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Overview of the Windows Imaging Component technology.
To develop Windows Imaging Component, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIM IPTC digest metadata block. |
WIC8BIMIptcProperties Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIM IPTC block. |
WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties Specifies the identifiers of the metadata items in an 8BIMResolutionInfo block. |
WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption Specifies the desired alpha channel usage. |
WICBitmapCreateCacheOption Specifies the desired cache usage. |
WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities Specifies the capabilities of the decoder. |
WICBitmapDitherType Specifies the type of dither algorithm to apply when converting between image formats. |
WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption Specifies the cache options available for an encoder. |
WICBitmapInterpolationMode Specifies the sampling or filtering mode to use when scaling an image. |
WICBitmapLockFlags Specifies access to an IWICBitmap. |
WICBitmapPaletteType Specifies the type of palette used for an indexed image format. |
WICBitmapTransformOptions Specifies the flip and rotation transforms. |
WICColorContextType Specifies the color context types. |
WICComponentEnumerateOptions Specifies component enumeration options. |
WICComponentSigning Specifies the component signing status. |
WICComponentType Specifies the type of Windows Imaging Component (WIC) component. |
WICDdsAlphaMode Specifies the meaning of pixel color component values contained in the DDS image. |
WICDdsDimension Specifies the dimension type of the data contained in DDS image. |
WICDecodeOptions Specifies decode options. |
WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties Specifies the application extension metadata properties for a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image. |
WICGifCommentExtensionProperties Specifies the comment extension metadata properties for a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image. |
WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties Specifies the graphic control extension metadata properties that define the transitions between each frame animation for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images. |
WICGifImageDescriptorProperties Specifies the image descriptor metadata properties for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) frames. |
WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties Specifies the logical screen descriptor properties for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) metadata. |
WICHeifCompressionOption Defines constants that specify High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) compression options. |
WICHeifHdrProperties Specifies the HDR properties of a High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) image. |
WICHeifProperties Specifies the properties of a High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) image. |
WICJpegChrominanceProperties Specifies the JPEG chrominance table property. |
WICJpegCommentProperties Specifies the JPEG comment properties. |
WICJpegIndexingOptions Specifies the options for indexing a JPEG image. |
WICJpegLuminanceProperties Specifies the JPEG luminance table property. |
WICJpegScanType Specifies the memory layout of pixel data in a JPEG image scan. |
WICJpegTransferMatrix Specifies conversion matrix from Y'Cb'Cr' to R'G'B'. |
WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption Specifies the JPEG YCrCB subsampling options. |
WICMetadataCreationOptions Specifies metadata creation options. |
WICNamedWhitePoint Specifies named white balances for raw images. |
WICPersistOptions Specifies Windows Imaging Component (WIC) options that are used when initializing a component with a stream. |
WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation Defines constants that specify a primitive type for numeric representation of a WIC pixel format. |
WICPlanarOptions Specifies additional options to an IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform implementation. |
WICPngBkgdProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) background (bKGD) chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngChrmProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) cHRM chunk metadata properties for CIE XYZ chromaticity. |
WICPngFilterOption Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) filters available for compression optimization. |
WICPngGamaProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) gAMA chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngHistProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) hIST chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngIccpProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) iCCP chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngItxtProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) iTXT chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngSrgbProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) sRGB chunk metadata properties. |
WICPngTimeProperties Specifies the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) tIME chunk metadata properties. |
WICProgressNotification Specifies when the progress notification callback should be called. |
WICProgressOperation Specifies the progress operations to receive notifications for. |
WICRawCapabilities Specifies the capability support of a raw image. |
WICRawParameterSet Specifies the parameter set used by a raw codec. |
WICRawRenderMode Specifies the render intent of the next CopyPixels call. |
WICRawRotationCapabilities Specifies the rotation capabilities of the codec. |
WICSectionAccessLevel Specifies the access level of a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) section. |
WICTiffCompressionOption Specifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) compression options. |
WICWebpAnimProperties Specifies the animation properties of a WebP image. |
WICWebpAnmfProperties Specifies the animation frame properties of a WebP image. |
AddWriter Adds a top-level metadata block by adding a IWICMetadataWriter for it. |
CanConvert Determines if the source pixel format can be converted to the destination pixel format. |
CanConvert Query if the format converter can convert from one format to another. |
ClearIndexing Removes the indexing from a JPEG that has been indexed using IWICJpegFrameDecode::SetIndexing. |
Clone Creates a copy of the current IWICEnumMetadataItem. |
Commit Commits all changes for the image and closes the stream. |
Commit Commits the frame to the image. |
Commit Finalizes metadata changes to the image stream. |
CopyBlocks Requests pixel data as it is natively stored within the DDS file. |
CopyPalette Copies the decoder's IWICPalette . |
CopyPalette Retrieves the color table for indexed pixel formats. |
CopyPixels Instructs the object to produce pixels. |
CopyPixels Copies pixel data using the supplied input parameters. |
CopyPixels Copies pixels into the destination planes. Configured by the supplied input parameters. |
CopyScan Retrieves a copy of the compressed JPEG scan directly from the WIC decoder frame's output stream. |
CreateBitmap Creates an IWICBitmap object. |
CreateBitmapClipper Creates a new instance of an IWICBitmapClipper object. |
CreateBitmapFlipRotator Creates a new instance of an IWICBitmapFlipRotator object. |
CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP Creates an IWICBitmap from a bitmap handle. |
CreateBitmapFromHICON Creates an IWICBitmap from an icon handle. |
CreateBitmapFromMemory Creates an IWICBitmap from a memory block. |
CreateBitmapFromSource Creates a IWICBitmap from a IWICBitmapSource. |
CreateBitmapFromSourceRect Creates an IWICBitmap from a specified rectangle of an IWICBitmapSource. |
CreateBitmapScaler Creates a new instance of an IWICBitmapScaler. |
CreateColorContext Creates a new instance of the IWICColorContext class. |
CreateColorTransformer Creates a new instance of the IWICColorTransform class. |
CreateComponentEnumerator Creates an IEnumUnknown object of the specified component types. |
CreateComponentInfo Creates a new instance of the IWICComponentInfo class for the given component class identifier (CLSID). |
CreateDecoder Creates a new instance of IWICBitmapDecoder. |
CreateDecoderFromFileHandle Creates a new instance of the IWICBitmapDecoder based on the given file handle. |
CreateDecoderFromFilename Creates a new instance of the IWICBitmapDecoder class based on the given file. |
CreateDecoderFromStream Creates a new instance of the IWICBitmapDecoder class based on the given IStream. |
CreateEncoder Creates a new instance of the IWICBitmapEncoder class. |
CreateEncoderPropertyBag Creates an encoder property bag. |
CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromDecoder Creates a new instance of the fast metadata encoder based on the given IWICBitmapDecoder. |
CreateFastMetadataEncoderFromFrameDecode Creates a new instance of the fast metadata encoder based on the given image frame. |
