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Microsoft.Network virtualNetworks

Choose a deployment language


For guidance on creating virtual networks and subnets, see Create virtual network resources by using Bicep.

Bicep resource definition

The virtualNetworks resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2024-05-01' = {
  extendedLocation: {
    name: 'string'
    type: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    addressSpace: {
      addressPrefixes: [
      ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
          numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
          pool: {
            id: 'string'
    bgpCommunities: {
      virtualNetworkCommunity: 'string'
    ddosProtectionPlan: {
      id: 'string'
    dhcpOptions: {
      dnsServers: [
    enableDdosProtection: bool
    enableVmProtection: bool
    encryption: {
      enabled: bool
      enforcement: 'string'
    flowTimeoutInMinutes: int
    ipAllocations: [
        id: 'string'
    privateEndpointVNetPolicies: 'string'
    subnets: [
        id: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          addressPrefix: 'string'
          addressPrefixes: [
          applicationGatewayIPConfigurations: [
              id: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              properties: {
                subnet: {
                  id: 'string'
          defaultOutboundAccess: bool
          delegations: [
              id: 'string'
              name: 'string'
              properties: {
                serviceName: 'string'
              type: 'string'
          ipAllocations: [
              id: 'string'
          ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
              numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
              pool: {
                id: 'string'
          natGateway: {
            id: 'string'
          networkSecurityGroup: {
            id: 'string'
            location: 'string'
            properties: {
              flushConnection: bool
              securityRules: [
                  id: 'string'
                  name: 'string'
                  properties: {
                    access: 'string'
                    description: 'string'
                    destinationAddressPrefix: 'string'
                    destinationAddressPrefixes: [
                    destinationApplicationSecurityGroups: [
                        id: 'string'
                        location: 'string'
                        properties: {}
                        tags: {
                          {customized property}: 'string'
                    destinationPortRange: 'string'
                    destinationPortRanges: [
                    direction: 'string'
                    priority: int
                    protocol: 'string'
                    sourceAddressPrefix: 'string'
                    sourceAddressPrefixes: [
                    sourceApplicationSecurityGroups: [
                        id: 'string'
                        location: 'string'
                        properties: {}
                        tags: {
                          {customized property}: 'string'
                    sourcePortRange: 'string'
                    sourcePortRanges: [
                  type: 'string'
            tags: {
              {customized property}: 'string'
          privateEndpointNetworkPolicies: 'string'
          privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies: 'string'
          routeTable: {
            id: 'string'
            location: 'string'
            properties: {
              disableBgpRoutePropagation: bool
              routes: [
                  id: 'string'
                  name: 'string'
                  properties: {
                    addressPrefix: 'string'
                    nextHopIpAddress: 'string'
                    nextHopType: 'string'
                  type: 'string'
            tags: {
              {customized property}: 'string'
          serviceEndpointPolicies: [
              id: 'string'
              location: 'string'
              properties: {
                contextualServiceEndpointPolicies: [
                serviceAlias: 'string'
                serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions: [
                    id: 'string'
                    name: 'string'
                    properties: {
                      description: 'string'
                      service: 'string'
                      serviceResources: [
                    type: 'string'
              tags: {
                {customized property}: 'string'
          serviceEndpoints: [
              locations: [
              networkIdentifier: {
                id: 'string'
              service: 'string'
          sharingScope: 'string'
        type: 'string'
    virtualNetworkPeerings: [
        id: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          allowForwardedTraffic: bool
          allowGatewayTransit: bool
          allowVirtualNetworkAccess: bool
          doNotVerifyRemoteGateways: bool
          enableOnlyIPv6Peering: bool
          localAddressSpace: {
            addressPrefixes: [
            ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
                numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
                pool: {
                  id: 'string'
          localSubnetNames: [
          localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace: {
            addressPrefixes: [
            ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
                numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
                pool: {
                  id: 'string'
          peerCompleteVnets: bool
          peeringState: 'string'
          peeringSyncLevel: 'string'
          remoteAddressSpace: {
            addressPrefixes: [
            ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
                numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
                pool: {
                  id: 'string'
          remoteBgpCommunities: {
            virtualNetworkCommunity: 'string'
          remoteSubnetNames: [
          remoteVirtualNetwork: {
            id: 'string'
          remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace: {
            addressPrefixes: [
            ipamPoolPrefixAllocations: [
                numberOfIpAddresses: 'string'
                pool: {
                  id: 'string'
          useRemoteGateways: bool
        type: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
addressPrefixes A list of address blocks reserved for this virtual network in CIDR notation. string[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Name of the IP configuration that is unique within an Application Gateway. string
properties Properties of the application gateway IP configuration. ApplicationGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
subnet Reference to the subnet resource. A subnet from where application gateway gets its private address. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the application security group. ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a subnet. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
dnsServers The list of DNS servers IP addresses. string[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string
type The type of the extended location. 'EdgeZone'


Name Description Value
numberOfIpAddresses Number of IP addresses to allocate. string
pool IpamPoolPrefixAllocationPool


Name Description Value
id Resource id of the associated Azure IpamPool resource. string


Name Description Value
extendedLocation The extended location of the virtual network. ExtendedLocation
location Resource location. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of the virtual network. VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the network security group. NetworkSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
flushConnection When enabled, flows created from Network Security Group connections will be re-evaluated when rules are updates. Initial enablement will trigger re-evaluation. bool
securityRules A collection of security rules of the network security group. SecurityRule[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route. RoutePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The destination CIDR to which the route applies. string
nextHopIpAddress The IP address packets should be forwarded to. Next hop values are only allowed in routes where the next hop type is VirtualAppliance. string
nextHopType The type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. 'Internet'
'VnetLocal' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route table. RouteTablePropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
disableBgpRoutePropagation Whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table. True means disable. bool
routes Collection of routes contained within a route table. Route[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the security rule. SecurityRulePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
access The network traffic is allowed or denied. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
destinationAddressPrefix The destination address prefix. CIDR or destination IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. string
destinationAddressPrefixes The destination address prefixes. CIDR or destination IP ranges. string[]
destinationApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as destination. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
destinationPortRange The destination port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
destinationPortRanges The destination port ranges. string[]
direction The direction of the rule. The direction specifies if rule will be evaluated on incoming or outgoing traffic. 'Inbound'
'Outbound' (required)
priority The priority of the rule. The value can be between 100 and 4096. The priority number must be unique for each rule in the collection. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the rule. int (required)
protocol Network protocol this rule applies to. '*'
'Udp' (required)
sourceAddressPrefix The CIDR or source IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. If this is an ingress rule, specifies where network traffic originates from. string
sourceAddressPrefixes The CIDR or source IP ranges. string[]
sourceApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as source. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
sourcePortRange The source port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
sourcePortRanges The source port ranges. string[]


Name Description Value
serviceName The name of the service to whom the subnet should be delegated (e.g. Microsoft.Sql/servers). string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the service end point policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the service endpoint policy definition. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
service Service endpoint name. string
serviceResources A list of service resources. string[]


Name Description Value
contextualServiceEndpointPolicies A collection of contextual service endpoint policy. string[]
serviceAlias The alias indicating if the policy belongs to a service string
serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions A collection of service endpoint policy definitions of the service endpoint policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition[]


Name Description Value
locations A list of locations. string[]
networkIdentifier SubResource as network identifier. SubResource
service The type of the endpoint service. string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. SubnetPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The address prefix for the subnet. string
addressPrefixes List of address prefixes for the subnet. string[]
applicationGatewayIPConfigurations Application gateway IP configurations of virtual network resource. ApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration[]
defaultOutboundAccess Set this property to false to disable default outbound connectivity for all VMs in the subnet. This property can only be set at the time of subnet creation and cannot be updated for an existing subnet. bool
delegations An array of references to the delegations on the subnet. Delegation[]
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this subnet. SubResource[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools for allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]
natGateway Nat gateway associated with this subnet. SubResource
networkSecurityGroup The reference to the NetworkSecurityGroup resource. NetworkSecurityGroup
privateEndpointNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private end point in the subnet. 'Disabled'
privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private link service in the subnet. 'Disabled'
routeTable The reference to the RouteTable resource. RouteTable
serviceEndpointPolicies An array of service endpoint policies. ServiceEndpointPolicy[]
serviceEndpoints An array of service endpoints. ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat[]
sharingScope Set this property to Tenant to allow sharing subnet with other subscriptions in your AAD tenant. This property can only be set if defaultOutboundAccess is set to false, both properties can only be set if subnet is empty. 'DelegatedServices'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string


Name Description Value
virtualNetworkCommunity The BGP community associated with the virtual network. string (required)


Name Description Value
enabled Indicates if encryption is enabled on the virtual network. bool (required)
enforcement If the encrypted VNet allows VM that does not support encryption. This field is for future support, AllowUnencrypted is the only supported value at general availability. 'AllowUnencrypted'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the virtual network peering. VirtualNetworkPeeringPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
allowForwardedTraffic Whether the forwarded traffic from the VMs in the local virtual network will be allowed/disallowed in remote virtual network. bool
allowGatewayTransit If gateway links can be used in remote virtual networking to link to this virtual network. bool
allowVirtualNetworkAccess Whether the VMs in the local virtual network space would be able to access the VMs in remote virtual network space. bool
doNotVerifyRemoteGateways If we need to verify the provisioning state of the remote gateway. bool
enableOnlyIPv6Peering Whether only Ipv6 address space is peered for subnet peering. bool
localAddressSpace The local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
localSubnetNames List of local subnet names that are subnet peered with remote virtual network. string[]
localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The current local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
peerCompleteVnets Whether complete virtual network address space is peered. bool
peeringState The status of the virtual network peering. 'Connected'
peeringSyncLevel The peering sync status of the virtual network peering. 'FullyInSync'
remoteAddressSpace The reference to the address space peered with the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
remoteBgpCommunities The reference to the remote virtual network's Bgp Communities. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
remoteSubnetNames List of remote subnet names from remote virtual network that are subnet peered. string[]
remoteVirtualNetwork The reference to the remote virtual network. The remote virtual network can be in the same or different region (preview). See here to register for the preview and learn more (/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-create-peering). SubResource
remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The reference to the current address space of the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
useRemoteGateways If remote gateways can be used on this virtual network. If the flag is set to true, and allowGatewayTransit on remote peering is also true, virtual network will use gateways of remote virtual network for transit. Only one peering can have this flag set to true. This flag cannot be set if virtual network already has a gateway. bool


Name Description Value
addressSpace The AddressSpace that contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets. AddressSpace
bgpCommunities Bgp Communities sent over ExpressRoute with each route corresponding to a prefix in this VNET. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
ddosProtectionPlan The DDoS protection plan associated with the virtual network. SubResource
dhcpOptions The dhcpOptions that contains an array of DNS servers available to VMs deployed in the virtual network. DhcpOptions
enableDdosProtection Indicates if DDoS protection is enabled for all the protected resources in the virtual network. It requires a DDoS protection plan associated with the resource. bool
enableVmProtection Indicates if VM protection is enabled for all the subnets in the virtual network. bool
encryption Indicates if encryption is enabled on virtual network and if VM without encryption is allowed in encrypted VNet. VirtualNetworkEncryption
flowTimeoutInMinutes The FlowTimeout value (in minutes) for the Virtual Network int
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this VNET. SubResource[]
privateEndpointVNetPolicies Private Endpoint VNet Policies. 'Basic'
subnets A list of subnets in a Virtual Network. Subnet[]
virtualNetworkPeerings A list of peerings in a Virtual Network. VirtualNetworkPeering[]

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
Virtual Network AVM Resource Module for Virtual Network

Azure Quickstart Samples

The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.

