In Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, purchasing professionals can create and maintain catalogs for company employees to use when they order items and services for internal use. To create a procurement catalog, you can add the items and services that you want to make available to employees, either by importing the product catalog data or by manually adding the product catalog data to the product master.
You can upload catalog data submitted by a vendor from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 client.
The product data that a vendor submits to you, in the form of a catalog maintenance request (CMR) file, must be in XML file format. The CMR file should contain the details for the products that the vendor supplies to your company.
Import vendor catalog data
To import vendor catalog data, you must complete the following tasks:
Set up a project in the Data management workspace where you have defined your data mapping rules. Select Data management and then select Set up roles for data projects.
Set up a procurement category hierarchy, and assign your vendors to procurement categories. If you use commodity codes, add the commodity codes to the procurement categories. Learn more about setting up a procurement category hierarchy in Set up a procurement category hierarchy.
Configure the vendor for catalog import. Select a vendor, and then select Procurement > Set up > Configure vendor for catalog import.
Configure workflow for catalog import. Create a CMR file template and share this with your vendor.
Select Procurement and sourcing > Catalogs > Vendor catalogs to create a vendor catalog. The catalog maintenance request (CMR) files that you receive from your vendor are grouped in this catalog.
Upload the CMR file.
Review, approve, or reject the products in the vendor catalog. The products are automatically mapped to the procurement categories.
Approved products are added to the product master and are released to the selected legal entities. Only approved products can be added to the procurement catalog.
Generate a catalog import file template
The catalog import file template is an XSD file that you use to create a CMR file for a vendor's products. You can use the CMR file to create a new catalog, replace an existing catalog, or modify an existing catalog.
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Catalogs > Vendor catalogs and open the catalog that you want to work with.
Download a current catalog import template (XSD file). On the Update catalog page, on the Action Pane, on the Catalogs tab, in the Related information group, select Generate catalog template and select Procurement category.
With the Procurement category option, you can generate a catalog template that includes the procurement categories in which the vendor is authorized to provide products.
In the Save as dialog box, select the location where you want to store the catalog file template and save the file.
The process of finding and working with vendors, purchasing products, and ensuring the quality of goods and services are all important factors that impact a company's reputation and success.