ExRegisterCallback function (wdm.h)
The ExRegisterCallback routine registers a given callback routine with a given callback object.
PVOID ExRegisterCallback(
[in, out] PCALLBACK_OBJECT CallbackObject,
[in] PCALLBACK_FUNCTION CallbackFunction,
[in, optional] PVOID CallbackContext
[in, out] CallbackObject
A pointer to a callback object obtained from the ExCreateCallback routine.
[in] CallbackFunction
A pointer to a driver-implemented callback routine, which must be nonpageable. The callback routine must conform to the following prototype:
IN PVOID CallbackContext,
IN PVOID Argument1,
IN PVOID Argument2
The callback routine parameters are as follows:
A pointer to a driver-supplied context area as specified in the CallbackContext parameter of ExRegisterCallback.
A pointer to a parameter defined by the callback object.
A pointer to a parameter defined by the callback object.
[in, optional] CallbackContext
A pointer to a caller-defined structure of data items to be passed as the context parameter of the callback routine each time it is called. Typically the context is part of the caller's device object extension.
ExRegisterCallback returns a pointer to a callback registration handle that should be treated as opaque and reserved for system use. This pointer is NULL if ExRegisterCallback completes with an error.
A driver calls ExRegisterCallback to register a callback routine with a specified callback object.
If the object allows only one registered callback routine, and such a routine is already registered, ExRegisterCallback returns NULL.
Callers of ExRegisterCallback must save the returned pointer for use later in a call to ExUnregisterCallback. The pointer is required when removing the callback routine from the list of registered callback routines for the callback object.
The meanings of Argument1 and Argument2 of the registered callback routine depend on the callback object and are defined by the component that created it. The following are the parameters for the system-defined callback objects:
- Not used.
- Not used.
A PO_CB_XXX constant value that is cast to type PVOID.
PO_CB_AC_STATUS — Indicates that the system has changed from A/C to battery power, or vice versa.
PO_CB_LID_SWITCH_STATE — Indicates that the lid switch has changed states.
PO_CB_PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY — Indicates that the system processor power policy has changed.
PO_CB_SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY — Indicates that the system power policy has changed.
PO_CB_SYSTEM_STATE_LOCK — Indicates that a system power state change is imminent. Drivers in the paging path can register for this callback to receive early warning of such a change, allowing them the opportunity to lock their code in memory before the power state changes.
A value of TRUE or FALSE that is cast to type PVOID.
If Argument1 is PO_CB_AC_STATUS, Argument2 is TRUE if the computer is currently using an A/C power supply, and is FALSE if the computer is running on battery power.
If Argument1 is PO_CB_LID_SWITCH_STATE, Argument2 is TRUE if the lid is currently open, and is FALSE if the lid is closed.
If Argument1 is PO_CB_PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY, Argument2 is not used.
If Argument1 is PO_CB_SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY, Argument2 is not used.
If Argument1 is PO_CB_SYSTEM_STATE_LOCK, Argument2 is FALSE if the computer is about to exit system power state S0, and is TRUE if the computer has just reentered S0.
- A pointer to a KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_CONTEXT structure that describes the processor change notification event. This pointer is cast to type PVOID. The callback routine must not modify the contents of this structure.
A pointer to a variable that contains an NTSTATUS value. This pointer is cast to type PVOID. Under certain conditions, a callback routine can write an error status value to this variable to indicate why the new processor should not be added. A device driver must not change the value of this variable unless all three of the following conditions are true:
An error occurs during the processing of the callback routine that should prevent the new processor from being added.
The value of the State member of the KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_CONTEXT structure that Argument1 points to is KeProcessorAddStartNotify.
The NSTATUS variable that Argument2 points to contains the value STATUS_SUCCESS. That is, the callback routine must not overwrite an error status value that was previously written by another callback notification client.
Starting with Windows Vista, the \Callback\ProcessorAdd callback object is available to dynamically track changes in the processor population. The KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback routine provides similar information, but additionally supports a KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_ADD_EXISTING flag that a driver can use to enumerate the processors in the initial multiprocessor system configuration. For drivers that run in Windows Server 2008 and later versions of Windows, use KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback instead of the \Callback\ProcessorAdd callback object, if possible.
For more information about callback objects, see Callback Objects.
The operating system calls registered callback routines at the same IRQL at which the driver that created the callback called the ExNotifyCallback routine.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Universal |
Header | wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h) |
Library | NtosKrnl.lib |
DLL | NtosKrnl.exe |
DDI compliance rules | HwStorPortProhibitedDDIs(storport), IrqlExApcLte2(wdm) |