Bicep File Description
101-1vm-2nics-2subnets-1vnet Creates a new VM with two NICs which connect to two different subnets within the same VNet.
2 VMs in VNET - Internal Load Balancer and LB rules This template allows you to create 2 Virtual Machines in a VNET and under an internal Load balancer and configure a load balancing rule on Port 80. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, Availability Set and Network Interfaces.
AKS Cluster with a NAT Gateway and an Application Gateway This sample shows how to a deploy an AKS cluster with NAT Gateway for outbound connections and an Application Gateway for inbound connections.
AKS cluster with the Application Gateway Ingress Controller This sample shows how to deploy an AKS cluster with Application Gateway, Application Gateway Ingress Controller, Azure Container Registry, Log Analytics and Key Vault
Application Gateway for Url Path Based Routing This template creates an Application Gateway and configures it for URL Path Based Routing.
Application Gateway with internal API Management and Web App Application Gateway routing Internet traffic to a virtual network (internal mode) API Management instance which services a web API hosted in an Azure Web App.
Azure Application Gateway Log Analyzer using GoAccess This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an Azure Application Gateway Log Analyzer using GoAccess. The deployment template creates an Ubuntu VM, installs Application Gateway Log Processor, GoAccess, Apache WebServer and configures it to analyze Azure Application Gateway access logs.
Azure Bastion as a Service This template provisions Azure Bastion in a Virtual Network
Azure Bastion as a Service with NSG This template provisions Azure Bastion in a Virtual Network
Azure Batch pool without public IP addresses This template creates Azure Batch simplified node communication pool without public IP addresses.
Azure Container Instances - VNet Deploy a container instance into an Azure virtual network.
Azure Databricks All-in-one Templat VNetInjection-Pvtendpt This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network, and Private Endpoint.
Azure Databricks All-in-one Template for VNet Injection This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network, a NAT gateway and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
Azure Digital Twins with Function and Private Link service This template creates an Azure Digital Twins service configured with a Virtual Network connected Azure Function that can communicate through a Private Link Endpoint to Digital Twins. It also creates a Private DNS Zone to allow seamless hostname resolution of the Digital Twins Endpoint from the Virtual Network to the Private Endpoint internal subnet IP address. The hostname is stored as a setting to the Azure Function with name 'ADT_ENDPOINT'.
Azure DNS Private Resolver This template provisions Azure DNS Private Resolver in a virtual network with required forwarding ruleset and rules. It creates a new virtual network with two subnets, and deploy Azure DNS Private Resolver in this VNET.
Azure Function App with Virtual Network Integration This template provisions a function app on a Premium plan with regional virtual network integration enabled to a newly created virtual network.
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine includes Licencsed Engines like Unreal.
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Scale Set Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Scale Set includes Licencsed Engines like Unreal.
Azure Machine Learning end-to-end secure setup This set of Bicep templates demonstrates how to set up Azure Machine Learning end-to-end in a secure set up. This reference implementation includes the Workspace, a compute cluster, compute instance and attached private AKS cluster.
Azure Machine Learning end-to-end secure setup (legacy) This set of Bicep templates demonstrates how to set up Azure Machine Learning end-to-end in a secure set up. This reference implementation includes the Workspace, a compute cluster, compute instance and attached private AKS cluster.
Azure private DNS domain hosting example This template shows how to create a private DNS zone and optionally enable VM registration
Azure Traffic Manager VM example This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines.
AzureDatabricks Template for Default Storage Firewall This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network, private endpoint, and a default storage firewall enabled Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network and the system-assigned access connector.
AzureDatabricks Template for VNet Injection with NAT Gateway This template allows you to create a NAT gateway, network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
AzureDatabricks Template for VNetInjection and Load Balancer This template allows you to create a a load balancer, network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
AzureDatabricks Virtual Network - VNet Injection NAT Gateway This template allows you to create a Virtual Network for Azure Databricks VNet injection with natgateway.
CentOS/UbuntuServer Auto Dynamic Disks & Docker 1.12(cs) This is a common template for creating single instance CentOS 7.2/7.1/6.5 or Ubuntu Server 16.04.0-LTS with configurable number of data disks (configurable sizes). Maximum 16 disks can be mentioned in the portal parameters and maximum size of each disk should be less than 1023 GB. The MDADM RAID0 Array is automounted and survives restarts. Latest Docker 1.12(cs3) (Swarm), docker-compose 1.9.0 & docker-machine 0.8.2 is available for usage from user azure-cli is auto running as a docker container. This single instance template is an offshoot of the HPC/GPU Clusters Template @
Configure Dev Box service This template would create all Dev Box admin resources as per Dev Box quick start guide (/azure/dev-box/quickstart-create-dev-box). You can view all resources created, or directly go to to create your first Dev Box.
Create a BGP VNET to VNET connection This template allows you to connect two VNETs using Virtual Network Gateways and BGP
Create a cross-region load balancer This template creates a cross-region load balancer with a backend pool containing two regional load balancers. Cross-region load balancer is currently available in limited regions. The regional load balancers behind the cross-region load balancer can be in any region.
Create a Firewall and FirewallPolicy with Rules and Ipgroups This template deploys an Azure Firewall with Firewall Policy (including multiple application and network rules) referencing IP Groups in application and network rules.
Create a Point-to-Site Gateway with Azure AD This template deploys a VPN Virtual Network Gateway configured with an Azure Active Directory Point-to-Site connection
Create a Private AKS Cluster This sample shows how to create a private AKS cluster in a virtual network along with a jumpbox virtual machine.
Create a Route Server in a New Subnet This template deploys a Route Server into a subnet named RouteServerSubnet.
Create a sandbox setup of Azure Firewall with Linux VMs This template creates a virtual network with 3 subnets (server subnet, jumpbox subet and AzureFirewall subnet), a jumpbox VM with public IP, A server VM, UDR route to point to Azure Firewall for the Server Subnet and an Azure Firewall with 1 or more Public IP addresses, 1 sample application rule, 1 sample network rule and default private ranges
Create a sandbox setup of Azure Firewall with Zones This template creates a virtual network with three subnets (server subnet, jumpbox subnet, and Azure Firewall subnet), a jumpbox VM with public IP, A server VM, UDR route to point to Azure Firewall for the ServerSubnet,an Azure Firewall with one or more Public IP addresses, one sample application rule, and one sample network rule and Azure Firewall in Availability Zones 1, 2, and 3.
Create a Service Bus namespace Virtual Network rule This template enables you to deploy a Service Bus Premium namespace with Virtual Network rule
Create a standard internal load balancer This template creates a standard internal Azure Load Balancer with a rule load-balancing port 80
Create a standard internal load balancer with HA ports This template creates a standard internal Azure Load Balancer with a HA ports load-balancing rule
Create a standard load-balancer This template creates an Internet-facing load-balancer, load balancing rules, and three VMs for the backend pool with each VM in a redundant zone.
Create a Virtual Network with two Subnets This template allows you to create a Virtual Network with two subnets.
Create a VM with multiple empty StandardSSD_LRS Data Disks This template allows you to create a Windows Virtual Machine from a specified image. It also attaches multiple empty StandardSSD data disks by default. Note that you can specify the size and the Storage type (Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS and Premium_LRS) of the empty data disks.
Create a VM with multiple NICs and RDP accessible This template allows you to create a Virtual Machines with multiple (2) network interfaces (NICs), and RDP connectable with a configured load balancer and an inbound NAT rule. More NICs can easily be added with this template. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, and 2 Network Interfaces (front-end and back-end).
Create a vNet to vNet connection using vNet Peering This template allows you to connect two vNets using vNet Peering
Create a Web App, PE and Application Gateway v2 This template creates an Azure Web App with Private endpoint in Azure Virtual Network Subnet , an Application Gateway v2. The Application Gateway is deployed in a vNet (subnet). The Web App restricts access to traffic from the subnet using private endpoint
Create AKS with Prometheus and Grafana with privae link This will create an Azure grafana, AKS and install Prometheus, an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. Then you use Azure Managed Grafana's managed private endpoint to connect to this Prometheus server and display the Prometheus data in a Grafana dashboard
Create an API Management service with a private endpoint This template will create an API Management service, a virtual network and a private endpoint exposing the API Management service to the virtual network.
Create an Application Gateway v2 This template creates an application gateway v2 in a virtual network and sets up auto scaling properties and an HTTP load-balancing rule with public frontend
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3 Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3
Create an Azure Application Gateway v2 This template creates an Azure Application Gateway with two Windows Server 2016 servers in the backend pool
Create an Azure Cosmos DB Account with a private endpoint This template will create a Cosmos account, a virtual network and a private endpoint exposing the Cosmos account to the virtual network.
Create an Azure Firewall with IpGroups This template creates an Azure Firewall with Application and Network Rules referring to IP Groups. Also, includes a Linux Jumpbox vm setup
Create an Azure Firewall with multiple IP public addresses This template creates an Azure Firewall with two public IP addresses and two Windows Server 2019 servers to test.
Create an Azure Machine Learning service workspace (legacy) This deployment template specifies an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and its associated resources including Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage, Azure Application Insights and Azure Container Registry. This configuration describes the set of resources you require to get started with Azure Machine Learning in a network isolated set up.
Create an Azure Machine Learning service workspace (vnet) This deployment template specifies an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and its associated resources including Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage, Azure Application Insights and Azure Container Registry. This configuration describes the set of resources you require to get started with Azure Machine Learning in a network isolated set up.
Create an Azure Virtual Network Manager and sample VNETs This template deploys an Azure Virtual Network Manager and sample virtual networks into the named resource group. It supports multiple connectivity topologies and network group membership types.
Create an Azure VM with a new AD Forest This template creates a new Azure VM, it configures the VM to be an AD DC for a new Forest
Create an Azure WAF v2 on Azure Application Gateway This template creates an Azure Web Application Firewall v2 on Azure Application Gateway with two Windows Server 2016 servers in the backend pool
Create an Ubuntu GNOME desktop This template creates an ubuntu desktop machine. This works great for use as a jumpbox behind a NAT.
Create and enable a DDoS protection plan This template creates a DDoS protection plan and a virtual network. It also enables the DDoS protection plan for the virtual network.
Create API Management in Internal VNet with App Gateway This template demonstrates how to Create a instance of Azure API Management on a private network protected by Azure Application Gateway.
Create Application Gateway with Certificates This template shows how to generate Key Vault self-signed certificates, then reference from Application Gateway.
Create AVD with FSLogix and AD DS Join This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, FSLogix storage account, file share, recovery service vault for file share backup a test session host, its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join pr Active directory domain join.
Create Azure VM Replication and Disaster Recovery This template allows you to create Azure Virtual machine site replication disaster recovery.
Create Function App and private endpoint-secured Storage This template allows you to deploy an Azure Function App that communicates with Azure Storage over private endpoints.
Create new Ubuntu VM pre-populated with Puppet Agent This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the Puppet Agent into it using the CustomScript extension.
Create sandbox of Azure Firewall, client VM, and server VM This template creates a virtual network with 2 subnets (server subnet and AzureFirewall subnet), A server VM, a client VM, a public IP address for each VM, and a route table to send traffic between VMs through the firewall.
Create SQL MI inside the new virtual network Deploy Azure Sql Database Managed Instance (SQL MI) inside new Virtual Network.
Creates a Cross-tenant Private Endpoint resource This template allows you to create Priavate Endpoint resource within the same or cross-tenant environment and add dns zone configuration.
Creates an external Container App environment with a VNET Creates an external Container App environment with a VNET.
Creates an internal Container App environment with a VNET Creates an internal Container App environment with a VNET.
Creates AVD with Microsoft Entra ID Join This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, a test session host and its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join
Custom Script extension on a Ubuntu VM This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the CustomScript extension
Deploy a 5 Node Secure Cluster This template allows you to deploy a secure 5 node Service Fabric Cluster running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter on a Standard_D2_v2 Size VMSS.
Deploy a Bastion host in a hub Virtual Network This template creates two vNets with peerings, a Bastion host in the Hub vNet and a Linux VM in the spoke vNet
Deploy a Linux or Windows VM with MSI This template allows you to deploy a Linux or Windows VM with a Managed Service Identity.
Deploy a Nextflow genomics cluster This template deploys a scalable Nextflow cluster with a Jumpbox, n cluster nodes, docker support and shared storage.
Deploy a simple Ubuntu Linux VM 20.04-LTS This template deploys an Ubuntu Server with a few options for the VM. You can provide the VM Name, OS Version, VM size, and admin username and password. As default the VM size is Standard_D2s_v3 and OS version is 20.04-LTS.
Deploy a simple Windows VM This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version. This will deploy an A2 size VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM.
Deploy a simple Windows VM with tags This template will deploy a D2_v3 Windows VM, NIC, Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP Address, and Network Security Group. The tag object is created in the variables and will be applied on all resources, where applicable.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Linux virtual machine This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable Linux virtual machine using a few different options for the Linux version, using the latest patched version. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VM. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud. By default, this will deploy an Standard_D2_v3 size virtual machine in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the virtual machine.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Windows virtual machine This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable Windows virtual machine using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VM. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud. By default, this will deploy an Standard_D2_v3 size virtual machine in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the virtual machine.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Windows VM Scale Set This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the latest patched version of Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for RDP connections. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VMSS. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud.
Deploy a Ubuntu Linux DataScience VM 18.04 This template deploy a Ubuntu Server with some tools for Data Science. You can provide the username, password, virtual machine name and select between CPU or GPU computing.
Deploy a Virtual Machine with Custom Data This template allows you to create a Virtual Machine with Custom Data passed down to the VM. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Windows VMs and Auto Scale This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the latest patched version of Windows 2008-R2-SP1, 2012-Datacenter, or 2012-R2-Datacenter. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for RDP connections. They also have Auto Scale integrated
Deploy a VMSS that connects each VM to an Azure Files share This template deploys an Ubuntu Virtual Machine Scale Set and uses a custom script extension to connect each VM to an Azure Files share
Deploy a Windows VM and enable backup using Azure Backup This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM and Recovery Services Vault configured with the DefaultPolicy for Protection.
Deploy a Windows VM scale set with Azure Application Gateway This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM Scale Set integrated with Azure Application Gateway, and supports up to 1000 VMs
Deploy a Windows VM with Windows Admin Center extension This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM with Windows Admin Center extension to manage the VM directly from Azure Portal.
Deploy an app service with regional VNet integration This template allows you to deploy an app service plan and a basic Windows web app, with regional VNet integration enabled to a newly created virtual network
Deploy an Azure Function Premium plan with vnet integration This template allows you to deploy an Azure Function Premium plan with regional virtual network integration enabled to a newly created virtual network.
Deploy Anbox Cloud This template deploys Anbox Cloud on an Ubuntu VM. Completing the installation of Anbox Cloud requires user interaction following the deployment; please consult the README for instructions. The template supports both launching of a VM from an Ubuntu Pro image and association of an Ubuntu Pro token with a VM launched from a non-Pro image. The former is the default behaviour; users seeking to attach a token to a VM launched from a non-Pro image must override the default arguments for the ubuntuImageOffer, ubuntuImageSKU, and ubuntuProToken parameters. The template is also parametric in the VM size and disk sizes. Non-default argument values for these parameters must comply with
Deploy API Management in external VNet with public IP This template demonstrates how to create an instance of Azure API Management in the Premium tier within your virtual network's subnet in external mode and configure recommended NSG rules on the subnet. The instance is deployed to two availability zones. The template also configures a public IP address from your subscription.
Deploy API Management in internal VNet with public IP This template demonstrates how to create an instance of Azure API Management in the Premium tier within your virtual network's subnet in internal mode and configure recommended NSG rules on the subnet. The instance is deployed to two availability zones. The template also configures a public IP address from your subscription.
Deploy Azure Database for MySQL with VNet This template provides a way to deploy an Azure database for MySQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with VNet This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL with VNet This template provides a way to deploy an Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) Azure Database Migration Service is a fully managed service designed to enable seamless migrations from multiple database sources to Azure data platforms with minimal downtime (online migrations).
Deploy Dev Box Service with built-in image This template provides a way to deploy an Dev Box service with built-in image.
Deploy MySQL Flexible Server with Private Endpoint This template provides a way to deploy a Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server with Private Endpoint.
Deploy MySQL Flexible Server with Vnet Integration This template provides a way to deploy a Azure database for MySQL Flexible Server with VNet Integration.
Deploy Secure Azure AI Studio with a managed virtual network This template creates a secure Azure AI Studio environment with robust network and identity security restrictions.
Deploy Shibboleth Identity Provider cluster on Windows This template deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider on Windows in a clustered configuration. After the deployment is successful, you can go to https://your-domain:8443/idp/profile/status (note port number) to check success.
Deploy Ubuntu VM with Open JDK and Tomcat This template allows you to create a Ubuntu VM with OpenJDK and Tomcat. Currently custom script file is pulled temporarily from https link on Once the VM is successfully provisioned, tomcat installation can be verified by accessing the http link [FQDN name or public IP]:8080/
Deploy VM Scale Set with Python Bottle server & AutoScale Deploy a VM Scale Set behind a load balancer/NAT & each VM running a simple Python Bottle app that does work. With Autoscale configured Scale Set will scale out & in as needed
Dokku Instance Dokku is a mini-heroku-style PaaS on a single VM.
ExpressRoute circuit with private peering and Azure VNet This template configure ExpressRoute Microsoft peering, deploy an Azure VNet with Expressroute gateway and link the VNet to the ExpressRoute circuit
FinOps hub This template creates a new FinOps hub instance, including Data Explorer, Data Lake storage, and Data Factory.
Front Door Premium with VM and Private Link service This template creates a Front Door Premium and a virtual machine configured as a web server. Front Door uses a private endpoint with Private Link service to send traffic to the VM.
Front Door Standard/Premium with API Management origin This template creates a Front Door Premium and an API Management instance, and uses an NSG and global API Management policy to validate that traffic has come through the Front Door origin.
Front Door Standard/Premium with Application Gateway origin This template creates a Front Door Standard/Premium and an Application Gateway instance, and uses an NSG and WAF policy to validate that traffic has come through the Front Door origin.
Front Door with Container Instances and Application Gateway This template creates a Front Door Standard/Premium with a container group and Application Gateway.
Function App secured by Azure Frontdoor This template allows you to deploy an azure premium function protected and published by Azure Frontdoor premium. The conenction between Azure Frontdoor and Azure Functions is protected by Azure Private Link.
GitLab Omnibus This template simplifies the deployment of GitLab Omnibus on a Virtual Machine with a public DNS, leveraging the public IP's DNS. It utilizes the Standard_F8s_v2 instance size, which aligns with reference architecture and supports up to 1000 users (20 RPS). The instance is pre-configured to use HTTPS with a Let's Encrypt certificate for secure connections.
Hazelcast Cluster Hazelcast is an in-memory data platform that can be used for a variety of data applications. This template will deploy any number of Hazelcast nodes and they will automatically discover each other.
Hyper-V Host Virtual Machine with nested VMs Deploys a Virtual Machine to by a Hyper-V Host and all dependent resources including virtual network, public IP address and route tables.
IIS Server using DSC extension on a Windows VM This template creates a Windows VM and sets up an IIS server using the DSC extension. Note, the DSC configuration module needs a SAS token to be passed in if you are using Azure Storage. For DSC module link from GitHub (default in this template), this is not needed.
IIS VMs & SQL Server 2014 VM Create 1 or 2 IIS Windows 2012 R2 Web Servers and one back end SQL Server 2014 in VNET.
JBoss EAP on RHEL (clustered, multi-VM) This template allows you to create multiple RHEL 8.6 VMs running JBoss EAP 7.4 cluster and also deploys a web application called eap-session-replication, you can log into the admin console using the JBoss EAP username and password configured at the time of the deployment.
Linux VM with Gnome Desktop RDP VSCode and Azure CLI This template deploys an Ubuntu Server VM, then uses the Linux CustomScript extension to install the Ubuntu Gnome Desktop and Remote Desktop support (via xrdp). The final provisioned Ubuntu VM support remote connections over RDP.
Linux VM with MSI Accessing Storage This template deploys a linux VM with a system assigned managed identity that has access to a storage account in a different resource group.
Managed Azure Active Directory Domain Services This template deploys an Managed Azure Active Directory Domain Service with required VNet and NSG configurations.
Multi VM Template with Managed Disk This template will create N number of VM's with managed disks, public IPs and network interfaces. It will create the VMs in a single Availability Set. They will be provisioned in a Virtual Network which will also be created as part of the deployment
Network Secured Agent with User Managed Identity This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with virtual network isolation using User Managed Identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection and private network links to connect the agent to your secure data.
OpenScholar This template deploys a OpenScholar to the ubuntu VM 16.04
Private Endpoint example This template shows how to create a private endpoint pointing to Azure SQL Server
Private Function App and private endpoint-secured Storage This template provisions a function app on a Premium plan that has private endpoints and communicates with Azure Storage over private endpoints.
Private Link service example This template shows how to create a private link service
Public Load Balancer chained to a Gateway Load Balancer This template allows you to deploy a Public Standard Load Balancer chained to a Gateway Load Balancer. The traffic incoming from internet is routed to the Gateway Load Balancer with linux VMs (NVAs) in the backend pool.
Push a certificate onto a Windows VM Push a certificate onto a Windows VM. Create the Key Vault using the template at
Secure N-tier Web App This template allows you to create a secure end to end solution with two web apps with staging slots, front end and back end, front end will consume securely the back through VNet injection and Private Endpoint
Secured virtual hubs This template creates a secured virtual hub using Azure Firewall to secure your cloud network traffic destined to the Internet.
SharePoint Subscription / 2019 / 2016 fully configured Create a DC, a SQL Server 2022, and from 1 to 5 server(s) hosting a SharePoint Subscription / 2019 / 2016 farm with an extensive configuration, including trusted authentication, user profiles with personal sites, an OAuth trust (using a certificate), a dedicated IIS site for hosting high-trust add-ins, etc... The latest version of key softwares (including Fiddler, vscode, np++, 7zip, ULS Viewer) is installed. SharePoint machines have additional fine-tuning to make them immediately usable (remote administration tools, custom policies for Edge and Chrome, shortcuts, etc...).
Site-to-Site VPN with active-active VPN Gateways with BGP This template allows you to deploy a site-to-site VPN between two VNets with VPN Gateways in configuration active-active with BGP. Each Azure VPN Gateway resolves the FQDN of the remote peers to determine the public IP of the remote VPN Gateway. Template runs as expected in Azure regions with availability zones.
SonarQube on Web App with PostgreSQL and VNet integration This template provides easy to deploy SonarQube to Web App on Linux with PostgreSQL Flexible Server, VNet integration and private DNS.
Testing environment for Azure Firewall Premium This template creates an Azure Firewall Premium and Firewall Policy with premium features such as Intrusion Inspection Detection (IDPS), TLS inspection and Web Category filtering
Ubuntu Mate Desktop VM with VSCode This template allows you to deploy a simple Linux VM using a few different options for the Ubuntu version, using the latest patched version. This will deploy a A1 size VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM.
Use Azure Firewall as a DNS Proxy in a Hub & Spoke topology This sample show how to deploy a hub-spoke topology in Azure using the Azure Firewall. The hub virtual network acts as a central point of connectivity to many spoke virtual networks that are connected to hub virtual network via virtual network peering.
Virtual machine with an RDP port Creates a virtual machine and creates a NAT rule for RDP to the VM in load balancer
Virtual Machine with Conditional Resources This template allows deploying a linux VM using new or existing resources for the Virtual Network, Storage and Public IP Address. It also allows for choosing between SSH and Password authenticate. The templates uses conditions and logic functions to remove the need for nested deployments.
Virtual Network NAT Deploy a NAT gateway and virtual network
Virtual Network NAT with VM Deploy a NAT gateway and virtual machine
Virtual Network with diagnostic logs This template creates a Virtual Network with diagnostic logs and allows optional features to be added to each subnet
VM Scale Set with autoscale running an IIS WebApp Deploys a Windows VM Scale Set running IIS and a very basic .NET MVC web app. The VMSS PowerShell DSC Extension is leveraged to do the IIS install and WebDeploy package deployment.
VM Using Managed Identity for Artifact Download This template shows how to use a managed identity to download artifacts for the virtual machine's custom script extension.
VMs in Availability Zones with a Load Balancer and NAT This template allows you to create Virtual Machines distributed across Availability Zones with a Load Balancer and configure NAT rules through the load balancer. This template also deploys a Virtual Network, Public IP address and Network Interfaces. In this template, we use the resource loops capability to create the network interfaces and virtual machines
VMSS Flexible Orchestration Mode Quickstart Linux This template deploys a simple VM Scale Set with instances behind an Azure Load Balancer. The VM Scale set is in Flexible Orchestration Mode. Use the os parameter to choose Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows (Windows Server Datacenter 2019) deployment. NOTE: This quickstart template enables network access to VM management ports (SSH, RDP) from any internet address, and should not be used for production deployments.
VMSS with Public IP Prefix Template for deploying VMSS with Public IP Prefix
Web App with VNet Injection and Private Endpoint This template allows you to create a secure end to end solution with two web apps, front end and back end, front end will consume securely the back through VNet injection and Private Endpoint
Windows Docker Host with Portainer and Traefik pre-installed Windows Docker Host with Portainer and Traefik pre-installed
Windows Server VM with SSH Deploy a single Windows VM with Open SSH enabled so that you can connect through SSH using key-based authentication.
Windows VM with Azure secure baseline The template creates a virtual machine running Windows Server in a new virtual network, with a public IP address. Once the machine has deployed, the guest configuration extension is installed and the Azure secure baseline for Windows Server is applied. If the configuration of the machines drifts, you can re-apply the settings by deploying the template again.
Windows VM with O365 Pre-installed This template creates a Windows based VM. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack.