CreateFormatConverter Creates a new instance of the IWICFormatConverter class. |
CreateImageEncoder Creates a new image encoder object. |
CreateInstance Creates a new IWICBitmapDecoder instance. |
CreateInstance Creates a new IWICBitmapEncoder instance. |
CreateInstance Creates a new IWICFormatConverter instance. |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of an IWICMetadataReader. |
CreateInstance Creates an instance of an IWICMetadataWriter. |
CreateMetadataReader Creates an IWICMetadataReader based on the given parameters. (IWICComponentFactory.CreateMetadataReader) |
CreateMetadataReaderFromContainer Creates an IWICMetadataReader based on the given parameters. (IWICComponentFactory.CreateMetadataReaderFromContainer) |
CreateMetadataWriter Creates an IWICMetadataWriter based on the given parameters. |
CreateMetadataWriterFromReader Creates an IWICMetadataWriter from the given IWICMetadataReader. |
CreateNewFrame Creates a new IWICBitmapFrameEncode instance. |
CreateNewFrame Creates a new frame to encode. |
CreatePalette Creates a new instance of the IWICPalette class. |
CreateQueryReaderFromBlockReader Creates a IWICMetadataQueryReader from the given IWICMetadataBlockReader. |
CreateQueryWriter Creates a new instance of a query writer. |
CreateQueryWriterFromBlockWriter Creates a IWICMetadataQueryWriter from the given IWICMetadataBlockWriter. |
CreateQueryWriterFromReader Creates a new instance of a query writer based on the given query reader. The query writer will be pre-populated with metadata from the query reader. |
CreateStream Creates a new instance of the IWICStream class. |
DoesRequireFixedSize Determines if the metadata handler requires a fixed size. |
DoesRequireFullStream Determines if the handler requires a full stream. |
DoesSupportAnimation Retrieves a value indicating whether the codec supports animation. |
DoesSupportChromakey Retrieves a value indicating whether the codec supports chromakeys. |
DoesSupportIndexing Retrieves a value indicating whether this decoder supports indexing for efficient random access. |
DoesSupportLossless Retrieves a value indicating whether the codec supports lossless formats. |
DoesSupportMultiframe Retrieves a value indicating whether the codec supports multi frame images. |
DoesSupportPadding Determines if the metadata handler supports padding. |
DoesSupportTransform Determines whether a specific transform option is supported natively by the implementation of the IWICBitmapSourceTransform interface. |
DoesSupportTransform Use this method to determine if a desired planar output is supported and allow the caller to choose an optimized code path if it is. |
GetAcHuffmanTable Retrieves a copy of the AC Huffman table for the specified scan and table. (IWICJpegFrameDecode.GetAcHuffmanTable) |
GetAcHuffmanTable Retrieves a copy of the AC Huffman table for the specified scan and table. (IWICJpegFrameEncode.GetAcHuffmanTable) |
GetAuthor Retrieves the name of component's author. |
GetBitsPerPixel Gets the bits per pixel (BPP) of the pixel format. |
GetChannelCount Gets the number of channels the pixel format contains. |
GetChannelMask Gets the pixel format's channel mask. |
GetClosestPixelFormat Retrieves the closest pixel format to which the implementation of IWICBitmapSourceTransform can natively copy pixels, given a desired format. |
GetClosestSize Returns the closest dimensions the implementation can natively scale to given the desired dimensions. |
GetCLSID Retrieves the component's class identifier (CLSID) |
GetColorContext Gets the pixel format's IWICColorContext. |
GetColorContexts Retrieves the IWICColorContext objects of the image. |
GetColorContexts Retrieves the IWICColorContext associated with the image frame. |
GetColorCount Retrieves the number of colors in the color table. |
GetColorManagementVersion Retrieves the color management version number the codec supports. |
GetColors Fills out the supplied color array with the colors from the internal color table. The color array should be sized according to the return results from GetColorCount. |
GetComponentType Retrieves the component's WICComponentType. |
GetContainerFormat Retrieves the container GUID associated with the codec. |
GetContainerFormat Retrieves the image's container format. |
GetContainerFormat Retrieves the encoder's container format. |
GetContainerFormat Gets the metadata query readers container format. |
GetContainerFormat Retrieves the container format of the decoder. |
