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Placing Comment-Based Help in Functions

This topic explains where to place comment-based help for a function so that the Get-Help cmdlet associates the comment-based help topic with the correct function.

Where to Place Comment-Based Help for a Function

  • At the beginning of the function body.

  • At the end of the function body.

  • Before the Function keyword. When the function is in a script or script module, there can't be more than one blank line between the last line of the comment-based help and the Function keyword. Otherwise, Get-Help associates the help with the script, not with the function.

Examples of Help Placement in a Function

The following examples show each of the three placement options for comment-based help for a function.

Help at the Beginning of a Function Body

The following example shows comment-based at the beginning of a function body.

function MyProcess
       The MyProcess function gets the Windows PowerShell process.

    Get-Process powershell

Help at the End of a Function Body

The following example shows comment-based at the end of a function body.

function MyFunction
    Get-Process powershell

       The MyProcess function gets the Windows PowerShell process.

Help Before the Function Keyword

The following examples shows comment-based on the line before the function keyword.

    The MyProcess function gets the Windows PowerShell process.
function MyFunction { Get-Process powershell}