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Journey into Mixed Reality development (for beginners)

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Join April Speight, leader of the Spatial Computing Cloud Advocacy team at Microsoft, for a 10-part video series dedicated to helping you get started with your Mixed Reality development journey. Created for the true beginner in mind, this series is ideal for developers and non-developers alike. Register below to attend an event and take part in live Q&A. You can also access the on-demand post-event recordings here shortly after.

Session title Date Description
Episode 1: Paths into Mixed Reality development See on-demand video Come learn the lay of the land for getting started with XR development. We'll explore programming languages, engine options, device options, low code/no-code solutions, and general advice for getting started.
Episode 2: Plan & design your Mixed Reality app See on-demand video So, you have a great idea for an app but now what? Before heading into development, there's a lot to consider to ensure your app experience is well thought out and accessibly sound. Learn techniques and tips on planning and designing your future XR app.
Episode 3: Low-code/no-code platforms for AR See on-demand video Did you know that coding isn't a requirement to create augmented reality apps? The number of low-code/no-code platforms for AR development has grown over the past few years - enabling creators of all backgrounds to develop their own AR experiences. Join us to explore various low-code/no-code platforms for AR development, including a demo for Microsoft Power Apps.
Episode 4: Enhance XR Experiences with Azure Cloud Services See on-demand video Take your XR app to the next level by integrating features such as speech recognition, speech translation, object detection, and even a bot! In this episode, we'll explore prototypes for immersive XR experiences that leverage the power of Azure Cognitive Services.
Episode 5: Interactions for AR & VR Development See on-demand video There are many ways to interact with virtual objects that go beyond using our hands and/or motion controllers. Come learn various input models that can enable you to interact with XR apps including a demo for the Mixed Reality Toolkit.
Episode 6: Developing Immersive XR Experiences on the Web See on-demand video Developing immersive Web experiences is made possible with various JavaScript frameworks and APIs. Come learn how to create immersive augmented reality and virtual reality experiences on the Web, including a demo for Babylon.js and WebXR.
Episode 7: The Structural Elements of XR See on-demand video Much like a compound in chemistry is made of elements from the Periodic Table of Elements, XR solutions are built from various building blocks. What are some of the building blocks of XR? What is a coordinate system? Scene understanding? Room scan visualization? Spatial anchors? In this session, we'll put on our lab coats and set up our lab and provide an introduction to some of the fundamental building blocks so that you can create or design XR applications.
Episode 8: 3D Modeling & World Building See on-demand video Modeling the world and objects surrounding us is made possible with various design tools for both beginners and advance creators. Come learn about some of the tools available for 3D modeling and how you can leverage such tools to create your own virtual world.
Episode 9: Careers in Mixed Reality See on-demand video Panel 1: Join us for a panel discussion to learn more about careers in XR. During this live event, we'll meet with members from the Mixed Reality team at Microsoft who will share their experiences from working in the industry. We'll also hear from recruiters to learn more about how you can set yourself up for success to find your next role in XR.
Episode 10: Careers in Mixed Reality May 17th from 10:00 – 11:00 AM PDT Panel 2: Join us for a panel discussion to learn more about careers in XR. During this live event, we'll meet with members from the Mixed Reality team at Microsoft who'll share their experiences from working in the industry. We'll also hear from recruiters to learn more about how you can set yourself up for success to find your next role in XR. On-demand link: coming soon.

New episodes will be posted every other week through June 2022.