GetContainerFormats Retrieves the container formats supported by the metadata handler. |
GetContrast Gets the contrast value of the raw image. |
GetCount Retrieves the number of top level metadata blocks. |
GetCount Gets the number of metadata items within the reader. |
GetCurrentLevel Gets the decoder's current progressive level. |
GetCurrentParameterSet Gets the current set of parameters. |
GetDataPointer Gets the pointer to the top left pixel in the locked rectangle. |
GetDcHuffmanTable Retrieves a copy of the DC Huffman table for the specified scan and table. (IWICJpegFrameDecode.GetDcHuffmanTable) |
GetDcHuffmanTable Retrieves a copy of the DC Huffman table for the specified scan and table. (IWICJpegFrameEncode.GetDcHuffmanTable) |
GetDecoderInfo Retrieves an IWICBitmapDecoderInfo for the image. |
GetDeviceManufacturer Retrieves the name of the device manufacture associated with the codec. |
GetDeviceManufacturer Retrieves the device manufacturer of the metadata handler. |
GetDeviceModels Retrieves a comma delimited list of device models associated with the codec. |
GetDeviceModels Retrieves the device models that support the metadata handler. |
GetEncoderInfo Retrieves an IWICBitmapEncoderInfo for the encoder. |
GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator of all metadata items at the current relative location within the metadata hierarchy. |
GetEnumerator Retrieves an enumeration of IWICMetadataReader objects representing each of the top level metadata blocks. |
GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator of all the metadata items. |
GetExifColorSpace Retrieves the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) color space color context. |
GetExposureCompensation Gets the exposure compensation stop value of the raw image. |
GetFileExtensions Retrieves a comma delimited list of the file name extensions associated with the codec. |
GetFormatGUID Gets the pixel format GUID. |
GetFormatInfo Gets information about the format in which the DDS image is stored. |
GetFrame Retrieves the specified frame of the image. |
GetFrame Retrieves the specified frame of the DDS image. |
GetFrameCount Retrieves the total number of frames in the image. |
GetFrameHeader Retrieves header data from the entire frame. |
GetFriendlyName Retrieves the component's friendly name, which is a human-readable display name for the component. |
GetGamma Gets the current gamma setting of the raw image. |
GetHeader Gets the metadata header for the metadata writer. |
GetKelvinRangeInfo Gets the information about the current Kelvin range of the raw image. |
GetLevelCount Gets the number of levels of progressive decoding supported by the CODEC. |
GetLocation Retrieves the current path relative to the root metadata block. |
GetMetadataByName Retrieves the metadata block or item identified by a metadata query expression. |
GetMetadataFormat Retrieves the metadata format of the metadata handler. |
GetMetadataFormat Gets the metadata format associated with the reader. |
GetMetadataHandlerInfo Gets the metadata handler info associated with the reader. |
GetMetadataQueryReader Retrieves the metadata query reader from the decoder. |
GetMetadataQueryReader Retrieves a metadata query reader for the frame. |
GetMetadataQueryWriter Retrieves a metadata query writer for the encoder. |
GetMetadataQueryWriter Gets the metadata query writer for the encoder frame. |
GetMetadataQueryWriter Retrieves a metadata query writer for fast metadata encoding. |
GetMimeTypes Retrieves a comma delimited sequence of mime types associated with the codec. |
GetNamedWhitePoint Gets the named white point of the raw image. |
GetNoiseReduction Gets the noise reduction value of the raw image. |
GetNumericRepresentation TBD (IWICPixelFormatInfo2.GetNumericRepresentation) |
GetParameters Gets DDS-specific data. (IWICDdsDecoder.GetParameters) |
GetParameters Gets DDS-specific data. (IWICDdsEncoder.GetParameters) |
GetPatterns Retrieves the file pattern signatures supported by the decoder. |
GetPatterns Gets the metadata patterns associated with the metadata reader. |
GetPersistOptions Gets the persist options used when initializing the component with a stream. |
GetPixelFormat Gets the pixel format of for the locked area of pixels. This can be used to compute the number of bytes-per-pixel in the locked area. |
GetPixelFormat Retrieves the pixel format of the bitmap source.. |
GetPixelFormats Retrieves the pixel formats the codec supports. |
GetPixelFormats Retrieves a list of GUIDs that signify which pixel formats the converter supports. |