ARM template resource definition

The virtualNetworks resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks",
  "apiVersion": "2024-05-01",
  "name": "string",
  "extendedLocation": {
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "addressSpace": {
      "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
      "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
          "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
          "pool": {
            "id": "string"
    "bgpCommunities": {
      "virtualNetworkCommunity": "string"
    "ddosProtectionPlan": {
      "id": "string"
    "dhcpOptions": {
      "dnsServers": [ "string" ]
    "enableDdosProtection": "bool",
    "enableVmProtection": "bool",
    "encryption": {
      "enabled": "bool",
      "enforcement": "string"
    "flowTimeoutInMinutes": "int",
    "ipAllocations": [
        "id": "string"
    "privateEndpointVNetPolicies": "string",
    "subnets": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "addressPrefix": "string",
          "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
          "applicationGatewayIPConfigurations": [
              "id": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "properties": {
                "subnet": {
                  "id": "string"
          "defaultOutboundAccess": "bool",
          "delegations": [
              "id": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "properties": {
                "serviceName": "string"
              "type": "string"
          "ipAllocations": [
              "id": "string"
          "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
              "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
              "pool": {
                "id": "string"
          "natGateway": {
            "id": "string"
          "networkSecurityGroup": {
            "id": "string",
            "location": "string",
            "properties": {
              "flushConnection": "bool",
              "securityRules": [
                  "id": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "properties": {
                    "access": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "destinationAddressPrefix": "string",
                    "destinationAddressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
                    "destinationApplicationSecurityGroups": [
                        "id": "string",
                        "location": "string",
                        "properties": {
                        "tags": {
                          "{customized property}": "string"
                    "destinationPortRange": "string",
                    "destinationPortRanges": [ "string" ],
                    "direction": "string",
                    "priority": "int",
                    "protocol": "string",
                    "sourceAddressPrefix": "string",
                    "sourceAddressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
                    "sourceApplicationSecurityGroups": [
                        "id": "string",
                        "location": "string",
                        "properties": {
                        "tags": {
                          "{customized property}": "string"
                    "sourcePortRange": "string",
                    "sourcePortRanges": [ "string" ]
                  "type": "string"
            "tags": {
              "{customized property}": "string"
          "privateEndpointNetworkPolicies": "string",
          "privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies": "string",
          "routeTable": {
            "id": "string",
            "location": "string",
            "properties": {
              "disableBgpRoutePropagation": "bool",
              "routes": [
                  "id": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "properties": {
                    "addressPrefix": "string",
                    "nextHopIpAddress": "string",
                    "nextHopType": "string"
                  "type": "string"
            "tags": {
              "{customized property}": "string"
          "serviceEndpointPolicies": [
              "id": "string",
              "location": "string",
              "properties": {
                "contextualServiceEndpointPolicies": [ "string" ],
                "serviceAlias": "string",
                "serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "properties": {
                      "description": "string",
                      "service": "string",
                      "serviceResources": [ "string" ]
                    "type": "string"
              "tags": {
                "{customized property}": "string"
          "serviceEndpoints": [
              "locations": [ "string" ],
              "networkIdentifier": {
                "id": "string"
              "service": "string"
          "sharingScope": "string"
        "type": "string"
    "virtualNetworkPeerings": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "allowForwardedTraffic": "bool",
          "allowGatewayTransit": "bool",
          "allowVirtualNetworkAccess": "bool",
          "doNotVerifyRemoteGateways": "bool",
          "enableOnlyIPv6Peering": "bool",
          "localAddressSpace": {
            "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
            "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
                "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
                "pool": {
                  "id": "string"
          "localSubnetNames": [ "string" ],
          "localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace": {
            "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
            "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
                "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
                "pool": {
                  "id": "string"
          "peerCompleteVnets": "bool",
          "peeringState": "string",
          "peeringSyncLevel": "string",
          "remoteAddressSpace": {
            "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
            "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
                "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
                "pool": {
                  "id": "string"
          "remoteBgpCommunities": {
            "virtualNetworkCommunity": "string"
          "remoteSubnetNames": [ "string" ],
          "remoteVirtualNetwork": {
            "id": "string"
          "remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace": {
            "addressPrefixes": [ "string" ],
            "ipamPoolPrefixAllocations": [
                "numberOfIpAddresses": "string",
                "pool": {
                  "id": "string"
          "useRemoteGateways": "bool"
        "type": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
addressPrefixes A list of address blocks reserved for this virtual network in CIDR notation. string[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Name of the IP configuration that is unique within an Application Gateway. string
properties Properties of the application gateway IP configuration. ApplicationGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
subnet Reference to the subnet resource. A subnet from where application gateway gets its private address. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the application security group. ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a subnet. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
dnsServers The list of DNS servers IP addresses. string[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string
type The type of the extended location. 'EdgeZone'


Name Description Value
numberOfIpAddresses Number of IP addresses to allocate. string
pool IpamPoolPrefixAllocationPool


Name Description Value
id Resource id of the associated Azure IpamPool resource. string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2024-05-01'
extendedLocation The extended location of the virtual network. ExtendedLocation
location Resource location. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of the virtual network. VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the network security group. NetworkSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
flushConnection When enabled, flows created from Network Security Group connections will be re-evaluated when rules are updates. Initial enablement will trigger re-evaluation. bool
securityRules A collection of security rules of the network security group. SecurityRule[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route. RoutePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The destination CIDR to which the route applies. string
nextHopIpAddress The IP address packets should be forwarded to. Next hop values are only allowed in routes where the next hop type is VirtualAppliance. string
nextHopType The type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. 'Internet'
'VnetLocal' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route table. RouteTablePropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
disableBgpRoutePropagation Whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table. True means disable. bool
routes Collection of routes contained within a route table. Route[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the security rule. SecurityRulePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
access The network traffic is allowed or denied. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
destinationAddressPrefix The destination address prefix. CIDR or destination IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. string
destinationAddressPrefixes The destination address prefixes. CIDR or destination IP ranges. string[]
destinationApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as destination. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
destinationPortRange The destination port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
destinationPortRanges The destination port ranges. string[]
direction The direction of the rule. The direction specifies if rule will be evaluated on incoming or outgoing traffic. 'Inbound'
'Outbound' (required)
priority The priority of the rule. The value can be between 100 and 4096. The priority number must be unique for each rule in the collection. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the rule. int (required)
protocol Network protocol this rule applies to. '*'
'Udp' (required)
sourceAddressPrefix The CIDR or source IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. If this is an ingress rule, specifies where network traffic originates from. string
sourceAddressPrefixes The CIDR or source IP ranges. string[]
sourceApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as source. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
sourcePortRange The source port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
sourcePortRanges The source port ranges. string[]


Name Description Value
serviceName The name of the service to whom the subnet should be delegated (e.g. Microsoft.Sql/servers). string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the service end point policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the service endpoint policy definition. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
service Service endpoint name. string
serviceResources A list of service resources. string[]


Name Description Value
contextualServiceEndpointPolicies A collection of contextual service endpoint policy. string[]
serviceAlias The alias indicating if the policy belongs to a service string
serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions A collection of service endpoint policy definitions of the service endpoint policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition[]


Name Description Value
locations A list of locations. string[]
networkIdentifier SubResource as network identifier. SubResource
service The type of the endpoint service. string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. SubnetPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The address prefix for the subnet. string
addressPrefixes List of address prefixes for the subnet. string[]
applicationGatewayIPConfigurations Application gateway IP configurations of virtual network resource. ApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration[]
defaultOutboundAccess Set this property to false to disable default outbound connectivity for all VMs in the subnet. This property can only be set at the time of subnet creation and cannot be updated for an existing subnet. bool
delegations An array of references to the delegations on the subnet. Delegation[]
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this subnet. SubResource[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools for allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]
natGateway Nat gateway associated with this subnet. SubResource
networkSecurityGroup The reference to the NetworkSecurityGroup resource. NetworkSecurityGroup
privateEndpointNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private end point in the subnet. 'Disabled'
privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private link service in the subnet. 'Disabled'
routeTable The reference to the RouteTable resource. RouteTable
serviceEndpointPolicies An array of service endpoint policies. ServiceEndpointPolicy[]
serviceEndpoints An array of service endpoints. ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat[]
sharingScope Set this property to Tenant to allow sharing subnet with other subscriptions in your AAD tenant. This property can only be set if defaultOutboundAccess is set to false, both properties can only be set if subnet is empty. 'DelegatedServices'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string


Name Description Value
virtualNetworkCommunity The BGP community associated with the virtual network. string (required)


Name Description Value
enabled Indicates if encryption is enabled on the virtual network. bool (required)
enforcement If the encrypted VNet allows VM that does not support encryption. This field is for future support, AllowUnencrypted is the only supported value at general availability. 'AllowUnencrypted'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the virtual network peering. VirtualNetworkPeeringPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
allowForwardedTraffic Whether the forwarded traffic from the VMs in the local virtual network will be allowed/disallowed in remote virtual network. bool
allowGatewayTransit If gateway links can be used in remote virtual networking to link to this virtual network. bool
allowVirtualNetworkAccess Whether the VMs in the local virtual network space would be able to access the VMs in remote virtual network space. bool
doNotVerifyRemoteGateways If we need to verify the provisioning state of the remote gateway. bool
enableOnlyIPv6Peering Whether only Ipv6 address space is peered for subnet peering. bool
localAddressSpace The local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
localSubnetNames List of local subnet names that are subnet peered with remote virtual network. string[]
localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The current local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
peerCompleteVnets Whether complete virtual network address space is peered. bool
peeringState The status of the virtual network peering. 'Connected'
peeringSyncLevel The peering sync status of the virtual network peering. 'FullyInSync'
remoteAddressSpace The reference to the address space peered with the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
remoteBgpCommunities The reference to the remote virtual network's Bgp Communities. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
remoteSubnetNames List of remote subnet names from remote virtual network that are subnet peered. string[]
remoteVirtualNetwork The reference to the remote virtual network. The remote virtual network can be in the same or different region (preview). See here to register for the preview and learn more (/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-create-peering). SubResource
remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The reference to the current address space of the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
useRemoteGateways If remote gateways can be used on this virtual network. If the flag is set to true, and allowGatewayTransit on remote peering is also true, virtual network will use gateways of remote virtual network for transit. Only one peering can have this flag set to true. This flag cannot be set if virtual network already has a gateway. bool


Name Description Value
addressSpace The AddressSpace that contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets. AddressSpace
bgpCommunities Bgp Communities sent over ExpressRoute with each route corresponding to a prefix in this VNET. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
ddosProtectionPlan The DDoS protection plan associated with the virtual network. SubResource
dhcpOptions The dhcpOptions that contains an array of DNS servers available to VMs deployed in the virtual network. DhcpOptions
enableDdosProtection Indicates if DDoS protection is enabled for all the protected resources in the virtual network. It requires a DDoS protection plan associated with the resource. bool
enableVmProtection Indicates if VM protection is enabled for all the subnets in the virtual network. bool
encryption Indicates if encryption is enabled on virtual network and if VM without encryption is allowed in encrypted VNet. VirtualNetworkEncryption
flowTimeoutInMinutes The FlowTimeout value (in minutes) for the Virtual Network int
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this VNET. SubResource[]
privateEndpointVNetPolicies Private Endpoint VNet Policies. 'Basic'
subnets A list of subnets in a Virtual Network. Subnet[]
virtualNetworkPeerings A list of peerings in a Virtual Network. VirtualNetworkPeering[]

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
(++)Ethereum on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a (++)Ethereum client on a Ubuntu virtual machines
1 VM in vNet - Multiple data disks

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a single VM running Windows Server 2016 with multiple data disks attached.

Deploy to Azure
Creates a new VM with two NICs which connect to two different subnets within the same VNet.
2 VMs in a Load Balancer and configure NAT rules on the LB

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create 2 Virtual Machines in an Availability Set and configure NAT rules through the load balancer. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address and Network Interfaces. In this template, we use the resource loops capability to create the network interfaces and virtual machines
2 VMs in a Load Balancer and load balancing rules

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create 2 Virtual Machines under a Load balancer and configure a load balancing rule on Port 80. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, Availability Set and Network Interfaces. In this template, we use the resource loops capability to create the network interfaces and virtual machines
2 VMs in VNET - Internal Load Balancer and LB rules

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create 2 Virtual Machines in a VNET and under an internal Load balancer and configure a load balancing rule on Port 80. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, Availability Set and Network Interfaces.

Deploy to Azure
Creates 2 new VMs with a NIC each, in two different subnets within the same VNet. Sets service endpoint on one of the subnets and secures storage account to that subnet.
Add multiple VMs into a Virtual Machine Scale Set

Deploy to Azure
This template will create N number of VM's with managed disks, public IPs and network interfaces. It will create the VMs in a Virtual Machine Scale Set in Flexible Orchestration mode. They will be provisioned in a Virtual Network which will also be created as part of the deployment
AKS Cluster with a NAT Gateway and an Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to a deploy an AKS cluster with NAT Gateway for outbound connections and an Application Gateway for inbound connections.
AKS cluster with the Application Gateway Ingress Controller

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to deploy an AKS cluster with Application Gateway, Application Gateway Ingress Controller, Azure Container Registry, Log Analytics and Key Vault
Alsid Syslog/Sentinel proxy

Deploy to Azure
This template creates and configures a Syslog server with an onboarded Azure Sentinel Agent for a specified workspace.
Apache Webserver on Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an Apache web server. The deployment template creates an Ubuntu VM, installs Apache2 and creates a simple HTML file. Go to ../demo.html to see the deployed page.
App Configuration with VM

Deploy to Azure
This template references existing key-value configurations from an existing config store and uses retrieved values to set properties of the resources the template creates.
App Gateway with WAF, SSL, IIS and HTTPS redirection

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway with WAF, end to end SSL and HTTP to HTTPS redirect on the IIS servers.
App Service Environment with Azure SQL backend

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an App Service Environment with an Azure SQL backend along with private endpoints along with associated resources typically used in an private/isolated environment.
Application Gateway for a Web App with IP Restriction

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway in front of an Azure Web App with IP restriction enabled on the Web App.
Application Gateway for Multi Hosting

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Application Gateway and configures it for Multi Hosting on port 443.
Application Gateway for Url Path Based Routing

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Application Gateway and configures it for URL Path Based Routing.
Application Gateway with internal API Management and Web App

Deploy to Azure
Application Gateway routing Internet traffic to a virtual network (internal mode) API Management instance which services a web API hosted in an Azure Web App.
Application Security Groups

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to put together the pieces to secure workloads using NSGs with Application Security Groups. It will deploy a Linux VM running NGINX and through the usage of Applicaton Security Groups on Network Security Groups we will allow access to ports 22 and 80 to a VM assigned to Application Security Group called webServersAsg.
Autoscale LANSA Windows VM ScaleSet with Azure SQL Database

Deploy to Azure
The template deploys a Windows VMSS with a desired count of VMs in the scale set and a LANSA MSI to install into each VM. Once the VM Scale Set is deployed a custom script extension is used to install the LANSA MSI)
Azure Application Gateway Demo Setup

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to quickly deploy Azure Application Gateway demo to test load-balancing with or without cookie-based affinity.
Azure Application Gateway Log Analyzer using GoAccess

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an Azure Application Gateway Log Analyzer using GoAccess. The deployment template creates an Ubuntu VM, installs Application Gateway Log Processor, GoAccess, Apache WebServer and configures it to analyze Azure Application Gateway access logs.
Azure Bastion as a Service

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions Azure Bastion in a Virtual Network
Azure Bastion as a Service with NSG

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions Azure Bastion in a Virtual Network
Azure Batch pool without public IP addresses

Deploy to Azure
This template creates Azure Batch simplified node communication pool without public IP addresses.
Azure Cognitive Search service with private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Cognitive Search service with a private endpoint.
Azure Container Instances - VNet

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a container instance into an Azure virtual network.
Azure Container Service Engine (acs-engine) - Swarm Mode

Deploy to Azure
The Azure Container Service Engine (acs-engine) generates ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates for Docker enabled clusters on Microsoft Azure with your choice of DC/OS, Kubernetes, Swarm Mode, or Swarm orchestrators. The input to the tool is a cluster definition. The cluster definition is very similar to (in many cases the same as) the ARM template syntax used to deploy a Microsoft Azure Container Service cluster.
Azure data disk performance meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run a data disk performance test for different workload types using fio utility.
Azure Databricks All-in-one Templat VNetInjection-Pvtendpt

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network, and Private Endpoint.
Azure Databricks All-in-one Template for VNet Injection

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network, a NAT gateway and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
Azure Databricks Virtual Network for VNet Injection

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Network for Azure Databricks VNet injection.
Azure Digital Twins with Function and Private Link service

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Digital Twins service configured with a Virtual Network connected Azure Function that can communicate through a Private Link Endpoint to Digital Twins. It also creates a Private DNS Zone to allow seamless hostname resolution of the Digital Twins Endpoint from the Virtual Network to the Private Endpoint internal subnet IP address. The hostname is stored as a setting to the Azure Function with name 'ADT_ENDPOINT'.
Azure DNS Private Resolver

