Transition from the Microsoft Report Message or the Report Phishing add-ins


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The Microsoft Report Message and Report Phishing add-ins are now in maintenance mode and will eventually be deprecated. We recommend transitioning from the add-ins to the built-in Report button. The Report button is supported in virtuall all consumer and entrprise Outlook clients. For more information, see the Frequently asked questions section in this article.

The built-in Report button in supported versions of Outlook makes it easy for users to report false positives and false negatives to Microsoft for analysis. False positives are good email that was blocked or sent to the Junk Email folder. False negatives are unwanted email or phishing that was delivered to the Inbox.

Microsoft uses these user reported messages to improve the effectiveness of email protection technologies. For example, suppose people are reporting many messages as phishing using the Report button. This information surfaces in the Security Dashboard and other reports. This information probably indicates the anti-phishing policies in your organization need to be updated.

The following table describes the advantages of the built-in Report button over the Report Message and Report Phishing add-ins:

Benefits In-build report button Report add-ins
Works out of the box
Consistent across consumer and enterprise accounts
Easily discoverable across Outlook clients
Front and center across Outlook clients
Multi-message reporting from Inbox
Message reporting from preview panel
Message reporting from reading window
Message reporting from context menu
Supports shared and delegate mailboxes
Pre-reporting popup customization
Pre-reporting popup localization
Post-reporting popup customization
Post-reporting popup localization
Works flawlessly with firewalls

The rest of this article describes how to remove the Report Message and Report Phishing add-ins.

What do you need to know before you begin?

Remove the Report Message or Report Phishing add-ins


If you delete the app registration for the add-in in Microsoft Entra ID, the add-in is also deleted from the organization.

  1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center at, expand Show all if necessary, and then go to Settings > Integrated apps. Or, to go directly to the Integrated apps page, use


    Admins in Microsoft 365 GCC High or DoD need to use the Microsoft 365 admin center at and then select Settings > Add-ins.

    Although the screenshots in the following steps show the Report Phishing add-in, the steps are identical for the Report Message add-in.

  2. On the Deployed apps tab of the Integrated apps page, select the Report Message add-in or the Report Phishing add-in by clicking anywhere in the row.

  3. On the Overview tab of the details flyout that opens, select Remove app from the Actions section.

  4. In the Remove apps confirmation flyout that opens, select Yes, I'm sure I want to remove the app and associated data, and then select Remove.

  5. After a few moments, Successfully removed flyout appears. It might take up to 24 hours for the add-in to disappear from your organization.

    Select Done to return to the Integrated apps page where the add-in is no longer listed.

Scope the Report Message or Report Phishing add-ins to a set of users

  1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center at, expand Show all if necessary, and then go to Settings > Integrated apps. Or, to go directly to the Integrated apps page, use


    Admins in Microsoft 365 GCC High, or DoD need to use the Microsoft 365 admin center at and then select Settings > Add-ins.

    Although the screenshots in the following steps show the Report Phishing add-in, the steps are identical for the Report Message add-in.

  2. On the Deployed apps tab of the Integrated apps page, select the Report Message add-in or the Report Phishing add-in by doing one of the following steps:

    • Select the add-in by clicking anywhere in the row. In the details flyout that opens, select the Users tab.
    • In the Name column, select > Edit users.
  3. On the Users tab of the details flyout, verify Specific users/groups is selected in the Assign users section.

    Any existing users or groups are shown in the Added users section.

    Click in the search box to find and select users or groups. New selections are added to the To be added section that appears.

    To remove a user or group, select on the entry:

    • From the Added users section: The user or group is added to the To be removed section that appears.
    • From the To be added section: The user or group is removed from this section and won't be added.
    • From the To be removed section: The user or group is removed from this section and won't be removed.

    When you're finished on the Users tab of the details flyout, select Update to save your changes.

    After a few moments, the Updating users completed flyout appears. Select Done to return to the Users tab of the add-in details flyout where your updates are shown in the Added users section.

    Select Close flyout to return to the Integrated apps page.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why are the add-ins being deprecated?

A: The add-ins are being deprecated for the following reasons:

  • There are security issues with the add-in which makes them unsafe for the organization. Given Microsoft's commitment to safety, they need to be deprecated.
  • The add-ins can't architecturally support functionality that customers keep asking for.

Therefore, we decided to move to the built-in Report button to better serve your requirements.

Q: What do we mean by the add-ins are in maintenance mode?

A: It means that no improvement will be made to the add-ins. The add-ins will remain functional until they're deprecated. Naturally, any new improvement requests for the add-ins will be rejected.

Q: Will there be further communication before the add-in are deprecated?

A: Yes. There will be further communication as we progress towards the deprecation.

Q: Some users in my organization are on an older client, which prevents us from migrating. What can I do?

A: We recommend you update clients in the Microsoft admin center or ask users to update their clients. Reach out to Microsoft Support if you have issues updating clients for users.

Q: The Report phishing add-in offers a single report option but the built-in Report button has more options. What can I do?

A: This design was finalized after partnership with more than 50 customers and a Private Preview of approximately two and half years. Many customers who had this question are actually much more comfortable with the built-in Report button.

They transitioned completely to the built-in Report button. Users were instructed to use the default action (split) for reporting messages as phishing, and to use the side menu to report messages as other types (Junk or Not junk).

We recommend that you try the built-in Report button. If you're still facing issues, you can always reach out to us via Microsoft Support.

Q: I can't scope the built-in Report button, which prevents me from rolling it out. What can I do?

A: This behavior is by design. We think the built-in Report button provides a base level of protection for all users, including shared and delegate mailboxes. Scoping the built-in Report button to a limited number of users can result in forgetting about those users, which leavs a security gap that can be exploited by attackers. Many customers totaling more than a million users migrated smoothly to the the built-in Report button smoothly without scoping ability. Instead, they scoped third-party add-in buttons or the Microsoft add-ins as they rolled out the built-in Report button across the organization.

If you're looking to scope the functionality for experimentation, we recommend using a test environment.

Q: I want to see further improvements in the inbuild report button. What can I do?

A: Raise a design change request (DCR) via Microsoft support.

Q: Is there a way to keep the add-in but remove the built-in Report button?

A: No. Unfortunately, due to the previously stated reasons, the add-ins will be deprecated. There's no way to keep the add-in and remove the built-in Report button. You can remove the add-in from the Deployed apps tab of the Integrated apps page as previously described.

Q: What is the recommendation for moving from the add-ins to a third-party reporting add-in?

A: After you, remove the add-in from the integrated apps from the Deployed apps tab of the Integrated apps page as previously described, install the third-party add-in as per their instructions.

On the User reported settings page in the Defender portal, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Select Monitor reported messages in Outlook.
  2. Select Use a non-Microsoft add-in button.
  3. In the Reported message destination section, configure the following options:
    • Send reported messages to: Select one of the following values:
      • My reporting mailbox only
      • Microsoft and My reporting mailbox
    • Add an Exchange Online mailbox to send reported messages to: Specify an existing internal reporting mailbox to hold user reported messages from third-party

Q: I still have questions that aren't answered here. What can I do?

A: No worries. Just raise a support ticket via Microsoft support and we will get right back to you.