GetPreferredVendorGUID Gets the preferred vendor GUID. |
GetPreview Retrieves a preview image, if supported. |
GetProfileBytes Retrieves the color context profile. |
GetQuantizationTable Retrieves a copy of the quantization table. (IWICJpegFrameDecode.GetQuantizationTable) |
GetQuantizationTable Retrieves a copy of the quantization table. (IWICJpegFrameEncode.GetQuantizationTable) |
GetReaderByIndex Retrieves an IWICMetadataReader for a specified top level metadata block. |
GetRenderMode Gets the current WICRawRenderMode. |
GetResolution Retrieves the sampling rate between pixels and physical world measurements. |
GetRotation Gets the current rotation angle. |
GetSaturation Gets the saturation value of the raw image. |
GetScanHeader Retrieves parameters from the Start Of Scan (SOS) marker for the scan with the specified index. |
GetSharpness Gets the sharpness value of the raw image. |
GetSigningStatus Retrieves the signing status of the component. |
GetSize Retrieves the width and height, in pixels, of the locked rectangle. |
GetSize Retrieves the pixel width and height of the bitmap. |
GetSizeInBlocks Gets the width and height, in blocks, of the DDS image. |
GetSpecVersion Retrieves the component's specification version. |
GetStream Gets the stream held by the component. |
GetStride Provides access to the stride value for the memory. |
GetThumbnail Retrieves a bitmap thumbnail of the image, if one exists |
GetThumbnail Retrieves a small preview of the frame, if supported by the codec. |
GetTint Gets the tint value of the raw image. |
GetToneCurve Gets the tone curve of the raw image. |
GetType Retrieves the color context type. (IWICColorContext.GetType) |
GetType Retrieves the WICBitmapPaletteType that describes the palette. |
GetValue Gets the metadata item value. |
GetValueByIndex Gets the metadata item at the given index. |
GetVendorGUID Retrieves the vendor GUID. |
GetVersion Retrieves the component's version. |
GetWhitePointKelvin Gets the white point Kelvin temperature of the raw image. |
GetWhitePointRGB Gets the white point RGB values. |
GetWriterByIndex Retrieves the IWICMetadataWriter that resides at the specified index. |
HasAlpha Indicates whether the palette contains an entry that is non-opaque (that is, an entry with an alpha that is less than 1). |
Initialize Initializes the bitmap clipper with the provided parameters. |
Initialize Initializes the decoder with the provided stream. |
Initialize Initializes the encoder with an IStream which tells the encoder where to encode the bits. |
Initialize Initializes the bitmap flip rotator with the provided parameters. |
Initialize Initializes the frame encoder using the given properties. |
Initialize Initializes the bitmap scaler with the provided parameters. |
Initialize Initializes an IWICColorTransform with a IWICBitmapSource and transforms it from one IWICColorContext to another. |
Initialize Initializes the format converter. |
Initialize Initializes a format converter with a planar source, and specifies the interleaved output pixel format. |
InitializeCustom Initializes a palette to the custom color entries provided. |
InitializeFromBitmap Initializes a palette using a computed optimized values based on the reference bitmap. |
InitializeFromBlockReader Initializes an IWICMetadataBlockWriter from the given IWICMetadataBlockReader. This will prepopulate the metadata block writer with all the metadata in the metadata block reader. |
InitializeFromExifColorSpace Initializes the color context using an Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) color space. |
InitializeFromFilename Initializes the color context from the given file. |
InitializeFromFilename Initializes a stream from a particular file. |
InitializeFromIStream Initializes a stream from another stream. Access rights are inherited from the underlying stream. |
InitializeFromIStreamRegion Initializes the stream as a substream of another stream. |
InitializeFromMemory Initializes the color context from a memory block. |
InitializeFromMemory Initializes a stream to treat a block of memory as a stream. The stream cannot grow beyond the buffer size. |
InitializeFromPalette Initialize the palette based on a given palette. |
InitializePredefined Initializes the palette to one of the pre-defined palettes specified by WICBitmapPaletteType and optionally adds a transparent color. |
IsBlackWhite Retrieves a value that describes whether the palette is black and white. |
IsGrayscale Retrieves a value that describes whether a palette is grayscale. |