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions Azure DNS Private Resolver in a virtual network with required forwarding ruleset and rules. It creates a new virtual network with two subnets, and deploy Azure DNS Private Resolver in this VNET.
Azure Function App with Virtual Network Integration

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions a function app on a Premium plan with regional virtual network integration enabled to a newly created virtual network.
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine

Deploy to Azure
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine includes Licencsed Engines like Unreal.
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Scale Set

Deploy to Azure
Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Scale Set includes Licencsed Engines like Unreal.
Azure Machine Learning end-to-end secure setup

Deploy to Azure
This set of Bicep templates demonstrates how to set up Azure Machine Learning end-to-end in a secure set up. This reference implementation includes the Workspace, a compute cluster, compute instance and attached private AKS cluster.
Azure Machine Learning end-to-end secure setup (legacy)

Deploy to Azure
This set of Bicep templates demonstrates how to set up Azure Machine Learning end-to-end in a secure set up. This reference implementation includes the Workspace, a compute cluster, compute instance and attached private AKS cluster.
Azure managed disk performance meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run a managed disk performance test for different workload types using fio utility.
Azure managed disk RAID performance meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run a managed disk RAID performance test for different workload types using fio utility.
Azure private DNS domain hosting example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a private DNS zone and optionally enable VM registration
Azure Route Server in BGP peering with Quagga

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Router Server and Ubuntu VM with Quagga. Two external BGP sessions are established between the Router Server and Quagga. Installation and configuration of Quagga is executed by Azure custom script extension for linux
Azure sysbench CPU performance meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run a CPU performance test using sysbench utility.
Azure Traffic Manager + Application Gateways Demo Setup

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to quickly deploy Azure Traffic Manager on top of Application Gateways demo to test traffic distribution between different regions.
Azure Traffic Manager VM example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines.
Azure Traffic Manager VM example with Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create an Azure Traffic Manager profile load-balancing across multiple virtual machines placed in Availability Zones.
Azure Virtual WAN (vWAN) Multi-Hub Deployment

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure Virtual WAN (vWAN) multi-hub deployment including all gateways and VNET connections.
Azure VM Scale Set as clients of Intel Lustre

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a set of Intel Lustre 2.7 clients using Azure VM Scale Sets and Azure gallery OpenLogic CentOS 6.6 or 7.0 images and mounts an existing Intel Lustre filesystem
Azure VM-to-VM bandwidth meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run VM-to-VM bandwidth test with PsPing utility.
Azure VM-to-VM multithreaded throughput meter

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to run VM-to-VM throughput test with NTttcp utility.
Azure vWAN Multi-Hub Deployment with Custom Routing Tables

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure Virtual WAN (vWAN) multi-hub deployment, including all gateways and VNET connections, and demonstrate the usage of Route Tables for custom routing.
AzureDatabricks Template for Default Storage Firewall

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a network security group, a virtual network, private endpoint, and a default storage firewall enabled Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network and the system-assigned access connector.
AzureDatabricks Template for VNet Injection with NAT Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a NAT gateway, network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
AzureDatabricks Template for VNetInjection and Load Balancer

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a a load balancer, network security group, a virtual network and an Azure Databricks workspace with the virtual network.
AzureDatabricks Template with Default Storage Firewall

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Default Storage Firewall enabled Azure Databricks workspace with Privateendpoint, all three forms of CMK, and User-Assigned Access Connector.
AzureDatabricks Virtual Network - VNet Injection NAT Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Network for Azure Databricks VNet injection with natgateway.
Barracuda Web Application Firewall with Backend IIS Servers

Deploy to Azure
This Azure quickstart template deploys a Barracuda Web Application Firewall Solution on Azure with required number of backend Windows 2012 based IIS Web Servers.Templates includes latest Barracuda WAF with Pay as you go license and latest Windows 2012 R2 Azure Image for IIS.The Barracuda Web Application Firewall inspects inbound web traffic and blocks SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting, malware uploads & application DDoS and other attacks targeted at your web applications. One External LB is deployed with NAT rules to enable Remote desktop access to backend web servers. Please follow post deployment configuration guide available in GitHub template directory to learn more about post deployment steps related to Barracuda web application firewall and web applications publishing.
Basic RDS farm deployment

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a basic RDS farm deployment
Bitcore Node and Utilities for Bitcoin on CentOS VM

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy a Bitcore Node instance with the complete set of Bitcoin utilities. The deployment template creates a CentOS VM, installs Bitcore and provides a simple bitcored executable. With this template, you will be running a full node on the Bitcoin network as well as a block explorer called Insight.
Blockchain Template

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a VM with Groestlcoin Core installed.
BOSH CF Cross Region

Deploy to Azure
This template helps you setup the resources needed to deploy BOSH and Cloud Foundry across two regions on Azure.
BOSH Setup

Deploy to Azure
This template helps you setup a development environment where you can deploy BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
BrowserBox Azure Edition

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys BrowserBox on an Azure Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS, Debian 11, or RHEL 8.7 LVM VM.
CentOS/UbuntuServer Auto Dynamic Disks & Docker 1.12(cs)

Deploy to Azure
This is a common template for creating single instance CentOS 7.2/7.1/6.5 or Ubuntu Server 16.04.0-LTS with configurable number of data disks (configurable sizes). Maximum 16 disks can be mentioned in the portal parameters and maximum size of each disk should be less than 1023 GB. The MDADM RAID0 Array is automounted and survives restarts. Latest Docker 1.12(cs3) (Swarm), docker-compose 1.9.0 & docker-machine 0.8.2 is available for usage from user azure-cli is auto running as a docker container. This single instance template is an offshoot of the HPC/GPU Clusters Template @
Chef Backend High-Availability Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a chef-backend cluster with front-end nodes attached
Chef with JSON parameters on Ubuntu/Centos

Deploy to Azure
Deploy an Ubuntu/Centos VM With Chef with JSON parameters
CI/CD using Jenkins on Azure Container Service (AKS)

Deploy to Azure
Containers make it very easy for you to continuously build and deploy your applications. By orchestrating deployment of those containers using Kubernetes in Azure Container Service, you can achieve replicable, manageable clusters of containers. By setting up a continuous build to produce your container images and orchestration, you can increase the speed and reliability of your deployment.
Classroom Linux JupyterHub

Deploy to Azure
This template deploy a Jupyter Server for a classroom of up to 100 users. You can provide the username, password, virtual machine name and select between CPU or GPU computing.
CloudLens with Moloch example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to setup network visibility in the Azure public cloud using the CloudLens agent to tap traffic on one vm and forward it to a network packet storing & indexing tool, in this case Moloch.
Concourse CI

Deploy to Azure
Concourse is a CI system composed of simple tools and ideas. It can express entire pipelines, integrating with arbitrary resources, or it can be used to execute one-off tasks, either locally or in another CI system. This template can help to prepare neccessary Azure resources to setup such a CI system, and make the setup more simple.
Confidential VM Scale Set with confidential disk encryption

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a confidential VM Scale Set with confidential OS disk encryption enabled using the latest patched version of several Windows and Linux image versions.
Configure Dev Box service

Deploy to Azure
This template would create all Dev Box admin resources as per Dev Box quick start guide (/azure/dev-box/quickstart-create-dev-box). You can view all resources created, or directly go to to create your first Dev Box.
Connect an ExpressRoute circuit to a VNET

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VNET, an ExpresRoute Gateway and a connection to a provisioned and enabled ExpressRoute circuit with AzurePrivatePeering configured.
Connect to a Event Hubs namespace via private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to use configure a virtual network and private DNS zone to access a Event Hubs namespace via a private endpoint.
Connect to a Key Vault via private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to use configure a virtual network and private DNS zone to access Key Vault via private endpoint.
Connect to a Service Bus namespace via private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to use configure a virtual network and private DNS zone to access a Service Bus namespace via private endpoint.
Connect to a storage account from a VM via private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to use connect a virtual network to access a blob storage account via private endpoint.
Connect to an Azure File Share via a Private Endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to use configure a virtual network and private DNS zone to access an Azure File Share via a private endpoint.
Couchbase Enterprise

Deploy to Azure
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates to install Couchbase Enterprise
Create 2 VMs in LB and a SQL Server VM with NSG

Deploy to Azure
This template creates 2 Windows VMs (that can be used as web FE) with in an Availability Set and a Load Balancer with port 80 open. The two VMs can be reached using RDP on port 6001 and 6002. This template also create a SQL Server 2014 VM that can be reached via RDP connection defined in a Network Security Group.
Create 2 VMs Linux with LB and SQL Server VM with SSD

Deploy to Azure
This template creates 2 Linux VMs (that can be used as web FE) with in an Availability Set and a Load Balancer with port 80 open. The two VMs can be reached using SSH on port 6001 and 6002. This template also create a SQL Server 2014 VM that can be reached via RDP connection defined in a Network Security Group. All VMs storage can use Premium Storage (SSD) and you can choose to creare VMs with all DS sizes
Create a BGP VNET to VNET connection

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to connect two VNETs using Virtual Network Gateways and BGP
Create a cross-region load balancer

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a cross-region load balancer with a backend pool containing two regional load balancers. Cross-region load balancer is currently available in limited regions. The regional load balancers behind the cross-region load balancer can be in any region.
Create a DevTest environment with P2S VPN and IIS

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a simple DevTest environment with a Point-to-Site VPN and IIS on a Windows server which is a great way to get started.
Create a Event Hubs namespace Virtual Network rule

Deploy to Azure
This template enables you to deploy a Event Hubs Standard namespace with Virtual Network rule
Create a Firewall and FirewallPolicy with Rules and Ipgroups

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Azure Firewall with Firewall Policy (including multiple application and network rules) referencing IP Groups in application and network rules.
Create a Firewall with FirewallPolicy and IpGroups

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall with FirewalllPolicy referencing Network Rules with IpGroups. Also, includes a Linux Jumpbox vm setup
Create a Firewall, FirewallPolicy with Explicit Proxy

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall, FirewalllPolicy with Explicit Proxy and Network Rules with IpGroups. Also, includes a Linux Jumpbox vm setup
Create a load-balancer with a Public IPv6 address

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Internet-facing load-balancer with a Public IPv6 address, load balancing rules, and two VMs for the backend pool.
Create a Network Security Group

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Network Security Group
Create a new encrypted windows vm from gallery image

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a new encrypted windows vm using the server 2k12 gallery image.
Create a Point-to-Site Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Point-to-Site connection using VirtualNetworkGateways
Create a Point-to-Site Gateway with Azure AD

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a VPN Virtual Network Gateway configured with an Azure Active Directory Point-to-Site connection
Create a Private AKS Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to create a private AKS cluster in a virtual network along with a jumpbox virtual machine.
Create a Private AKS Cluster with a Public DNS Zone

Deploy to Azure
This sample shows how to a deploy a private AKS cluster with a Public DNS Zone.
Create a Route Server in a New Subnet

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Route Server into a subnet named RouteServerSubnet.
Create a sandbox setup of Azure Firewall with Linux VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a virtual network with 3 subnets (server subnet, jumpbox subet and AzureFirewall subnet), a jumpbox VM with public IP, A server VM, UDR route to point to Azure Firewall for the Server Subnet and an Azure Firewall with 1 or more Public IP addresses, 1 sample application rule, 1 sample network rule and default private ranges
Create a sandbox setup of Azure Firewall with Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a virtual network with three subnets (server subnet, jumpbox subnet, and Azure Firewall subnet), a jumpbox VM with public IP, A server VM, UDR route to point to Azure Firewall for the ServerSubnet,an Azure Firewall with one or more Public IP addresses, one sample application rule, and one sample network rule and Azure Firewall in Availability Zones 1, 2, and 3.
Create a sandbox setup with Firewall Policy

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a virtual network with 3 subnets (server subnet, jumpbox subet and AzureFirewall subnet), a jumpbox VM with public IP, A server VM, UDR route to point to Azure Firewall for the Server Subnet and an Azure Firewall with 1 or more Public IP addresses. Also creates a Firewall policy with 1 sample application rule, 1 sample network rule and default private ranges
Create a Service Bus namespace Virtual Network rule

Deploy to Azure
This template enables you to deploy a Service Bus Premium namespace with Virtual Network rule
Create a Site-to-Site VPN Connection

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Site-to-Site VPN Connection using Virtual Network Gateways
Create a Site-to-Site VPN Connection with VM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Site-to-Site VPN Connection using Virtual Network Gateways
Create a standard internal load balancer

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a standard internal Azure Load Balancer with a rule load-balancing port 80
Create a standard internal load balancer with HA ports

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a standard internal Azure Load Balancer with a HA ports load-balancing rule
Create a standard load-balancer

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Internet-facing load-balancer, load balancing rules, and three VMs for the backend pool with each VM in a redundant zone.
Create a two VM SQL Server Reporting Services Deployment

Deploy to Azure
This template creates two new Azure VMs, each with a public IP address, it configures one VM to be an SSRS Server, one with SQL Server mixed auth for the SSRS Catalog with the SQL Agent Started. All VMs have public facing RDP and diagnostics enabled , the diagnostics is stored in a consolidated diagnostics storage account different than the vm disk
Create a virtual machine in an Extended Zone

Deploy to Azure
This template create a virtual machine in an Extended Zone
Create a Virtual Network with two Subnets

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Network with two subnets.
Create a VM from a Windows Image with 4 Empty Data Disks

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Windows Virtual Machine from a specified image. It also attaches 4 empty data disks. Note that you can specify the size of the empty data disks.
Create a VM from User Image

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Machines from a User image. This template also deploys a Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Create a VM in a new or existing vnet from a custom VHD

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VM from a specialized VHD and let you connect it to a new or existing VNET that can reside in another Resource Group than the virtual machine
Create a VM in a new or existing vnet from a generalized VHD

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VM from a generalized VHD and let you connect it to a new or existing VNET that can reside in another Resource Group than the virtual machine
Create a VM with a dynamic selection of data disks

Deploy to Azure
This template allows the user to select the number of data disks they'd like to add to the VM.
Create a VM with multiple empty StandardSSD_LRS Data Disks

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Windows Virtual Machine from a specified image. It also attaches multiple empty StandardSSD data disks by default. Note that you can specify the size and the Storage type (Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS and Premium_LRS) of the empty data disks.
Create a VM with multiple NICs and RDP accessible

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Machines with multiple (2) network interfaces (NICs), and RDP connectable with a configured load balancer and an inbound NAT rule. More NICs can easily be added with this template. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, and 2 Network Interfaces (front-end and back-end).
Create a VNET to VNET connection across two regions

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to connect two VNETs in different regions using Virtual Network Gateways
Create a vNet to vNet connection using vNet Peering

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to connect two vNets using vNet Peering
Create a Web App protected by Application Gateway v2

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Web App with Access Restriction for an Application Gateway v2. The Application Gateway is deployed in a vNet (subnet) which has a 'Microsoft.Web' Service Endpoint enabled. The Web App restricts access to traffic from the subnet.
Create a Web App, PE and Application Gateway v2

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Web App with Private endpoint in Azure Virtual Network Subnet , an Application Gateway v2. The Application Gateway is deployed in a vNet (subnet). The Web App restricts access to traffic from the subnet using private endpoint
Create a Windows VM with Anti-Malware extension enabled

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows VM and sets up the Anti-Malware protection
Create a WordPress site in a virtual network

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a WordPress site on Container Instance in a virtual network. And output a public site FQDN which could access WordPress site.
Create AKS with Prometheus and Grafana with privae link

Deploy to Azure
This will create an Azure grafana, AKS and install Prometheus, an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. Then you use Azure Managed Grafana's managed private endpoint to connect to this Prometheus server and display the Prometheus data in a Grafana dashboard
Create an API Management service with a private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template will create an API Management service, a virtual network and a private endpoint exposing the API Management service to the virtual network.
Create an Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway in a virtual network and sets up load balancing rules for any number of virtual machines
Create an Application Gateway (Custom SSL)

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway configured with a custom ssl policy.
Create an Application Gateway (SSL Policy)

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway configured with a predefined ssl policy.
Create an Application Gateway (WAF)

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway with Web Application Firewall functionality in a virtual network and sets up load balancing rules for any number of virtual machines
Create an Application Gateway for WebApps

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway in front of two Azure Web Apps with a custom probe enabled.
Create an Application Gateway v2

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway v2 in a virtual network and sets up auto scaling properties and an HTTP load-balancing rule with public frontend
Create an Application Gateway V2 with Key Vault

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway V2 in a Virtual Network, a user defined identity, Key Vault, a secret (cert data), and access policy on Key Vault and Application Gateway.
Create an Application Gateway with Path Override

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway and shows usage of the path override feature for a backend address pool.
Create an Application Gateway with Probe

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Application Gateway with enhanced probe functionality.
Create an Application Gateway with Public IP

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Application Gateway, Public IP address for the Application Gateway, and the Virtual Network in which Application Gateway is deployed. Also configures Application Gateway for Http Load balancing with Two backend servers. Note that you have to specify valid IPs for backend servers.
Create an Application Gateway with Public IP (Offload)

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Application Gateway, Public IP address for the Application Gateway, and the Virtual Network in which Application Gateway is deployed. Also configures Application Gateway for Ssl Offload and Load balancing with Two backend servers. Note that you have to specify valid IPs for backend servers.
Create an Application Gateway with Redirect

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway with Redirect functionalities in a virtual network and sets up load balancing and redirect rules (basic and pathbased)
Create an Application Gateway with Rewrite

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway with Rewrite functionalities in a virtual network and sets up load balancing, rewrite rules
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3

Deploy to Azure
Create an AppServicePlan and App in an ASEv3
Create an Azure Application Gateway v2

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Application Gateway with two Windows Server 2016 servers in the backend pool
Create an Azure Cosmos DB Account with a private endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template will create a Cosmos account, a virtual network and a private endpoint exposing the Cosmos account to the virtual network.
Create an Azure Firewall sandbox with forced tunneling

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall sandbox (Linux) with one firewall force tunneled through another firewall in a peered VNET
Create an Azure Firewall with Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall with Availability Zones and any number of Public IPs in a virtual network and sets up 1 sample application rule and 1 sample network rule
Create an Azure Firewall with IpGroups

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall with Application and Network Rules referring to IP Groups. Also, includes a Linux Jumpbox vm setup
Create an Azure Firewall with multiple IP public addresses

