |
_mshr_fk_hcmpositionhierarchy_id_value | mshr_hcmpositionhierarchyentity | mshr_FK_HcmPositionHierarchy_id | Not applicable |
_mshr_fk_job_id_value | mshr_payrollpositionjobentity | mshr_FK_Job_id | mshr_FK_PayrollPositionJobEntity_Payroll |
_mshr_fk_positionassignmentv2_id_value | mshr_hcmpositionworkerassignmentv2entity | mshr_FK_PositionAssignmentV2_id | Not applicable |
GET [Organizaton URI]/api/data/v9.1/mshr_payrollpositionentities?$filter=mshr_positionid eq @positionid and mshr_validfrom le @asofdate and mshr_validto ge @asofdate&@positionid='000276'&@asofdate=2021-04-01
"mshr_positionid": "000276",
"mshr_paycycleid": "w",
"mshr_annualregularhours": 3000,
"mshr_paidbylegalentity": "USMF",
"mshr_validfrom": "2021-03-14T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_validto": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_primaryfield": "000276 | 3/14/2021",
"_mshr_fk_job_id_value": "00010094-0000-0000-df00-014105000000",
"_mshr_fk_fixedcompplan_id_value": "0000029f-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"mshr_payrollpositionentityid": "00010097-0000-0000-df00-014105000000"