LoadEx Loads data from an input stream using the given parameters. |
LoadParameterSet Sets the desired WICRawParameterSet option. |
Lock Provides access to a rectangular area of the bitmap. |
MatchesMimeType Retrieves a value indicating whether the given mime type matches the mime type of the codec. |
MatchesPattern Retrieves a value that indicates whether the codec recognizes the pattern within a specified stream. |
MatchesPattern Determines if a stream contains a metadata item pattern. |
Next Advanced the current position in the enumeration. |
Notify An application-defined callback method used for raw image parameter change notifications. |
Notify Notify method is documented only for compliance; its use is not recommended and may be altered or unavailable in the future. Instead, and use RegisterProgressNotification. |
PFNProgressNotification Application defined callback function called when codec component progress is made. |
QueryCapability Retrieves the capabilities of the decoder based on the specified stream. |
QueryRawCapabilitiesInfo Retrieves information about which capabilities are supported for a raw image. |
RefreshStream Informs the component that the content of the stream it's holding onto may have changed. The component should respond by dirtying any cached information from the stream. |
RegisterProgressNotification Registers a progress notification callback function. |
RemoveMetadataByName Removes a metadata item from a specific location using a metadata query expression. |
RemoveValue Removes the metadata item that matches the given parameters. |
RemoveValueByIndex Removes the metadata item at the specified index. |
RemoveWriterByIndex Removes the metadata writer from the specified index location. |
Reset Resets the current position to the beginning of the enumeration. |
SaveEx Saves the IWICPersistStream to the given input IStream using the given parameters. |
SetColorContexts Sets the IWICColorContext objects for the encoder. |
SetColorContexts Sets a given number IWICColorContext profiles to the frame. |
SetContrast Sets the contrast value of the raw image. |
SetCurrentLevel Specifies the level to retrieve on the next call to CopyPixels. |
SetDestinationColorContext Sets the destination color context. |
SetExposureCompensation Sets the exposure compensation stop value. |
SetGamma Sets the desired gamma value. |
SetIndexing Enables indexing of the JPEG for efficient random access. |
SetMetadataByName Sets a metadata item to a specific location. |
SetNamedWhitePoint Sets the named white point of the raw file. |
SetNoiseReduction Sets the noise reduction value of the raw image. |
SetNotificationCallback Sets the notification callback method. |
SetPalette Provides access for palette modifications. |
SetPalette Sets the global palette for the image. |
SetPalette Sets the IWICPalette for indexed pixel formats. |
SetParameters Sets DDS-specific data. |
SetPixelFormat Requests that the encoder use the specified pixel format. |
SetPreview Sets the global preview for the image. |
SetRenderMode Sets the current WICRawRenderMode. |
SetResolution Changes the physical resolution of the image. |
SetResolution Sets the physical resolution of the output image. |
SetRotation Sets the desired rotation angle. |
SetSaturation Sets the saturation value of the raw image. |
SetSharpness Sets the sharpness value of the raw image. |
SetSize Sets the output image dimensions for the frame. |
SetThumbnail Sets the global thumbnail for the image. |
SetThumbnail Sets the frame thumbnail if supported by the codec. |
SetTint Sets the tint value of the raw image. |
SetToneCurve Sets the tone curve for the raw image. |
SetValue Sets the given metadata item. |
SetValueByIndex Sets the metadata item to the specified index. |
SetWhitePointKelvin Sets the white point Kelvin value. |
SetWhitePointRGB Sets the white point RGB values. |
SetWriterByIndex Replaces the metadata writer at the specified index location. |
Skip Skips to given number of objects. |
SupportsTransparency Returns whether the format supports transparent pixels. |
WICConvertBitmapSource Obtains a IWICBitmapSource in the desired pixel format from a given IWICBitmapSource. |
WICCreateBitmapFromSection Returns a IWICBitmapSource that is backed by the pixels of a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) section handle. (WICCreateBitmapFromSection) |
WICCreateBitmapFromSectionEx Returns a IWICBitmapSource that is backed by the pixels of a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) section handle. (WICCreateBitmapFromSectionEx) |
