Common MSBuild project items
In MSBuild, an item is a named reference to one or more files. Items contain metadata such as file names, paths, and version numbers. All project types in Visual Studio have several items in common. These items are defined in the file Microsoft.Build.CommonTypes.xsd.
This article lists all the common project items.
Represents an assembly (managed) reference in the project.
Item metadata name | Description |
HintPath | Optional string. Relative or absolute path of the assembly. |
Name | Optional string. The display name of the assembly, for example, "System.Windows.Forms." |
FusionName | Optional string. Specifies the simple or strong fusion name for the item. When this attribute is present, it can save time because the assembly file doesn't have to be opened to obtain the fusion name. |
SpecificVersion | Optional boolean. Specifies whether only the version in the fusion name should be referenced. |
Aliases | Optional string. Any aliases for the reference. |
Private | Optional boolean. Specifies whether the reference should be copied to the output folder. This attribute matches the Copy Local property of the reference that's in the Visual Studio IDE. |
Represents a COM (unmanaged) component reference in the project. This item applies only to .NET projects.
Item metadata name | Description |
Name | Optional string. The display name of the component. |
Guid | Required string. A GUID for the component, in the form {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456781234}. |
VersionMajor | Required string. The major part of the version number of the component. For example, "5" if the full version number is "5.46." |
VersionMinor | Required string. The minor part of the version number of the component. For example, "46" if the full version number is "5.46." |
EmbedInteropTypes | Optional boolean. If true, embed the interop types from this reference directly into your assembly rather than generating an interop DLL. |
Lcid | Optional string. The LocaleID for the component. |
WrapperTool | Optional string. The name of the wrapper tool that is used on the component. Values are: 1. primary 2. tlbimp 3. primaryortlbimp 4. aximp |
Isolated | Optional boolean. Specifies whether the component is a reg-free component. |
Represents a list of type libraries that are passed to the TypeLibFiles
parameter of the ResolveComReference target. This item applies only to .NET projects.
Item metadata name | Description |
EmbedInteropTypes | Optional boolean. If true, embed the interop types from this reference directly into your assembly rather than generating an interop DLL. |
WrapperTool | Optional string. The name of the wrapper tool that is used on the component. Values are: 1. primary 2. tlbimp 3. primaryortlbimp 4. aximp |
Represents a native manifest file or a reference to such a file.
Item metadata name | Description |
Name | Required string. The base name of the manifest file. |
HintPath | Required string. The relative path of the manifest file. |
Represents a reference to another project. ProjectReference
items are transformed into Reference items by the ResolveProjectReferences
target, so any valid metadata on a Reference may be valid on ProjectReference
, if the transformation process doesn't overwrite it.
Item metadata name | Description |
Name | Optional string. The display name of the reference. |
GlobalPropertiesToRemove | Optional string[] . Names of properties to remove when building the referenced project, for example RuntimeIdentifier;PackOnBuild . Defaults to empty. |
Project | Optional string. A GUID for the reference, in the form {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456781234}. |
OutputItemType | Optional string. Item type to emit target outputs into. Default is blank. If the Reference metadata is set to "true" (default), then target outputs become references for the compiler. |
ReferenceOutputAssembly | Optional boolean. If set to false , doesn't include the output of the referenced project as a Reference of this project, but still ensures that the other project builds before this one. Defaults to true . |
Private | Optional boolean. Specifies whether the reference should be copied to the output folder. This attribute matches the Copy Local property of the reference that's in the Visual Studio IDE. |
SetConfiguration | Optional string. Sets the global property Configuration for the referenced project, for example Configuration=Release . |
SetPlatform | Optional string. Sets the global property Platform for the referenced project, for example Platform=AnyCPU . |
SetTargetFramework | Optional string. Sets the global property TargetFramework for the referenced project, for example TargetFramework=netstandard2.0 . |
SkipGetTargetFrameworkProperties | Optional boolean. If true , builds the referenced project without negotiating the most compatible TargetFramework value. Defaults to false . |
Targets | Optional string[] . Semicolon separated list of targets in the referenced projects that should be built. Default is the value of $(ProjectReferenceBuildTargets) , which defaults to empty, indicating the default targets. When building in Visual Studio (as opposed to MSBuild.exe or dotnet build ), specifying this does not prevent Visual Studio from building the default targets of the referenced project. |
There is a difference between how project references work between .NET Framework and .NET Core (including .NET 5 and later). In .NET Framework projects, project references aren't transitive. That is, if Project1 references Project2, and Project2 references Project3, you can't code against Project3 from Project1. However, in .NET Core (including .NET 5 and later), project references are transitive. You can code against Project3 in Project1.