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall with two public IP addresses and two Windows Server 2019 servers to test.
Create an Azure Machine Learning service workspace (legacy)

Deploy to Azure
This deployment template specifies an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and its associated resources including Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage, Azure Application Insights and Azure Container Registry. This configuration describes the set of resources you require to get started with Azure Machine Learning in a network isolated set up.
Create an Azure Machine Learning service workspace (vnet)

Deploy to Azure
This deployment template specifies an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and its associated resources including Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage, Azure Application Insights and Azure Container Registry. This configuration describes the set of resources you require to get started with Azure Machine Learning in a network isolated set up.
Create an Azure Payment HSM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Payment HSM, to provide cryptographic key operations for real-time, critical payment transactions in the Azure cloud.
Create an Azure Virtual Network Manager and sample VNETs

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Azure Virtual Network Manager and sample virtual networks into the named resource group. It supports multiple connectivity topologies and network group membership types.
Create an Azure VM with a new AD Forest

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a new Azure VM, it configures the VM to be an AD DC for a new Forest
Create an Azure WAF v2 on Azure Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Web Application Firewall v2 on Azure Application Gateway with two Windows Server 2016 servers in the backend pool
Create an IOT Hub and Ubuntu edge simulator

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an IOT Hub and Virtual Machine Ubuntu edge simulator.
Create an IPv6 Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an application gateway with an IPv6 frontend in a dual-stack virtual network.
Create an Ubuntu GNOME desktop

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an ubuntu desktop machine. This works great for use as a jumpbox behind a NAT.
Create and enable a DDoS protection plan

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a DDoS protection plan and a virtual network. It also enables the DDoS protection plan for the virtual network.
Create and encrypt a new Linux VMSS with jumpbox

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Linux VMSS using the latest Linux image, adds data volumes, and then encrypts the data volumes of each Linux VMSS instance. It also deploys a jumpbox with a public IP address in the same virtual network as the Linux VMSS instances with private IP addresses. This allows connecting to the jumpbox via its public IP address, and then connecting to the Linux VMSS instances via private IP addresses.
Create and encrypt a new Windows VMSS with jumpbox

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the lastest patched version of serveral Windows versions. This template also deploys a jumpbox with a public IP address in the same virtual network. You can connect to the jumpbox via this public IP address, then connect from there to VMs in the scale set via private IP addresses.This template enables encryption on the VM Scale Set of Windows VMs.
Create API Management in Internal VNet with App Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template demonstrates how to Create a instance of Azure API Management on a private network protected by Azure Application Gateway.
Create Application Gateway with Certificates

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to generate Key Vault self-signed certificates, then reference from Application Gateway.
Create AVD with FSLogix and AD DS Join

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, FSLogix storage account, file share, recovery service vault for file share backup a test session host, its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join pr Active directory domain join.
Create Azure App Service Environment With An Web App Added

Deploy to Azure
Creates an Azure App Service Environment inside A Virtual Network Subnet. This template also adds a Azure Web App inside the App Service Environment. Template originally authored by Callum Brankin of PixelPin
Create Azure Front Door in front of Azure API Management

Deploy to Azure
This sample demonstrates how to use Azure Front Door as a global load balancer in front of Azure API Management.
Create Azure VM Replication and Disaster Recovery

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create Azure Virtual machine site replication disaster recovery.
Create Function App and private endpoint-secured Storage

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Azure Function App that communicates with Azure Storage over private endpoints.
Create HDInsight Linux Cluster and run a script action

Deploy to Azure
Template creates an HDInsight Linux cluster in a virtual network and then runs a custom script action on every node and sets environment var.
Create new ANF resource with NFSV3/NFSv4.1 volume

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a new Azure NetApp Files resource with a single Capacity pool and single volume configured with NFSV3 or NFSv4.1 protocol. They are all deployed together with Azure Virtual Network and Delegated subnet that are required for any volume to be created
Create new encrypted managed disks win-vm from gallery image

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a new encrypted managed disks windows vm using the server 2k12 gallery image.
Create new Ubuntu VM pre-populated with Puppet Agent

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the Puppet Agent into it using the CustomScript extension.
Create sandbox of Azure Firewall, client VM, and server VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a virtual network with 2 subnets (server subnet and AzureFirewall subnet), A server VM, a client VM, a public IP address for each VM, and a route table to send traffic between VMs through the firewall.
Create SQL MI inside the new virtual network

Deploy to Azure
Deploy Azure Sql Database Managed Instance (SQL MI) inside new Virtual Network.
Create SQL MI with configured sending of logs and metrics

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy SQL MI and additional resources used for storing logs and metrics (diagnostic workspace, storage account, event hub).
Create SQL MI with jumpbox inside new virtual network

Deploy to Azure
Deploy Azure Sql Database Managed Instance (SQL MI) and JumpBox with SSMS inside new Virtual Network.
Create SQL MI with point-to-site connection configured

Deploy to Azure
Deploy Azure Sql Database Managed Instance (SQL MI) and Virtual network gateway configured for point-to-site connection inside the new virtual network.
Create three vNets to demonstrate transitive BGP connections

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys three vNets connected using Virtual Network Gateways and BGP-enabled connections
Create Ubuntu vm data disk raid0

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a virtual machine with multiple disks attached. A script partitions and formats the disks in raid0 array.
Create VMs in Availability Sets using Resource Loops

Deploy to Azure
Create 2-5 VMs in Availability Sets using Resource Loops. The VMs can be Unbuntu or Windows with a maximum of 5 VMs since this sample uses a single storageAccount
Create VNet with two Subnets, local network, and gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VNet, 2 subnets, and a gateway
Create, configure and deploy Web Application to an Azure VM

Deploy to Azure
Create and configure a Windows VM with SQL Azure database, and deploy web application to the environment using PowerShell DSC
Creates a Cross-tenant Private Endpoint resource

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create Priavate Endpoint resource within the same or cross-tenant environment and add dns zone configuration.
Creates an external Container App environment with a VNET

Deploy to Azure
Creates an external Container App environment with a VNET.
Creates an HDInsight cluster running ADAM

Deploy to Azure
Creates an HDInsight linux cluster running the genomics analysis platform ADAM
Creates an HDInsight cluster running Apache Spark 1.4.1

Deploy to Azure
Creates an HDInsight linux cluster running Apache Spark 1.4.1.
Creates an internal Container App environment with a VNET

Deploy to Azure
Creates an internal Container App environment with a VNET.
Creates AVD with Microsoft Entra ID Join

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create Azure Virtual Desktop resources such as host pool, application group, workspace, a test session host and its extensions with Microsoft Entra ID join
Custom Script extension on a Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the CustomScript extension
DataStax Enterprise

Deploy to Azure
Azure Resource Manager templates for DataStax Enterprise
Deploy a 3 node Percona XtraDB Cluster in Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 3 node MySQL high availability cluster on CentOS 6.5 or Ubuntu 12.04
Deploy a 3 Nodetype Secure Cluster with NSGs enabled

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a secure 3 nodetype Service fabric Cluster running Windows server 2016 Data center on a Standard_D2 Size VMs. Use this template allows you ro control the inbound and outbound network traffic using Network Security Groups.
Deploy a 5 Node Secure Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a secure 5 node Service Fabric Cluster running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter on a Standard_D2_v2 Size VMSS.
Deploy a 5 Node Ubuntu Service Fabric Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a secure 5 node Service Fabric Cluster running Ubuntu on a Standard_D2_V2 Size VMSS.
Deploy a Bastion host in a hub Virtual Network

Deploy to Azure
This template creates two vNets with peerings, a Bastion host in the Hub vNet and a Linux VM in the spoke vNet
Deploy a Django app

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an application. This example creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of Python, Django and Apache, then creates a simple Django app
Deploy a Hub and Spoke topology sandbox

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a basic hub-and-spoke topology setup. It creates a Hub VNet with subnets DMZ, Management, Shared and Gateway (optionally), with two Spoke VNets (development and production) containing a workload subnet each. It also deploys a Windows Jump-Host on the Management subnet of the HUB, and establishes VNet peerings between the Hub and the two spokes.
Deploy a Kibana dashboard with Docker

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker installed (using the Docker Extension) and Kibana/Elasticsearch containers created and configured to serve an analytic dashboard.
Deploy a LAMP app

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an application. It creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of MySQL, Apache and PHP, then creates a simple PHP script.
Deploy a Linux or Windows VM with MSI

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Linux or Windows VM with a Managed Service Identity.
Deploy a Linux or Windows VMSS with MSI

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Linux or Windows Virtual Machine Scale Set with a Managed Service Identity. That identity is then used to access Azure services.
Deploy a Linux VM (Ubuntu) with multiple NICs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VNet with multiple subnets and deploys a Ubuntu VM with multiple NICs
Deploy a Linux VM with the Azul Zulu OpenJDK JVM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Linux VM with the Azul Zulu OpenJDK JVM.
Deploy a Linux VMSS wth primary/secondary architecture

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Linux VMSS with a Custom Script Extension in primary secondary architecture
Deploy a MySQL Server

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy a MySQL server. It creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of MySQL server, version:5.6
Deploy a Nextflow genomics cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a scalable Nextflow cluster with a Jumpbox, n cluster nodes, docker support and shared storage.
Deploy a PostgreSQL Server on Ubuntu Virtual Machine

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy a postgresql server. It creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of MySQL server, version:9.3.5
Deploy a Premium Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Premium Windows VM using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version.
Deploy a Premium Windows VM with diagnostics

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Premium Windows VM using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version.
Deploy a secure VNet and a HDInsight cluster within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight Hadoop cluster running Linux within the VNet.
Deploy a simple FreeBSD VM in resource group location

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple FreeBSD VM using a few different options for the FreeBSD version, using the latest patched version. This will deploy in resource group location on a D1 VM Size.
Deploy a simple Linux VM and update private IP to static

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Linux VM using Ubuntu from the marketplace. This will deploy a VNET, Subnet, and an A1 size VM in the resource group location with a dynamically assigned IP address and then convert it to static IP.
Deploy a simple Linux VM with Accelerated Networking

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Linux VM with Accelerated Networking using Ubuntu version 18.04-LTS with the latest patched version. This will deploy a D3_v2 size VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM.
Deploy a simple Ubuntu Linux VM 20.04-LTS

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Ubuntu Server with a few options for the VM. You can provide the VM Name, OS Version, VM size, and admin username and password. As default the VM size is Standard_D2s_v3 and OS version is 20.04-LTS.
Deploy a simple VM Scale Set with Linux VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Linux VMs using the latest patched version of Ubuntu Linux 14.04.4-LTS or 16.04-LTS. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for ssh connections.
Deploy a simple VM Scale Set with Linux VMs and a Jumpbox

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Linux VMs using the latest patched version of Ubuntu Linux 15.10 or 14.04.4-LTS. There is also a jumpbox to enable connections from outside of the VNet the VMs are in.
Deploy a simple VM Scale Set with Windows VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the lastest patched version of various Windows Versions. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for rdp connections.
Deploy a simple VM Scale Set with Windows VMs and a Jumpbox

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the lastest patched version of serveral Windows versions. This template also deploys a jumpbox with a public IP address in the same virtual network. You can connect to the jumpbox via this public IP address, then connect from there to VMs in the scale set via private IP addresses.
Deploy a simple Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version. This will deploy an A2 size VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM.
Deploy a simple Windows VM with monitoring and diagnostics

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM along with the diagnostics extension which enables monitoring and diagnostics for the VM
Deploy a simple Windows VM with tags

Deploy to Azure
This template will deploy a D2_v3 Windows VM, NIC, Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP Address, and Network Security Group. The tag object is created in the variables and will be applied on all resources, where applicable.
Deploy a single-VM WordPress to Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a complete LAMP stack, then installs and initializes WordPress. Once the deployment is finished, you need to go to http://fqdn.of.your.vm/wordpress/ to finish the configuration, create an account, and get started with WordPress.
Deploy a Spark cluster in a VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight Spark cluster within the VNet.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Linux virtual machine

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable Linux virtual machine using a few different options for the Linux version, using the latest patched version. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VM. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud. By default, this will deploy an Standard_D2_v3 size virtual machine in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the virtual machine.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Windows virtual machine

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable Windows virtual machine using a few different options for the Windows version, using the latest patched version. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VM. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud. By default, this will deploy an Standard_D2_v3 size virtual machine in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the virtual machine.
Deploy a trusted launch capable Windows VM Scale Set

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a trusted launch capable VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the latest patched version of Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for RDP connections. If you enable Secureboot and vTPM, the Guest Attestation extension will be installed on your VMSS. This extension will perform remote attestation by the cloud.
Deploy a Ubuntu Linux DataScience VM 18.04

Deploy to Azure
This template deploy a Ubuntu Server with some tools for Data Science. You can provide the username, password, virtual machine name and select between CPU or GPU computing.
Deploy a Ubuntu VM with the OMS extension

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Ubuntu VM with the OMS extension installed and onboarded to a specified workspace
Deploy a Virtual Machine with Custom Data

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Machine with Custom Data passed down to the VM. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Deploy a Virtual Machine with SSH rsa public key

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Machine with SSH rsa public key
Deploy a Virtual Machine with User Data

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Virtual Machine with User Data passed down to the VM. This template also deploys a Virtual Network, Public IP addresses, and a Network Interface.
Deploy a VM into an Availability Zone

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM (Windows or Ubuntu), using the latest patched version. This will deploy a A2_v2 size VM in the location specified and return the FQDN of the VM.
Deploy a VM Scale Set from the Azure Data Science VM

Deploy to Azure
These templates deploy VM scale sets, using the Azure Data Science VMs as a source image.
Deploy a VM Scale Set with a Linux custom image

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a custom VM Linux image inside an Scale Set. These VMs are behind a load balancer with HTTP load balancing (by default on port 80). The example uses a custom script to do the application deployment and update, you may have to provide your custom script for your own update procedure. You will have to provide a generalized image of your VM in the same subscription and region where you create the VMSS.
Deploy a VM Scale Set with a Windows custom image

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set usng a custom Windows image. These VMs are behind a load balancer with HTTP load balancing (by default on port 80)
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Linux VMs and Auto Scale

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Linux VMs using the latest patched version of Ubuntu Linux 15.04 or 14.04.4-LTS. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for ssh connections.They also have Auto Scale integrated
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Linux VMs behind ILB

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM Scale Set of Linux VMs using the latest patched version of Ubuntu Linux 15.10 or 14.04.4-LTS. These VMs are behind an internal load balancer with NAT rules for ssh connections.
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Linux VMs in Availabilty Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Linux VMs using the latest patched version of Ubuntu Linux 14.04.4-LTS or 16.04-LTS. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for ssh connections.
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Windows VMs and Auto Scale

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the latest patched version of Windows 2008-R2-SP1, 2012-Datacenter, or 2012-R2-Datacenter. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for RDP connections. They also have Auto Scale integrated
Deploy a VM Scale Set with Windows VMs in Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the lastest patched version of various Windows Versions. These VMs are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for rdp connections.
Deploy a VM with multiple IPs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM with 3 IP configurations. This template will deploy a Linux/Windows VM called myVM1 with 3 IP configurations: IPConfig-1, IPConfig-2 and IPConfig-3, respectively.
Deploy a VMSS that connects each VM to an Azure Files share

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Ubuntu Virtual Machine Scale Set and uses a custom script extension to connect each VM to an Azure Files share
Deploy a VNet, and a HBase cluster within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight HBase cluster running Linux within the VNet.
Deploy a Windows Server VM with Visual Studio

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Windows Server VM with Visual Code Studio Community 2019, with a few options for the VM. You can provide the name of VM, the admin username and admin password.
Deploy a Windows VM and configures WinRM https listener

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM using a few different options for the Windows version. This will then configure a WinRM https listener. User need to provide the value of parameter 'hostNameScriptArgument' which is the fqdn of the VM. Example: or *
Deploy a Windows VM and enable backup using Azure Backup

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM and Recovery Services Vault configured with the DefaultPolicy for Protection.
Deploy a Windows VM Scale Set with a Custom Script Extension

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM Scale Set of Windows VMs using the lastest patched version of various Windows Versions. These VMs have a custom script extension for customization and are behind a load balancer with NAT rules for rdp connections.
Deploy a Windows VM scale set with Azure Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM Scale Set integrated with Azure Application Gateway, and supports up to 1000 VMs
Deploy a Windows VM with a variable number of data disks

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple VM and specify the number of data disks at deploy time using a parameter. Note that the number and size of data disks is bound by the VM size. The VM size for this sample is Standard_DS4_v2 with a default of 16 data disks.
Deploy a Windows VM with the Azul Zulu OpenJDK JVM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Windows VM with the Azul Zulu OpenJDK JVM
Deploy a Windows VM with the OMS extension

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM with the OMS extension installed and onboarded to a specified workspace
Deploy a Windows VM with Windows Admin Center extension

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM with Windows Admin Center extension to manage the VM directly from Azure Portal.
Deploy a WordPress blog with Docker

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker installed (using the Docker Extension) and WordPress/MySQL containers created and configured to serve a blog server.
Deploy an app service with regional VNet integration

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an app service plan and a basic Windows web app, with regional VNet integration enabled to a newly created virtual network
Deploy an Autoscale Setting for Virtual Machine ScaleSet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an autoscale policy for Virtual Machine ScaleSet resource.
Deploy an Azure Databricks Workspace with PE,CMK all forms

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure Databricks workspace with PrivateEndpoint and managed services and CMK with DBFS encryption.
Deploy an Azure Function Premium plan with vnet integration

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Azure Function Premium plan with regional virtual network integration enabled to a newly created virtual network.
Deploy an Azure VNet and two HBase clusters within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to configure an HBase environment with two HBase clusters within a VNet for configuring HBase replication.
Deploy an Open-Source Parse Server with Docker

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker installed (using the Docker Extension) and an Open Source Parse Server container created and configured to replace the (now sunset) Parse service.
Deploy an Openvpn Access Server

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an openvpn access server. It creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of openvpn access server, then make the basic server network settings: define the VPN Server Hostname to be the VM's public ip's DNS name
Deploy an Ubuntu VM scale set with Azure Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Ubuntu VM Scale Set integrated with Azure Application Gateway, and supports up to 1000 VMs
Deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker Engine