WICGetMetadataContentSize Returns the size of the metadata content contained by the specified IWICMetadataWriter. The returned size accounts for the header and the length of the metadata. |
WICMapGuidToShortName Obtains the short name associated with a given GUID. |
WICMapSchemaToName Obtains the name associated with a given schema. |
WICMapShortNameToGuid Obtains the GUID associated with the given short name. |
WICMatchMetadataContent Obtains a metadata format GUID for a specified container format and vendor that best matches the content within a given stream. |
WICSerializeMetadataContent Writes metadata into a given stream. |
WriteFrame Encodes the image to the frame given by the IWICBitmapFrameEncode. |
WriteFrameThumbnail Encodes the image as a thumbnail to the frame given by the IWICBitmapFrameEncode. |
WritePixels Copies scan-line data from a caller-supplied buffer to the IWICBitmapFrameEncode object. |
WritePixels Writes lines from the source planes to the encoded format. (IWICPlanarBitmapFrameEncode.WritePixels) |
WriteScan Writes scan data to a JPEG frame. |
WriteSource Encodes a bitmap source. |
WriteSource Writes lines from the source planes to the encoded format. (IWICPlanarBitmapFrameEncode.WriteSource) |
WriteThumbnail Encodes the given image as the thumbnail to the given WIC bitmap encoder. |
IWICBitmap Defines methods that add the concept of writeability and static in-memory representations of bitmaps to IWICBitmapSource. |
IWICBitmapClipper Exposes methods that produce a clipped version of the input bitmap for a specified rectangular region of interest. |
IWICBitmapCodecInfo Exposes methods that provide information about a particular codec. |
IWICBitmapCodecProgressNotification Exposes methods used for progress notification for encoders and decoders. |
IWICBitmapDecoder Exposes methods that represent a decoder. |
IWICBitmapDecoderInfo Exposes methods that provide information about a decoder. |
IWICBitmapEncoder Defines methods for setting an encoder's properties such as thumbnails, frames, and palettes. |
IWICBitmapEncoderInfo Exposes methods that provide information about an encoder. |
IWICBitmapFlipRotator Exposes methods that produce a flipped (horizontal or vertical) and/or rotated (by 90 degree increments) bitmap source. The flip is done before the rotation. |
IWICBitmapFrameDecode Defines methods for decoding individual image frames of an encoded file. |
IWICBitmapFrameEncode Represents an encoder's individual image frames. |
IWICBitmapLock Exposes methods that support the Lock method. |
IWICBitmapScaler Represents a resized version of the input bitmap using a resampling or filtering algorithm. |
IWICBitmapSource Exposes methods that refers to a source from which pixels are retrieved, but cannot be written back to. |
IWICBitmapSourceTransform Exposes methods for offloading certain operations to the underlying IWICBitmapSource implementation. |
IWICColorContext Exposes methods for color management. |
IWICColorTransform Exposes methods that transforms an IWICBitmapSource from one color context to another. |
IWICComponentFactory Exposes methods that create components used by component developers. This includes metadata readers, writers and other services for use by codec and metadata handler developers. |
IWICComponentInfo Exposes methods that provide component information. |
IWICDdsDecoder Provides information and functionality specific to the DDS image format. |
IWICDdsEncoder Enables writing DDS format specific information to an encoder. |
IWICDdsFrameDecode Provides access to a single frame of DDS image data in its native DXGI_FORMAT form, as well as information about the image data. |
IWICDevelopRaw Exposes methods that provide access to the capabilities of a raw codec format. |
IWICDevelopRawNotificationCallback Exposes a callback method for raw image change nofications. |
IWICEnumMetadataItem Exposes methods that provide enumeration services for individual metadata items. |
IWICFastMetadataEncoder Exposes methods used for in-place metadata editing. A fast metadata encoder enables you to add and remove metadata to an image without having to fully re-encode the image. |
IWICFormatConverter Represents an IWICBitmapSource that converts the image data from one pixel format to another, handling dithering and halftoning to indexed formats, palette translation and alpha thresholding. |
IWICFormatConverterInfo Exposes methods that provide information about a pixel format converter. |