Represents the source files for the compiler.
Item metadata name | Description |
DependentUpon | Optional string. Specifies the file this file depends on to compile correctly. |
AutoGen | Optional boolean. Indicates whether the file was generated for the project by the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). |
Link | Optional string. The notational path to be displayed when the file is physically located outside the influence of the project file. |
Visible | Optional boolean. Indicates whether to display the file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. |
CopyToOutputDirectory | Optional string. Determines whether to copy the file to the output directory. Values are: 1. Never 2. Always 3. PreserveNewest 4. IfDifferent |
Represents resources to be embedded in the generated assembly.
Item metadata name | Description |
Culture | Optional string. Specifies the culture of the resource file. If specified, the build process doesn't auto-infer the culture based on file extension (which is dependent on the cultures available to .NET/OS on the machine hosting the build). Setting either Culture={culture identifier} or WithCulture=false metadata is highly recommended. |
WithCulture | Optional bool. Specifies that the file is culture neutral and culture detection by AssignCulture task should be skipped. Setting either Culture={culture identifier} or WithCulture=false metadata is highly recommended. |
DependentUpon | Optional string. Specifies the file this file depends on to compile correctly |
Generator | Optional string. The name of any file generator that is run on this item. |
LastGenOutput | Optional string. The name of the file that was created by any file generator that ran on this item. |
CustomToolNamespace | Optional string. The namespace in which any file generator that runs on this item should create code. |
Link | Optional string. The notational path is displayed if the file is physically located outside the influence of the project. |
Visible | Optional boolean. Indicates whether to display the file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. |
CopyToOutputDirectory | Optional string. Determines whether to copy the file to the output directory. Values are: 1. Never 2. Always 3. PreserveNewest 4. IfDifferent |
LogicalName | Required string. The logical name of the embedded resource. |
Represents files that aren't compiled into the project, but may be embedded or published together with it.
Item metadata name | Description |
DependentUpon | Optional string. Specifies the file this file depends on to compile correctly. |
Generator | Optional string. The name of any file generator that runs on this item. |
LastGenOutput | Optional string. The name of the file that was created by any file generator that was run on this item. |
CustomToolNamespace | Optional string. The namespace in which any file generator that runs on this item should create code. |
Link | Optional string. The notational path to be displayed if the file is physically located outside the influence of the project. |
PublishState | Required string. The publish state of the content, either: - Default - Included - Excluded - DataFile - Prerequisite |
IsAssembly | Optional boolean. Specifies whether the file is an assembly. |
Visible | Optional boolean. Indicates whether to display the file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. |
CopyToOutputDirectory | Optional string. Determines whether to copy the file to the output directory. Values are: 1. Never 2. Always 3. PreserveNewest 4. IfDifferent |
TargetPath | Optional string. The output path (relative to the configuration- and/or platform-specific output directory) of an item, including the filename. This respects the Link metadata, if provided. If TargetPath isn't provided, it's computed during the build process. See AssignTargetPath. |
Represents files that should have no role in the build process.
Item metadata name | Description |
DependentUpon | Optional string. Specifies the file this file depends on to compile correctly. |
Generator | Optional string. The name of any file generator that is run on this item. |
LastGenOutput | Optional string. The name of the file that was created by any file generator that ran on this item. |
CustomToolNamespace | Optional string. The namespace in which any file generator that runs on this item should create code. |
Link | Optional string. The notational path to be displayed if the file is physically located outside the influence of the project. |
Visible | Optional boolean. Indicates whether to display the file in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. |
CopyToOutputDirectory | Optional string. Determines whether to copy the file to the output directory. Values are: 1. Never 2. Always 3. PreserveNewest 4. IfDifferent |
Represents assembly attributes to be generated as [AssemblyMetadata(key, value)]
Item metadata name | Description |
Include | Becomes the first parameter (the key) in the AssemblyMetadataAttribute attribute constructor. |
Value | Required string. Becomes the second parameter (the value) in the AssemblyMetadataAttribute attribute constructor. |
This item applies to projects using the SDK for .NET 5 (and .NET Core) and later versions.
Specifies assemblies to be emitted as [InternalsVisibleTo(..)]
assembly attributes.
Item metadata name | Description |
Include | The assembly name. |
Key | Optional string. The public key of the assembly. |
This item applies to projects using the SDK for .NET 5 (and .NET Core) and later versions.
Represents the base application manifest for the build, and contains ClickOnce deployment security information.
Represents the FxCop project to import.
Represents assemblies whose namespaces should be imported by the Visual Basic compiler.
This element is only used by Visual Studio as a placeholder for an empty folder. When the folder is populated, it's replaced by another element.