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker (using the Docker Extension). You can later SSH into the VM and run Docker containers.
Deploy Anbox Cloud

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Anbox Cloud on an Ubuntu VM. Completing the installation of Anbox Cloud requires user interaction following the deployment; please consult the README for instructions. The template supports both launching of a VM from an Ubuntu Pro image and association of an Ubuntu Pro token with a VM launched from a non-Pro image. The former is the default behaviour; users seeking to attach a token to a VM launched from a non-Pro image must override the default arguments for the ubuntuImageOffer, ubuntuImageSKU, and ubuntuProToken parameters. The template is also parametric in the VM size and disk sizes. Non-default argument values for these parameters must comply with
Deploy API Management in external VNet with public IP

Deploy to Azure
This template demonstrates how to create an instance of Azure API Management in the Premium tier within your virtual network's subnet in external mode and configure recommended NSG rules on the subnet. The instance is deployed to two availability zones. The template also configures a public IP address from your subscription.
Deploy API Management in internal VNet with public IP

Deploy to Azure
This template demonstrates how to create an instance of Azure API Management in the Premium tier within your virtual network's subnet in internal mode and configure recommended NSG rules on the subnet. The instance is deployed to two availability zones. The template also configures a public IP address from your subscription.
Deploy Azure Data Explorer cluster into your VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you deploy a cluster into your VNet.
Deploy Azure Database for MySQL with VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy an Azure database for MySQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL (flexible) with VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy a Flexible server Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database for PostgreSQL with VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy an Azure database for PostgreSQL with VNet integration.
Deploy Azure Database Migration Service (DMS)

Deploy to Azure
Azure Database Migration Service is a fully managed service designed to enable seamless migrations from multiple database sources to Azure data platforms with minimal downtime (online migrations).
Deploy CKAN

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys CKAN using Apache Solr (for search) and PostgreSQL (database) on an Ubuntu VM. CKAN, Solr and PostgreSQL are deployed as individual Docker containers on the VM.
Deploy Dev Box Service with built-in image

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy an Dev Box service with built-in image.
Deploy HBase geo replication

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to configure an Azure environment for HBase replication across two different regions with VPN vnet-to-vnet connection.
Deploy HBase replication with two VNets in one region

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to configure aN HBase environment with two HBase clusters within two VNets in the same region for configuring HBase replication.
Deploy IOMAD cluster on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys IOMAD as a LAMP application on Ubuntu. It creates a one or more Ubuntu VM for the front end and a single VM for the backend. It does a silent install of Apache and PHP on the front end VM's and MySQL on the backend VM. Then it deploys IOMAD on the cluster. It configures a load balancer for directing requests to the front end VM's. It also configures NAT rules to allow admin access to each of the VM's. It also sets up a moodledata data directory using file storage shared among the VM's. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /iomad on each frontend VM (using web admin access) to start configuring IOMAD.
Deploy IOMAD on Ubuntu on a single VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys IOMAD as a LAMP application on Ubuntu. It creates a single Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of MySQL, Apache and PHP on it, and then deploys IOMAD on it. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /iomad to start congfiguring IOMAD.
Deploy multiple VM Scale Sets of Linux VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy multiple VM Scale Sets of Linux VMs.
Deploy multiple VM Scale Sets of Windows VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy multiple VM Scale Sets of Windows VMs.
Deploy MySQL Flexible Server with Private Endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy a Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server with Private Endpoint.
Deploy MySQL Flexible Server with Vnet Integration

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a way to deploy a Azure database for MySQL Flexible Server with VNet Integration.
Deploy Neo4J in Docker and data on external disk

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Docker installed (using the Docker Extension) and a Neo4J container which uses an external disk to store it's data.
Deploy Neo4J in Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu VM with Neo4J binaries and runs Neo4J on its designated ports.
Deploy Net Disk against Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template allows deploying seafile server 6.1.1 on Azure Ubuntu VM
Deploy Octopus Deploy 3.0 with a trial license

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a single Octopus Deploy 3.0 server with a trial license. This will deploy on a single Windows Server 2012R2 VM (Standard D2) and SQL DB (S1 tier) into the location specified for the Resource Group.
Deploy Open edX (lilac version) through tutor

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a single Ubuntu VM, and deploys Open edX through tutor on them.
Deploy Open edX devstack on a single Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a single Ubuntu VM and deploys Open edX devstack on it.
Deploy Open edX Dogwood (Multi-VM)

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a network of Ubuntu VMs, and deploys Open edX Dogwood on them. Deployment supports 1-9 application VMs and backend Mongo and MySQL VMs.
Deploy Open edX fullstack (Ficus) on a single Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a single Ubuntu VM and deploys Open edX fullstack (Ficus) on it.
Deploy OpenLDAP cluster on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an OpenLDAP cluster on Ubuntu. It creates multiple Ubuntu VMs (up to 5, but can be easily increased) and does a silent install of OpenLDAP on them. Then it sets up N-way multi-master replication on them. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /phpldapadmin to start congfiguring OpenLDAP.
Deploy OpenLDAP on Ubuntu on a single VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys OpenLDAP on Ubuntu. It creates a single Ubuntu VM and does a silent install of OpenLDAP on it. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /phpldapadmin to start congfiguring OpenLDAP.
Deploy OpenSIS Community Edition cluster on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys OpenSIS Community Edition as a LAMP application on Ubuntu. It creates a one or more Ubuntu VM for the front end and a single VM for the backend. It does a silent install of Apache and PHP on the front end VM's and MySQL on the backend VM. Then it deploys OpenSIS Community Edition on the cluster. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /opensis-ce on each of the front end VM's (using web admin access) to start congfiguring OpenSIS.
Deploy OpenSIS Community Edition on Ubuntu on a single VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys OpenSIS Community Edition as a LAMP application on Ubuntu. It creates a single Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of MySQL, Apache and PHP on it, and then deploys OpenSIS Community Edition. After the deployment is successful, you can go to /opensis-ce to start congfiguting OpenSIS.
Deploy Secure Azure AI Studio with a managed virtual network

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a secure Azure AI Studio environment with robust network and identity security restrictions.
Deploy Shibboleth Identity Provider cluster on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider on Ubuntu in a clustered configuration. After the deployment is successful, you can go to https://your-domain:8443/idp/profile/Status (note port number) to check success.
Deploy Shibboleth Identity Provider cluster on Windows

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider on Windows in a clustered configuration. After the deployment is successful, you can go to https://your-domain:8443/idp/profile/status (note port number) to check success.
Deploy Shibboleth Identity Provider on Ubuntu on a single VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider on Ubuntu. After the deployment is successful, you can go to https://your-domain:8443/idp/profile/status (note port number) to check success.
Deploy Shibboleth Identity Provider on Windows (single VM)

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider on Windows. It creates a single Windows VM, installs JDK and Apache Tomcat, deploys Shibboleth Identity Provider, and then configures everything for SSL access to the Shibboleth IDP. After the deployment is successful, you can go to https://your-server:8443/idp/profile/status to check success.
Deploy Solace PubSub+ message broker onto Azure Linux VM(s)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy either a standalone Solace PubSub+ message broker or a three node High Availability cluster of Solace PubSub+ message brokers onto Azure Linux VM(s).
Deploy the CoScale platform on a single VM

Deploy to Azure
CoScale is a full-stack monitoring solution tailored towards production environments running microservices, see for more information. This template install the CoScale platform on a single VM and should only be used for Proof-Of-Concept environments.
Deploy Ubuntu VM with Open JDK and Tomcat

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Ubuntu VM with OpenJDK and Tomcat. Currently custom script file is pulled temporarily from https link on Once the VM is successfully provisioned, tomcat installation can be verified by accessing the http link [FQDN name or public IP]:8080/
Deploy VM Scale Set with LB probe and automatic repairs

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM scale set of Linux VMs behind a load balancer with health probe configured. The scale set also has automatic instance repairs policy enabled with a grace period of 30 minutes.
Deploy VM Scale Set with Python Bottle server & AutoScale

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a VM Scale Set behind a load balancer/NAT & each VM running a simple Python Bottle app that does work. With Autoscale configured Scale Set will scale out & in as needed
Deploy Windows VM configure windows featurtes SSL DSC

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM, configure windows features like IIS/Web Role, .Net, Custom loggin, windows auth, application initialization, download application deployment packages, URL Rewrite & SSL configuration using DSC and Azure Key Vault
Deploy Windows VMSS configure windows featurtes SSL DSC

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy two Windows VMSS, configure windows features like IIS/Web Role, .Net Framework 4.5, windows auth, application initialization, download application deployment packages, URL Rewrite & SSL configuration using DSC and Azure Key Vault
Deploy Xfce Desktop

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy Xfce Desktop on the VM. It creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of Xfce desktop and xrdp
Deploys a 2 node master/slave MySQL replication cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 2 node master/slave MySQL replication cluster on CentOS 6.5 or 6.6
Deploys a 3 node Consul Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 3 node Consul cluster and auto-joins the nodes via Atlas. Consul is a tool for service discovery, distributed key/value store and a bunch of other cool things. Atlas is provided by Hashicorp (makers of Consul) as a way to quickly create Consul clusters without having to manually join each node
Deploys a 3 node Percona XtraDB Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 3 node MySQL high availability cluster on CentOS 6.5 or Ubuntu 12.04
Deploys a N node Gluster File System

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 2, 4, 6, or 8 node Gluster File System with 2 replicas on Ubuntu
Deploys a N-node CentOS Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a 2-10 node CentOS cluster with 2 networks.
Deploys Windows VMs under LB,configures WinRM Https

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploys Windows VMs using few different options for the Windows version. This template also configures a WinRM https listener on VMs
Dev Environment for AZ-400 Labs

Deploy to Azure
VM with VS2017 Community, Docker-desktop, Git and VSCode for AZ-400 (Azure DevOps) Labs
Discover Private IP dynamically

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to discover a private IP for a NIC dynamically. It passes the private IP of NIC0 to VM1 using custom script extensions which writes it to a file on VM1.
Django App with SQL Databases

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy an application. This example creates an Ubuntu VM, does a silent install of Python, Django and Apache, then creates a simple Django app. The template also creates a SQL Database, with a sample table with some sample data which displayed in the web browser using a query
DLWorkspace Deployment

Deploy to Azure
Deploy DLWorkspace cluster on Azure
DMZ with NSG

Deploy to Azure
This example will create a simple DMZ with four windows servers, a VNet with two subnets, and a Network Security Group.
DNS Forwarder VM

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a DNS server that forwards queries to Azure's internal DNS servers. This is useful for setting up DNS resultion between virtual networks (as described in
DNX on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
Spins up an Ubuntu 14.04 server and installs the .NET Execution context (DNX) plus a sample application
Docker Swarm Cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a high-availability Docker Swarm cluster
Dokku Instance

Deploy to Azure
Dokku is a mini-heroku-style PaaS on a single VM.
Drone on Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions an instance of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with the Docker Extension and Drone CI package.
Environment required to deploy Azure SQL Managed Instance

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an environment required to deploy Azure SQL Managed Instance - Virtual Network with two subnets.
ESET VM Extension

Deploy to Azure
Creates a VM with ESET extension
Example Parameterized Deployment With Linked Templates

Deploy to Azure
This sample template will deploy multiple tiers of resources into an Azure Resource Group. Each tier has configurable elements, to show how you can expose parameterization to the end user.
ExpressRoute circuit with private peering and Azure VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template configure ExpressRoute Microsoft peering, deploy an Azure VNet with Expressroute gateway and link the VNet to the ExpressRoute circuit
Extend an existing Azure VNET to a Multi-VNET Configuration

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to extend an existing single VNET environment to a Multi-VNET environment that extends across two datacenter regions using VNET-to-VNET gateways
FinOps hub

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a new FinOps hub instance, including Data Explorer, Data Lake storage, and Data Factory.
FreeBSD PHP based web site

Deploy to Azure
This template will deploy four FreeBSD VMs for PHP based web site
Front Door Premium with VM and Private Link service

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Front Door Premium and a virtual machine configured as a web server. Front Door uses a private endpoint with Private Link service to send traffic to the VM.
Front Door Standard/Premium with API Management origin

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Front Door Premium and an API Management instance, and uses an NSG and global API Management policy to validate that traffic has come through the Front Door origin.
Front Door Standard/Premium with Application Gateway origin

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Front Door Standard/Premium and an Application Gateway instance, and uses an NSG and WAF policy to validate that traffic has come through the Front Door origin.
Front Door with Container Instances and Application Gateway

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Front Door Standard/Premium with a container group and Application Gateway.
Function App secured by Azure Frontdoor

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an azure premium function protected and published by Azure Frontdoor premium. The conenction between Azure Frontdoor and Azure Functions is protected by Azure Private Link.
GitHub Enterprise Server

Deploy to Azure
GitHub Enterprise Server is the private version of that will run on a VM in your Azure subscription. It makes collaborative coding possible and enjoyable for enterprise software development teams.
GitLab Omnibus

Deploy to Azure
This template simplifies the deployment of GitLab Omnibus on a Virtual Machine with a public DNS, leveraging the public IP's DNS. It utilizes the Standard_F8s_v2 instance size, which aligns with reference architecture and supports up to 1000 users (20 RPS). The instance is pre-configured to use HTTPS with a Let's Encrypt certificate for secure connections.
GlassFish on SUSE

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a load balanced GlassFish (v3 or v4) cluster, consisting of a user defined number of SUSE (OpenSUSE or SLES) VMs.
Go Ethereum on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Go Ethereum client along with a genesis block on Ubuntu virtual machines
Go Expanse on Ubuntu

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Go Expanse client on Ubuntu virtual machines
GPU Vm with OBS-Studio, Skype, MS-Teams for event streaming

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a GPU Vm with OBS-Studio, Skype, MS-Teams for event streaming. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack. All installation process based on Chocolately package manager
Hazelcast Cluster

Deploy to Azure
Hazelcast is an in-memory data platform that can be used for a variety of data applications. This template will deploy any number of Hazelcast nodes and they will automatically discover each other.
High IOPS 32 Data Disk storage pool Standard D14 VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Standard D14 VM with 32 data disks attached. Using DSC they are automatically striped per best practices to get maximum IOPS and formatted into a single volume.
Hyper-V Host Virtual Machine with nested VMs

Deploy to Azure
Deploys a Virtual Machine to by a Hyper-V Host and all dependent resources including virtual network, public IP address and route tables.
IBM Cloud Pak for Data on Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Openshift cluster on Azure with all the required resources, infrastructure and then deploys IBM Cloud Pak for Data along with the add-ons that user chooses.
IIS Server using DSC extension on a Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows VM and sets up an IIS server using the DSC extension. Note, the DSC configuration module needs a SAS token to be passed in if you are using Azure Storage. For DSC module link from GitHub (default in this template), this is not needed.
IIS VMs & SQL Server 2014 VM

Deploy to Azure
Create 1 or 2 IIS Windows 2012 R2 Web Servers and one back end SQL Server 2014 in VNET.
Install a file on a Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Windows VM and run a custom PowerShell script to install a file on that VM.
Install a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys and sets up a customized Minecraft server on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
Install Configuration Manager Current Branch in Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template creates new Azure VMs based on which configuration you choose. It configures a new AD domain controler, a new hierarchy/standalone bench with SQL Server, a remote site system server with Management Point and Distribution Point and clients.
Install Configuration Manager Tech Preview Lab in Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template creates new Azure VMs. It configures a new AD domain controler , a new standalone primary site with SQL Server, a remote site system server with Management Point and Distribution Point and client(options).
Install Elasticsearch cluster on a Virtual Machine Scale Set

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Elasticsearch cluster on a Virtual Machine scale set. The template provisions 3 dedicated master nodes, with an optional number of data nodes, which run on managed disks.
Install MongoDB on an Ubuntu VM using Custom Script LinuxExt

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Mongo DB on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Install MongoDB on CentOS with Custom Script Linux Extension

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Mongo DB on a CentOS Virtual Machine. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Install Multiple Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) Agents

Deploy to Azure
This template builds a Virtual Machine and supporting Resources with Visual Studio 2017 installed. It also installs and configures upto 4 VSTS build agents and links them to a VSTS Pool
Install Phabricator on an Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Phabricator on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Install Scrapy on Ubuntu using Custom Script Linux Extension

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Scrapy on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine. The user can upload a spider to start to crawl. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Integration Service Environment Template

Deploy to Azure
Template that creates a virtual network, 4 subnets, and then an Integration Service Environment (ISE), including non-native connectors. Use as a base for templates that require a Logic Apps ISE.
IPv6 in Azure Virtual Network (VNET)

Deploy to Azure
Create a dual stack IPv4/IPv6 VNET with 2 VMs.
IPv6 in Azure Virtual Network (VNET) with Std LB

Deploy to Azure
Create a dual stack IPv4/IPv6 VNET with 2 VMs and an Internet-facing Standard Load Balancer.
JBoss EAP on RHEL (clustered, multi-VM)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create multiple RHEL 8.6 VMs running JBoss EAP 7.4 cluster and also deploys a web application called eap-session-replication, you can log into the admin console using the JBoss EAP username and password configured at the time of the deployment.
JBoss EAP on RHEL (clustered, VMSS)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create RHEL 8.6 VMSS instances running JBoss EAP 7.4 cluster and also deploys a web application called eap-session-replication, you can log into the admin console using the JBoss EAP username and password configured at the time of the deployment.
JBoss EAP on RHEL (stand-alone VM)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a RHEL 8.6 VM running JBoss EAP 7.4 and also deploys a web application called JBoss-EAP on Azure, you can log into the admin console using the JBoss EAP username and password configured at the time of the deployment.
JBoss EAP server running a test application called dukes

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Red Hat VM running JBoss EAP 7 and and also deploy a web application called dukes, you can login into the admin console using the user and password configured at the time of the deployment.
Jenkins Cluster with Windows & Linux Worker

Deploy to Azure
1 Jenkins master with 1 Linux node and 1 windows node
KEMP LoadMaster HA Pair

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a KEMP LoadMaster HA Pair
Kubernetes cluster with VMSS Cluster Autoscaler