IWICImageEncoder Encodes ID2D1Image interfaces to an IWICBitmapEncoder. |
IWICImagingFactory Exposes methods used to create components for the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) such as decoders, encoders and pixel format converters. |
IWICImagingFactory2 An extension of the WIC factory interface that includes the ability to create an IWICImageEncoder. |
IWICJpegFrameDecode Exposes methods for decoding JPEG images. Provides access to the Start Of Frame (SOF) header, Start of Scan (SOS) header, the Huffman and Quantization tables, and the compressed JPEG JPEG data. Also enables indexing for efficient random access. |
IWICJpegFrameEncode Exposes methods for writing compressed JPEG scan data directly to the WIC encoder's output stream. Also provides access to the Huffman and quantization tables. |
IWICMetadataBlockReader Exposes methods that provide access to all of the codec's top level metadata blocks. |
IWICMetadataBlockWriter Exposes methods that enable the encoding of metadata. This interface is implemented by the decoder and its image frames. |
IWICMetadataHandlerInfo Exposes methods that provide basic information about the registered metadata handler. |
IWICMetadataQueryReader Exposes methods for retrieving metadata blocks and items from a decoder or its image frames using a metadata query expression. |
IWICMetadataQueryWriter Exposes methods for setting or removing metadata blocks and items to an encoder or its image frames using a metadata query expression. |
IWICMetadataReader Exposes methods that provide access to underlining metadata content. This interface is implemented by independent software vendors (ISVs) to create new metadata readers. |
IWICMetadataReaderInfo Exposes methods that provide basic information about the registered metadata reader. |
IWICMetadataWriter Exposes methods that provide access to writing metadata content. This is implemented by independent software vendors (ISVs) to create new metadata writers. |
IWICMetadataWriterInfo Exposes methods that provide basic information about the registered metadata writer. |
IWICPalette Exposes methods for accessing and building a color table, primarily for indexed pixel formats. |
IWICPersistStream Exposes methods that provide additional load and save methods that take WICPersistOptions. |
IWICPixelFormatInfo Exposes methods that provide information about a pixel format. |
IWICPixelFormatInfo2 Extends IWICPixelFormatInfo by providing additional information about a pixel format. |
IWICPlanarBitmapFrameEncode Allows planar component image pixels to be written to an encoder. |
IWICPlanarBitmapSourceTransform Provides access to planar Y’CbCr pixel formats where pixel components are stored in separate component planes. |
IWICPlanarFormatConverter Allows a format converter to be initialized with a planar source. |
IWICProgressCallback IWICProgressCallback interface is documented only for compliance; its use is not recommended and may be altered or unavailable in the future. Instead, and use RegisterProgressNotification. |
IWICProgressiveLevelControl Exposes methods for obtaining information about and controlling progressive decoding. |
IWICStream Represents a Windows Imaging Component (WIC) stream for referencing imaging and metadata content. |
IWICStreamProvider Exposes methods for a stream provider. |
WICBitmapPattern Contains members that identify a pattern within an image file which can be used to identify a particular format. |
WICBitmapPlane Specifies the pixel format, buffer, stride and size of a component plane for a planar pixel format. |
WICBitmapPlaneDescription Specifies the pixel format and size of a component plane. |
WICDdsFormatInfo Specifies the DXGI_FORMAT and block information of a DDS format. |
WICDdsParameters Specifies the DDS image dimension, DXGI_FORMAT and alpha mode of contained data. |
WICImageParameters This defines parameters that you can use to override the default parameters normally used when encoding an image. |
WICJpegFrameHeader Represents a JPEG frame header. (WICJpegFrameHeader) |
WICJpegScanHeader Represents a JPEG frame header. (WICJpegScanHeader) |
WICMetadataHeader Represents metadata header. |
WICMetadataPattern Represents a metadata pattern. |
WICRawCapabilitiesInfo Defines raw codec capabilities. |
WICRawToneCurve Represents a raw image tone curve. |
WICRawToneCurvePoint Represents a raw image tone curve point. |
WICRect Represents a rectangle for Windows Imaging Component (WIC) API. |
May 19, 6 PM - May 23, 12 AM
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