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a vanilla kubernetes cluster initialized using kubeadm. It deploys a configured master node with a cluster autoscaler. A pre-configured Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) is also deployed and automatically attached to the cluster. The cluster autoscaler can then automatically scale up/down the cluster depending on the workload of the cluster.
Linux VM with Gnome Desktop RDP VSCode and Azure CLI

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Ubuntu Server VM, then uses the Linux CustomScript extension to install the Ubuntu Gnome Desktop and Remote Desktop support (via xrdp). The final provisioned Ubuntu VM support remote connections over RDP.
Linux VM with MSI Accessing Storage

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a linux VM with a system assigned managed identity that has access to a storage account in a different resource group.
Linux VM with Serial Output

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a simple Linux VM with minimal parameters and serial/console configured to output to storage
List Storage Account keys-Windows Custom Script extension

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows Server 2012 R2 VM and runs a PowerShell script using the custom script extension. It also uses the listKeys function to get the Azure Storage Account keys. The PowerShell script for this sample must be hosted in an Azure Storage account. (Note: For other samples custom script can also be hosted in GitHub)
Load Balancer with 2 VIPs, each with one LB rule

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Load Balancer, 2 Public IP addresses for the Load balancer (multivip), Virtual Network, Network Interface in the Virtual Network & a LB Rule in the Load Balancer that is used by the Network Interface.
Load Balancer with Inbound NAT Rule

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Load Balancer, Public IP address for the Load balancer, Virtual Network, Network Interface in the Virtual Network & a NAT Rule in the Load Balancer that is used by the Network Interface.
Managed Azure Active Directory Domain Services

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys an Managed Azure Active Directory Domain Service with required VNet and NSG configurations.
Marketplace Sample VM with Conditional Resources

Deploy to Azure
This template allows deploying a linux VM using new or existing resources for the Virtual Network, Storage and Public IP Address. It also allows for choosing between SSH and Password authenticate. The templates uses conditions and logic functions to remove the need for nested deployments.
McAfee Endpoint Security (trial license) on Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows VM and sets up a trial version of McAfee Endpoint Security
Memcached service cluster using multiple Ubuntu VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates one or more memcached services on Ubuntu 14.04 VMs in a private subnet. It also creates one publicly accessible Apache VM with a PHP test page to confirm that memcached is installed and accessible.
Migrate to Azure SQL database using Azure DMS

Deploy to Azure
The Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) is designed to streamline the process of migrating on-premises databases to Azure. DMS will simplify the migration of existing on-premises SQL Server and Oracle databases to Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance or Microsoft SQL Server in an Azure Virtual Machine. This template would deploy an instance of Azure Database Migration service, an Azure VM with SQL server installed on it which will act as a Source server with pre created database on it and a Target Azure SQL DB server which will have a pre-created schema of the database to be migrated from Source to Target server. The template will also deploy the required resources like NIC, vnet etc for supporting the Source VM, DMS service and Target server. Azure Gateway

Deploy to Azure
Fully private Azure Gateway deployment to provide an S3 compliant storage API backed by blob storage
Multi tier App with NSG, ILB, AppGateway

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Virtual Network, segregates the network through subnets, deploys VMs and configures load balancing
Multi tier traffic manager, L4 ILB, L7 AppGateway

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Virtual Network, segregates the network through subnets, deploys VMs and configures load balancing
Multi tier VNet with NSGs and DMZ

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Virtual Network with 3 subnets, 3 Network Security Groups and appropriate security rules to make the FrontEnd subnet a DMZ
Multi VM Template with Managed Disk

Deploy to Azure
This template will create N number of VM's with managed disks, public IPs and network interfaces. It will create the VMs in a single Availability Set. They will be provisioned in a Virtual Network which will also be created as part of the deployment
Multi-client VNS3 network appliance

Deploy to Azure
VNS3 is a software only virtual appliance that provides the combined features and functions of a Security Appliance, Application Delivery Controller and Unified Threat Management device at the cloud application edge. Key benefits, On top of cloud networking, Always on end to end encryption, Federate data centres, cloud regions, cloud providers, and/or containers, creating one unified address space, Attestable control over encryption keys, Meshed network manageable at scale, Reliable HA in the Cloud, Isolate sensitive applications (fast low cost Network Segmentation), Segmentation within applications, Analysis of all data in motion in the cloud. Key network functions; virtual router, switch, firewall, vpn concentrator, multicast distributor, with plugins for WAF, NIDS, Caching, Proxy Load Balancers and other Layer 4 thru 7 network functions, VNS3 doesn't require new knowledge or training to implement, so you can integrate with existing network equipment.
Multiple VM Template with Chef Extension

Deploy to Azure
Deploys a specified number of Ubuntu VMs configured with Chef Client
Multiple Windows-VM with custom-script

Deploy to Azure
Multiple Windows VMs with custom-script of choice.
Nagios Core on Ubuntu VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template installs and configures Nagios Core, the industry standard, Open Source IT monitoring system that enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes
Network Interface with Public IP Address

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Network Inerface in a Virtual Network referencing a Public IP Address.
Network Secured Agent with User Managed Identity

Deploy to Azure
This set of templates demonstrates how to set up Azure AI Agent Service with virtual network isolation using User Managed Identity authetication for the AI Service/AOAI connection and private network links to connect the agent to your secure data.
Nylas N1 email sync engine on Debian

Deploy to Azure
This template installs and configures Nylas N1 open source sync engine on a Debian VM.

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys OpenCanvas on Ubuntu 16.04

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a OpenScholar to the ubuntu VM 16.04
Openshift Container Platform 4.3

Deploy to Azure
Openshift Container Platform 4.3
OS Patching extension on a Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the OSPatching extension
Perforce Helix Core Linux Single Instance

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a new instance of Perforce Helix Core Server on a CentOS, RHEL or Ubuntu server in Azure along with all required infrastructure elements. The installation is done with SDP (Server Deployment Package). Perforce Helix Core is an industry leading version control system widely used in game development and many other industries.
Private Endpoint example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a private endpoint pointing to Azure SQL Server
Private Function App and private endpoint-secured Storage

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions a function app on a Premium plan that has private endpoints and communicates with Azure Storage over private endpoints.
Private Link service example

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a private link service
Public Load Balancer chained to a Gateway Load Balancer

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Public Standard Load Balancer chained to a Gateway Load Balancer. The traffic incoming from internet is routed to the Gateway Load Balancer with linux VMs (NVAs) in the backend pool.
Puppet agent on Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a windows VM with Puppet Agent
Push a certificate onto a Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
Push a certificate onto a Windows VM. Create the Key Vault using the template at
Python Proxy on Ubuntu using Custom Script Linux Extension

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Python Proxy on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
Qlik Sense Enterprise single node

Deploy to Azure
This template provisions a single node Qlik Sense Enterprise site. Bring your own license.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.8 unmanaged)

Deploy to Azure
This template will deploy a Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.8), using the Pay-As-You-Go RHEL VM image for the selected version on Standard A1_v2 VM in the location of your chosen resource group with an additional 100 GiB data disk attached to the VM. Additional charges apply to this image - consult Azure VM Pricing page for details.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.8)

Deploy to Azure
This template will deploy a Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.8), using the Pay-As-You-Go RHEL VM image for the selected version on Standard D1 VM in the location of your chosen resource group with an additional 100 GiB data disk attached to the VM. Additional charges apply to this image - consult Azure VM Pricing page for details.
Red Hat full cross-platform dev box with Team Services agent

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Red Hat VM with a full set of cross-platform SDKs and Visual Studio Team Services Linux build agent. Once the VM is successfully provisioned, Team Services build agent installation can be verified by looking under your Team Services account settings under Agent pools. Languages/Tools supported: OpenJDK Java 6, 7 and 8; Ant, Maven and Gradle; npm and nodeJS; groovy and gulp; Gnu C and C++ along with make; Perl, Python, Ruby and Ruby on Rails; .NET Core; Docker Engine and Compose; and go
Red Hat Linux 3-Tier Solution on Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a 3 Tier architecture using 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3' virtual machines. Architecture includes Virtual Network, external and internal load balancers, Jump VM, NSGs etc along with multiple RHEL Virtual machines in each tier
Red Hat Tomcat server for use with Team Services deployments

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Red Hat VM running Apache2 and Tomcat7 and enabled to support Visual Studio Team Services Apache Tomcat Deployment task, the Copy Files over SSH task, and the FTP Upload task (using ftps) to enable deployment of web applications.
Redundant haproxy with Azure load-balancer and floating IP

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a redundant haproxy setup with 2 Ubuntu VMs configured behind Azure load balancer with floating IP enabled. Each of the Ubuntu VMs run haproxy to load balance requests to other application VMs (running Apache in this case). Keepalived enables redundancy for the haproxy VMs by assigning the floating IP to the MASTER and blocking the load-balancer probe on the BACKUP. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP address, Network Interfaces.
Remote Desktop Services with High Availability

Deploy to Azure
This ARM Template sample code will deploy a Remote Desktop Services 2019 Session Collection lab with high availability. The goal is to deploy a fully redundant, highly available solution for Remote Desktop Services, using Windows Server 2019.
ROS on Azure with Linux VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Linux VM and installs the ROS into it using the CustomScript extension.
ROS on Azure with Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows VM and installs the ROS into it using the CustomScript extension.
SAP LaMa template for SAP NetWeaver application server

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a virtual machine and installs the required applications to use this virtual machine for SAP LaMa. The template also creates the required disk layout. For more information about managing Azure virtual machines with SAP LaMa, see /azure/virtual-machines/workloads/sap/lama-installation.
SAP LaMa template for SAP NetWeaver ASCS

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a virtual machine and installs the required applications to use this virtual machine for SAP LaMa. The template also creates the required disk layout. For more information about managing Azure virtual machines with SAP LaMa, see /azure/virtual-machines/workloads/sap/lama-installation.
SAP LaMa template for SAP NetWeaver database server

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a virtual machine and installs the required applications to use this virtual machine for SAP LaMa. The template also creates the required disk layout. For more information about managing Azure virtual machines with SAP LaMa, see /azure/virtual-machines/workloads/sap/lama-installation.
SAP NetWeaver 2-tier (managed disk)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM using a operating system that is supported by SAP and Managed Disks.
SAP NetWeaver 3-tier (managed disk)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM using a operating system that is supported by SAP and Managed Disks.
SAP NetWeaver 3-tier multi SID (A)SCS (managed disks)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM using a operating system that is supported by SAP.
SAP NetWeaver 3-tier multi SID AS (managed disks)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM using a operating system that is supported by SAP.
SAP NetWeaver 3-tier multi SID DB (managed disks)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a VM using a operating system that is supported by SAP.
SAP NetWeaver file server (managed disk)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a file server that can be used as shared storage for SAP NetWeaver.
Secure N-tier Web App

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a secure end to end solution with two web apps with staging slots, front end and back end, front end will consume securely the back through VNet injection and Private Endpoint
Secure Ubuntu by Trailbot

Deploy to Azure
This template provides a Ubuntu VM which comes with a special demon called Trailbot Watcher that monitors system files and logs, triggers Smart Policies upon modification and generates a blockchain-anchored, immutable audit trail of everything happening to them.
Secure VM password with Key Vault

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Windows VM by retrieving the password that is stored in a Key Vault. Therefore the password is never put in plain text in the template parameter file
Secured virtual hubs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a secured virtual hub using Azure Firewall to secure your cloud network traffic destined to the Internet.
SharePoint Subscription / 2019 / 2016 fully configured

Deploy to Azure
Create a DC, a SQL Server 2022, and from 1 to 5 server(s) hosting a SharePoint Subscription / 2019 / 2016 farm with an extensive configuration, including trusted authentication, user profiles with personal sites, an OAuth trust (using a certificate), a dedicated IIS site for hosting high-trust add-ins, etc... The latest version of key softwares (including Fiddler, vscode, np++, 7zip, ULS Viewer) is installed. SharePoint machines have additional fine-tuning to make them immediately usable (remote administration tools, custom policies for Edge and Chrome, shortcuts, etc...).
Simple DSC Pull Server

Deploy to Azure
This example allows to you deploy a powershell desired state configuration pull server.
Simple VM Scale Set with Linux VMs and public IPv4 per VM

Deploy to Azure
This template demonstrates deploying a simple scale set with load balancer, inbound NAT rules, and public IP per VM.
Site-to-Site VPN with active-active VPN Gateways with BGP

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a site-to-site VPN between two VNets with VPN Gateways in configuration active-active with BGP. Each Azure VPN Gateway resolves the FQDN of the remote peers to determine the public IP of the remote VPN Gateway. Template runs as expected in Azure regions with availability zones.
SonarQube on Web App with PostgreSQL and VNet integration

Deploy to Azure
This template provides easy to deploy SonarQube to Web App on Linux with PostgreSQL Flexible Server, VNet integration and private DNS.
SonarQube on Windows with Azure SQL Database

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a Windows VM with SonarQube installed and configured against an Azure SQL Database.
Spin up a Torque cluster

Deploy to Azure
Template spins up a Torque cluster.
SQL Provisioning CSP

Deploy to Azure
Microsoft Azure has a new subscription offering, CSP Subscriptions. Some aspects of SQL VM deployment are not yet supported in CSP subscriptions. This includes the SQL IaaS Agent Extension, which is required for features such as SQL Automated Backup and SQL Automated Patching.
SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise all SQL VM features enabled

Deploy to Azure
This template will create a SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise edition with Auto Patching, Auto Backup and Azure Key Vault Integration features enabled.
SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise with Auto Patching

Deploy to Azure
This template will create a SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise edition with Auto Patching feature enabled.
SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise with Azure Key Vault

Deploy to Azure
This template will create a SQL Server 2014 SP1 Enterprise edition with Azure Key Vault Integration feature enabled.
SQL Server 2014 SP2 Enterprise with Auto Backup

Deploy to Azure
This template will create a SQL Server 2014 SP2 Enterprise edition with Auto Backup feature enabled
SSL enabled VM Scale Set

Deploy to Azure
Deploys web servers configures with SSL certificates deployed securely form Azure Key Vault
Standalone Ethereum Studio

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a docker with standalone version of Ethereum Studio on Ubuntu.
Standard Load Balancer with Backend Pool by IP Addresses

Deploy to Azure
This template is used to demonstrate how ARM Templates can be used to configure the Backend Pool of a Load Balancer by IP Address as outlined in the Backend Pool management document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server VM (SLES 12)

Deploy to Azure
This template will allow you to deploy a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server VM (SLES 12), using the Pay-As-You-Go SLES VM image for the selected version on Standard D1 VM in the location of your chosen resource group with an additional 100 GiB data disk attached to the VM. Additional charges apply to this image - consult Azure VM Pricing page for details.
Symantec Endpoint Protection extension trial on Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows VM and sets up a trial version of Symantec Endpoint Protection

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy an instance of Telegraf-InfluxDB-Grafana on a Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM. This will deploy a VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM and installs the components of Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana. The template provides configuration for telegraf with plugins enabled for Docker,container host metrics.
Terraform on Azure

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a Terraform workstation as a Linux VM with MSI.
Testing environment for Azure Firewall Premium

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Azure Firewall Premium and Firewall Policy with premium features such as Intrusion Inspection Detection (IDPS), TLS inspection and Web Category filtering
TFS Basic Domain Deployment

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a self-contained single VM TFS deployment, including TFS, SQL Express, and a Domain Controller. It is meant to be used to evaluate TFS in Azure, not as a production deployment.
TFS Workgroup Deployment

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a self-contained single VM TFS workgroup deployment, including TFS and SQL Express. It is meant to be used to evaluate TFS in Azure, not as a production deployment.

Deploy to Azure
Two-tier app migration to azure containers and PaaS database.
Ubuntu Apache2 Web server with requested test page

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to quickly create an Ubuntu VM running Apache2 with the test page content you define as a parameter. This can be useful for quick validation/demo/prototyping.
Ubuntu full cross-platform dev box with Team Services agent

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Ubuntu VM with a full set of cross-platform SDKs and Visual Studio Team Services Linux build agent. Once the VM is successfully provisioned, Team Services build agent installation can be verified by looking under your Team Services account settings under Agent pools. Languages/Tools supported: OpenJDK Java 7 and 8; Ant, Maven and Gradle; npm and nodeJS; groovy and gulp; Gnu C and C++ along with make; Perl, Python, Ruby and Ruby on Rails; .NET; and go
Ubuntu Mate Desktop VM with VSCode

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a simple Linux VM using a few different options for the Ubuntu version, using the latest patched version. This will deploy a A1 size VM in the resource group location and return the FQDN of the VM.
Ubuntu Tomcat server for use with Team Services deployments

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Ubuntu VM running Apache2 and Tomcat7 and enabled to support Visual Studio Team Services Apache Tomcat Deployment task, the Copy Files over SSH task, and the FTP Upload task (using ftps) to enable deployment of web applications.
Ubuntu VM with OpenJDK 7/8, Maven and Team Services agent

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Ubuntu VM software build machine with OpenJDK 7 and 8, Maven (and thus Ant) and Visual Studio Team Services Linux build agent. Once the VM is successfully provisioned, Team Services build agent installation can be verified by looking under your Team Services account settings under Agent pools
Use Azure Firewall as a DNS Proxy in a Hub & Spoke topology

Deploy to Azure
This sample show how to deploy a hub-spoke topology in Azure using the Azure Firewall. The hub virtual network acts as a central point of connectivity to many spoke virtual networks that are connected to hub virtual network via virtual network peering.
Use output from a Custom Script Extension during Deployment

Deploy to Azure
This is useful to the VM's compute to perform some task during deployment that Azure Resource Manager does not provide. The output of that compute (script) can then be leveraged elsewhere in the deployment. This is useful if the compute resource is needed in the deployment (e.g. a jumpbox, DC, etc), a bit wasteful if it is not.
Use script extensions to install Mongo DB on Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Configures and Installs Mongo DB on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine in two separate scripts. This template is a good example that showcases how to express dependencies between two scripts running on the same virtual machine. This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Public IP addresses and a Network Interface.
User defined routes and Appliance

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a Virtual Network, VMs in respective subnets and routes to direct traffic to the appliance
Vert.x, OpenJDK, Apache, and MySQL Server on Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template uses the Azure Linux CustomScript extension to deploy Vert.x, OpenJDK, Apache, and MySQL Server on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Virtual Machine Scaleset example using Availability Zones

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a VMSS placed in separate Availability Zones with a load balancer.
Virtual machine with an RDP port

Deploy to Azure
Creates a virtual machine and creates a NAT rule for RDP to the VM in load balancer
Virtual Machine with Conditional Resources

Deploy to Azure
This template allows deploying a linux VM using new or existing resources for the Virtual Network, Storage and Public IP Address. It also allows for choosing between SSH and Password authenticate. The templates uses conditions and logic functions to remove the need for nested deployments.
Virtual Network NAT

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a NAT gateway and virtual network
Virtual Network NAT with VM

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a NAT gateway and virtual machine
Virtual Network with diagnostic logs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Virtual Network with diagnostic logs and allows optional features to be added to each subnet
Visual Studio 2019 CE with Docker Desktop

Deploy to Azure
Container Development with Visual Studio 2019 CE with Docker Desktop
Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services Build Agent VM

Deploy to Azure
This template expands the Visual Studio Dev VM template. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack then installs the Visual Studio Team Services build agent.
Visual Studio Development VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Visual Studio 2015 or Dev15 VM from the base gallery VM images available. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack.
Visual Studio Development VM with Chocolatey packages

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 VM from the base gallery VM images available. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack.
Visual Studio Development VM with O365 Pre-installed

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Visual Studio 2015 VM from the base gallery VM images available. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack.
VM bootstorm workload template

Deploy to Azure
This template creates requested number of VMs and boot them simultaneously to calculate average VM boot time
VM Scale Set with autoscale running an IIS WebApp

Deploy to Azure
Deploys a Windows VM Scale Set running IIS and a very basic .NET MVC web app. The VMSS PowerShell DSC Extension is leveraged to do the IIS install and WebDeploy package deployment.
VM Using Managed Identity for Artifact Download

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to use a managed identity to download artifacts for the virtual machine's custom script extension.
VMAccess extension on a Ubuntu VM

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Ubuntu VM and installs the VMAccess extension
VMs in Availability Zones with a Load Balancer and NAT

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create Virtual Machines distributed across Availability Zones with a Load Balancer and configure NAT rules through the load balancer. This template also deploys a Virtual Network, Public IP address and Network Interfaces. In this template, we use the resource loops capability to create the network interfaces and virtual machines
VMSS deploy of IPv6 in Azure Virtual Network (VNET)

Deploy to Azure
Create VM Scale Set with dual stack IPv4/IPv6 VNET and Std Load Balancer.
VMSS Flexible Orchestration Mode Quickstart Linux

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys a simple VM Scale Set with instances behind an Azure Load Balancer. The VM Scale set is in Flexible Orchestration Mode. Use the os parameter to choose Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows (Windows Server Datacenter 2019) deployment. NOTE: This quickstart template enables network access to VM management ports (SSH, RDP) from any internet address, and should not be used for production deployments.
VMSS with Public IP Prefix

Deploy to Azure
Template for deploying VMSS with Public IP Prefix
VNS3 network appliance for cloud connectivity and security

Deploy to Azure
VNS3 is a software only virtual appliance that provides the combined features and functions of a security appliance, application delivery controller and unified threat management device at the cloud application edge. Key benefits, on top of cloud networking, always on end to end encryption, federate data centres, cloud regions, cloud providers, and/or containers, creating one unified address space, attestable control over encryption keys, meshed network manageable at scale, reliable HA in the cloud, isolate sensitive applications (fast low cost Network Segmentation), segmentation within applications, Analysis of all data in motion in the cloud. Key network functions; virtual router, switch, firewall, vpn concentrator, multicast distributor, with plugins for WAF, NIDS, caching, proxy, load balancers and other layer 4 thru 7 network functions, VNS3 doesn't require new knowledge or training to implement, so you can integrate with existing network equipment.
vWAN P2S deployment with multi address pool and user groups

Deploy to Azure
This template deploys Azure Virtual WAN (vWAN) with a P2S configured with multiple address pool and user groups
Web App with Private Endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Web App and expose it through Private Endpoint
Web App with VNet Injection and Private Endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a secure end to end solution with two web apps, front end and back end, front end will consume securely the back through VNet injection and Private Endpoint
WebApp consuming a Azure SQL Private Endpoint

Deploy to Azure
This template shows how to create a Web app that consumes a private endpoint pointing to Azure SQL Server
WildFly 18 on CentOS 8 (stand-alone VM)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a CentOS 8 VM running WildFly 18.0.1.Final and also deploy a web application called JBoss-EAP on Azure, you can login into the Admin Console using the Wildfly username and password configured at the time of the deployment.
Windows Docker Host with Portainer and Traefik pre-installed

Deploy to Azure
Windows Docker Host with Portainer and Traefik pre-installed
Windows Server VM with SSH

Deploy to Azure
Deploy a single Windows VM with Open SSH enabled so that you can connect through SSH using key-based authentication.
Windows VM with Azure secure baseline

Deploy to Azure
The template creates a virtual machine running Windows Server in a new virtual network, with a public IP address. Once the machine has deployed, the guest configuration extension is installed and the Azure secure baseline for Windows Server is applied. If the configuration of the machines drifts, you can re-apply the settings by deploying the template again.
Windows VM with O365 Pre-installed

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a Windows based VM. It creates the VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack.
WinRM on a Windows VM

Deploy to Azure
This template installs a certificate from Azure Key Vault on a Virtual Machine and opens up WinRM HTTP and HTTPS listeners. Prerequisite: A certificate uploaded to Azure Key Vault. Create the Key Vault using the template at
Zookeeper cluster on Ubuntu VMs

Deploy to Azure
This template creates a 'n' node Zookeper cluster on Ubuntu VMs. Use the scaleNumber parameter to specify the number of nodes in this cluster

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The virtualNetworks resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2024-05-01"
  name = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = {
    extendedLocation = {
      name = "string"
      type = "string"
    properties = {
      addressSpace = {
        addressPrefixes = [
        ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
            numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
            pool = {
              id = "string"
      bgpCommunities = {
        virtualNetworkCommunity = "string"
      ddosProtectionPlan = {
        id = "string"
      dhcpOptions = {
        dnsServers = [
      enableDdosProtection = bool
      enableVmProtection = bool
      encryption = {
        enabled = bool
        enforcement = "string"
      flowTimeoutInMinutes = int
      ipAllocations = [
          id = "string"
      privateEndpointVNetPolicies = "string"
      subnets = [
          id = "string"
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            addressPrefix = "string"
            addressPrefixes = [
            applicationGatewayIPConfigurations = [
                id = "string"
                name = "string"
                properties = {
                  subnet = {
                    id = "string"
            defaultOutboundAccess = bool
            delegations = [
                id = "string"
                name = "string"
                properties = {
                  serviceName = "string"
                type = "string"
            ipAllocations = [
                id = "string"
            ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
                numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
                pool = {
                  id = "string"
            natGateway = {
              id = "string"
            networkSecurityGroup = {
              id = "string"
              location = "string"
              properties = {
                flushConnection = bool
                securityRules = [
                    id = "string"
                    name = "string"
                    properties = {
                      access = "string"
                      description = "string"
                      destinationAddressPrefix = "string"
                      destinationAddressPrefixes = [
                      destinationApplicationSecurityGroups = [
                          id = "string"
                          location = "string"
                          properties = {
                          tags = {
                            {customized property} = "string"
                      destinationPortRange = "string"
                      destinationPortRanges = [
                      direction = "string"
                      priority = int
                      protocol = "string"
                      sourceAddressPrefix = "string"
                      sourceAddressPrefixes = [
                      sourceApplicationSecurityGroups = [
                          id = "string"
                          location = "string"
                          properties = {
                          tags = {
                            {customized property} = "string"
                      sourcePortRange = "string"
                      sourcePortRanges = [
                    type = "string"
              tags = {
                {customized property} = "string"
            privateEndpointNetworkPolicies = "string"
            privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies = "string"
            routeTable = {
              id = "string"
              location = "string"
              properties = {
                disableBgpRoutePropagation = bool
                routes = [
                    id = "string"
                    name = "string"
                    properties = {
                      addressPrefix = "string"
                      nextHopIpAddress = "string"
                      nextHopType = "string"
                    type = "string"
              tags = {
                {customized property} = "string"
            serviceEndpointPolicies = [
                id = "string"
                location = "string"
                properties = {
                  contextualServiceEndpointPolicies = [
                  serviceAlias = "string"
                  serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions = [
                      id = "string"
                      name = "string"
                      properties = {
                        description = "string"
                        service = "string"
                        serviceResources = [
                      type = "string"
                tags = {
                  {customized property} = "string"
            serviceEndpoints = [
                locations = [
                networkIdentifier = {
                  id = "string"
                service = "string"
            sharingScope = "string"
          type = "string"
      virtualNetworkPeerings = [
          id = "string"
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            allowForwardedTraffic = bool
            allowGatewayTransit = bool
            allowVirtualNetworkAccess = bool
            doNotVerifyRemoteGateways = bool
            enableOnlyIPv6Peering = bool
            localAddressSpace = {
              addressPrefixes = [
              ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
                  numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
                  pool = {
                    id = "string"
            localSubnetNames = [
            localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace = {
              addressPrefixes = [
              ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
                  numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
                  pool = {
                    id = "string"
            peerCompleteVnets = bool
            peeringState = "string"
            peeringSyncLevel = "string"
            remoteAddressSpace = {
              addressPrefixes = [
              ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
                  numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
                  pool = {
                    id = "string"
            remoteBgpCommunities = {
              virtualNetworkCommunity = "string"
            remoteSubnetNames = [
            remoteVirtualNetwork = {
              id = "string"
            remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace = {
              addressPrefixes = [
              ipamPoolPrefixAllocations = [
                  numberOfIpAddresses = "string"
                  pool = {
                    id = "string"
            useRemoteGateways = bool
          type = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
addressPrefixes A list of address blocks reserved for this virtual network in CIDR notation. string[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name Name of the IP configuration that is unique within an Application Gateway. string
properties Properties of the application gateway IP configuration. ApplicationGatewayIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
subnet Reference to the subnet resource. A subnet from where application gateway gets its private address. SubResource


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the application security group. ApplicationSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a subnet. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. ServiceDelegationPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
dnsServers The list of DNS servers IP addresses. string[]


Name Description Value
name The name of the extended location. string
type The type of the extended location. 'EdgeZone'


Name Description Value
numberOfIpAddresses Number of IP addresses to allocate. string
pool IpamPoolPrefixAllocationPool


Name Description Value
id Resource id of the associated Azure IpamPool resource. string


Name Description Value
extendedLocation The extended location of the virtual network. ExtendedLocation
location Resource location. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of the virtual network. VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2024-05-01"


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the network security group. NetworkSecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
flushConnection When enabled, flows created from Network Security Group connections will be re-evaluated when rules are updates. Initial enablement will trigger re-evaluation. bool
securityRules A collection of security rules of the network security group. SecurityRule[]


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the route. RoutePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The destination CIDR to which the route applies. string
nextHopIpAddress The IP address packets should be forwarded to. Next hop values are only allowed in routes where the next hop type is VirtualAppliance. string
nextHopType The type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. 'Internet'
'VnetLocal' (required)


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the route table. RouteTablePropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
disableBgpRoutePropagation Whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table. True means disable. bool
routes Collection of routes contained within a route table. Route[]


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the security rule. SecurityRulePropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
access The network traffic is allowed or denied. 'Allow'
'Deny' (required)
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
destinationAddressPrefix The destination address prefix. CIDR or destination IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. string
destinationAddressPrefixes The destination address prefixes. CIDR or destination IP ranges. string[]
destinationApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as destination. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
destinationPortRange The destination port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
destinationPortRanges The destination port ranges. string[]
direction The direction of the rule. The direction specifies if rule will be evaluated on incoming or outgoing traffic. 'Inbound'
'Outbound' (required)
priority The priority of the rule. The value can be between 100 and 4096. The priority number must be unique for each rule in the collection. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the rule. int (required)
protocol Network protocol this rule applies to. '*'
'Udp' (required)
sourceAddressPrefix The CIDR or source IP range. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all source IPs. Default tags such as 'VirtualNetwork', 'AzureLoadBalancer' and 'Internet' can also be used. If this is an ingress rule, specifies where network traffic originates from. string
sourceAddressPrefixes The CIDR or source IP ranges. string[]
sourceApplicationSecurityGroups The application security group specified as source. ApplicationSecurityGroup[]
sourcePortRange The source port or range. Integer or range between 0 and 65535. Asterisk '*' can also be used to match all ports. string
sourcePortRanges The source port ranges. string[]


Name Description Value
serviceName The name of the service to whom the subnet should be delegated (e.g. Microsoft.Sql/servers). string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
location Resource location. string
properties Properties of the service end point policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyPropertiesFormat
tags Resource tags. ResourceTags


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the service endpoint policy definition. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionPropertiesFormat
type The type of the resource. string


Name Description Value
description A description for this rule. Restricted to 140 chars. string
service Service endpoint name. string
serviceResources A list of service resources. string[]


Name Description Value
contextualServiceEndpointPolicies A collection of contextual service endpoint policy. string[]
serviceAlias The alias indicating if the policy belongs to a service string
serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions A collection of service endpoint policy definitions of the service endpoint policy. ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinition[]


Name Description Value
locations A list of locations. string[]
networkIdentifier SubResource as network identifier. SubResource
service The type of the endpoint service. string


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the subnet. SubnetPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
addressPrefix The address prefix for the subnet. string
addressPrefixes List of address prefixes for the subnet. string[]
applicationGatewayIPConfigurations Application gateway IP configurations of virtual network resource. ApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration[]
defaultOutboundAccess Set this property to false to disable default outbound connectivity for all VMs in the subnet. This property can only be set at the time of subnet creation and cannot be updated for an existing subnet. bool
delegations An array of references to the delegations on the subnet. Delegation[]
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this subnet. SubResource[]
ipamPoolPrefixAllocations A list of IPAM Pools for allocating IP address prefixes. IpamPoolPrefixAllocation[]
natGateway Nat gateway associated with this subnet. SubResource
networkSecurityGroup The reference to the NetworkSecurityGroup resource. NetworkSecurityGroup
privateEndpointNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private end point in the subnet. 'Disabled'
privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies Enable or Disable apply network policies on private link service in the subnet. 'Disabled'
routeTable The reference to the RouteTable resource. RouteTable
serviceEndpointPolicies An array of service endpoint policies. ServiceEndpointPolicy[]
serviceEndpoints An array of service endpoints. ServiceEndpointPropertiesFormat[]
sharingScope Set this property to Tenant to allow sharing subnet with other subscriptions in your AAD tenant. This property can only be set if defaultOutboundAccess is set to false, both properties can only be set if subnet is empty. 'DelegatedServices'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string


Name Description Value
virtualNetworkCommunity The BGP community associated with the virtual network. string (required)


Name Description Value
enabled Indicates if encryption is enabled on the virtual network. bool (required)
enforcement If the encrypted VNet allows VM that does not support encryption. This field is for future support, AllowUnencrypted is the only supported value at general availability. 'AllowUnencrypted'


Name Description Value
id Resource ID. string
name The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. string
properties Properties of the virtual network peering. VirtualNetworkPeeringPropertiesFormat
type Resource type. string


Name Description Value
allowForwardedTraffic Whether the forwarded traffic from the VMs in the local virtual network will be allowed/disallowed in remote virtual network. bool
allowGatewayTransit If gateway links can be used in remote virtual networking to link to this virtual network. bool
allowVirtualNetworkAccess Whether the VMs in the local virtual network space would be able to access the VMs in remote virtual network space. bool
doNotVerifyRemoteGateways If we need to verify the provisioning state of the remote gateway. bool
enableOnlyIPv6Peering Whether only Ipv6 address space is peered for subnet peering. bool
localAddressSpace The local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
localSubnetNames List of local subnet names that are subnet peered with remote virtual network. string[]
localVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The current local address space of the local virtual network that is peered. AddressSpace
peerCompleteVnets Whether complete virtual network address space is peered. bool
peeringState The status of the virtual network peering. 'Connected'
peeringSyncLevel The peering sync status of the virtual network peering. 'FullyInSync'
remoteAddressSpace The reference to the address space peered with the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
remoteBgpCommunities The reference to the remote virtual network's Bgp Communities. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
remoteSubnetNames List of remote subnet names from remote virtual network that are subnet peered. string[]
remoteVirtualNetwork The reference to the remote virtual network. The remote virtual network can be in the same or different region (preview). See here to register for the preview and learn more (/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-create-peering). SubResource
remoteVirtualNetworkAddressSpace The reference to the current address space of the remote virtual network. AddressSpace
useRemoteGateways If remote gateways can be used on this virtual network. If the flag is set to true, and allowGatewayTransit on remote peering is also true, virtual network will use gateways of remote virtual network for transit. Only one peering can have this flag set to true. This flag cannot be set if virtual network already has a gateway. bool


Name Description Value
addressSpace The AddressSpace that contains an array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets. AddressSpace
bgpCommunities Bgp Communities sent over ExpressRoute with each route corresponding to a prefix in this VNET. VirtualNetworkBgpCommunities
ddosProtectionPlan The DDoS protection plan associated with the virtual network. SubResource
dhcpOptions The dhcpOptions that contains an array of DNS servers available to VMs deployed in the virtual network. DhcpOptions
enableDdosProtection Indicates if DDoS protection is enabled for all the protected resources in the virtual network. It requires a DDoS protection plan associated with the resource. bool
enableVmProtection Indicates if VM protection is enabled for all the subnets in the virtual network. bool
encryption Indicates if encryption is enabled on virtual network and if VM without encryption is allowed in encrypted VNet. VirtualNetworkEncryption
flowTimeoutInMinutes The FlowTimeout value (in minutes) for the Virtual Network int
ipAllocations Array of IpAllocation which reference this VNET. SubResource[]
privateEndpointVNetPolicies Private Endpoint VNet Policies. 'Basic'
subnets A list of subnets in a Virtual Network. Subnet[]
virtualNetworkPeerings A list of peerings in a Virtual Network. VirtualNetworkPeering[]

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
Virtual Network AVM Resource Module for Virtual Network