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How to ingest data using pg_azure_storage in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

APPLIES TO: Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL (powered by the Citus database extension to PostgreSQL)

This article shows how to use the pg_azure_storage PostgreSQL extension to manipulate and load data into your Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL directly from Azure Blob Storage (ABS). ABS is a cloud-native scalable, durable and secure storage service. These characteristics make it a good choice of storing and moving existing data into the cloud.

Prepare database and blob storage

To load data from Azure Blob Storage, install the pg_azure_storage PostgreSQL extension in your database:

SELECT * FROM create_extension('azure_storage');


The pg_azure_storage extension is available only on Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL clusters running PostgreSQL 13 and above.

We've prepared a public demonstration dataset for this article. To use your own dataset, follow migrate your on-premises data to cloud storage to learn how to get your datasets efficiently into Azure Blob Storage.


Selecting "Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs)" will allow you to ingest files from Azure Blob Storage using their public URLs and enumerating the container contents without the need to configure an account key in pg_azure_storage. Containers set to access level "Private (no anonymous access)" or "Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only)" will require an access key.

List container contents

There's a demonstration Azure Blob Storage account and container pre-created for this how-to. The container's name is github, and it's in the pgquickstart account. We can easily see which files are present in the container by using the azure_storage.blob_list(account, container) function.

SELECT path, bytes, pg_size_pretty(bytes), content_type
  FROM azure_storage.blob_list('pgquickstart','github');
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-------------------
path           | events.csv.gz
bytes          | 41691786
pg_size_pretty | 40 MB
content_type   | application/x-gzip
-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-------------------
path           | users.csv.gz
bytes          | 5382831
pg_size_pretty | 5257 kB
content_type   | application/x-gzip

You can filter the output either by using a regular SQL WHERE clause, or by using the prefix parameter of the blob_list UDF. The latter filters the returned rows on the Azure Blob Storage side.


Listing container contents requires an account and access key or a container with enabled anonymous access.

SELECT * FROM azure_storage.blob_list('pgquickstart','github','e');
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------------
path             | events.csv.gz
bytes            | 41691786
last_modified    | 2022-10-12 18:49:51+00
etag             | 0x8DAAC828B970928
content_type     | application/x-gzip
content_encoding |
content_hash     | 473b6ad25b7c88ff6e0a628889466aed
  FROM azure_storage.blob_list('pgquickstart','github')
 WHERE path LIKE 'e%';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------------
path             | events.csv.gz
bytes            | 41691786
last_modified    | 2022-10-12 18:49:51+00
etag             | 0x8DAAC828B970928
content_type     | application/x-gzip
content_encoding |
content_hash     | 473b6ad25b7c88ff6e0a628889466aed

Load data from ABS

Load data with the COPY command

Start by creating a sample schema.

CREATE TABLE github_users
	user_id bigint,
	url text,
	login text,
	avatar_url text,
	gravatar_id text,
	display_login text

CREATE TABLE github_events
	event_id bigint,
	event_type text,
	event_public boolean,
	repo_id bigint,
	payload jsonb,
	repo jsonb,
	user_id bigint,
	org jsonb,
	created_at timestamp

CREATE INDEX event_type_index ON github_events (event_type);
CREATE INDEX payload_index ON github_events USING GIN (payload jsonb_path_ops);

SELECT create_distributed_table('github_users', 'user_id');
SELECT create_distributed_table('github_events', 'user_id');

Loading data into the tables becomes as simple as calling the COPY command.

-- download users and store in table

COPY github_users
FROM 'https://pgquickstart.blob.core.windows.net/github/users.csv.gz';

-- download events and store in table

COPY github_events
FROM 'https://pgquickstart.blob.core.windows.net/github/events.csv.gz';

Notice how the extension recognized that the URLs provided to the copy command are from Azure Blob Storage, the files we pointed were gzip compressed and that was also automatically handled for us.

The COPY command supports more parameters and formats. In the above example, the format and compression were auto-selected based on the file extensions. You can however provide the format directly similar to the regular COPY command.

COPY github_users
FROM 'https://pgquickstart.blob.core.windows.net/github/users.csv.gz'
WITH (FORMAT 'csv');

Currently the extension supports the following file formats:

format description
csv Comma-separated values format used by PostgreSQL COPY
tsv Tab-separated values, the default PostgreSQL COPY format
binary Binary PostgreSQL COPY format
text A file containing a single text value (for example, large JSON or XML)

Load data with blob_get()

The COPY command is convenient, but limited in flexibility. Internally COPY uses the blob_get function, which you can use directly to manipulate data in more complex scenarios.

  FROM azure_storage.blob_get(
         'pgquickstart', 'github',
         'users.csv.gz', NULL::github_users
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------------------------------
user_id       | 21
url           | https://api.github.com/users/technoweenie
login         | technoweenie
avatar_url    | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/21?
gravatar_id   |
display_login | technoweenie
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+--------------------------------------------
user_id       | 22
url           | https://api.github.com/users/macournoyer
login         | macournoyer
avatar_url    | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22?
gravatar_id   |
display_login | macournoyer
-[ RECORD 3 ]-+--------------------------------------------
user_id       | 38
url           | https://api.github.com/users/atmos
login         | atmos
avatar_url    | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/38?
gravatar_id   |
display_login | atmos


In the above query, the file is fully fetched before LIMIT 3 is applied.

With this function, you can manipulate data on the fly in complex queries, and do imports as INSERT FROM SELECT.

INSERT INTO github_users
     SELECT user_id, url, UPPER(login), avatar_url, gravatar_id, display_login
       FROM azure_storage.blob_get('pgquickstart', 'github', 'users.csv.gz', NULL::github_users)
      WHERE gravatar_id IS NOT NULL;
INSERT 0 264308

In the above command, we filtered the data to accounts with a gravatar_id present and upper cased their logins on the fly.

Options for blob_get()

In some situations, you may need to control exactly what blob_get attempts to do by using the decoder, compression and options parameters.

Decoder can be set to auto (default) or any of the following values:

format description
csv Comma-separated values format used by PostgreSQL COPY
tsv Tab-separated values, the default PostgreSQL COPY format
binary Binary PostgreSQL COPY format
text A file containing a single text value (for example, large JSON or XML)

compression can be either auto (default), none or gzip.

Finally, the options parameter is of type jsonb. There are four utility functions that help building values for it. Each utility function is designated for the decoder matching its name.

decoder options function
csv options_csv_get
tsv options_tsv
binary options_binary
text options_copy

By looking at the function definitions, you can see which parameters are supported by which decoder.

options_csv_get - delimiter, null_string, header, quote, escape, force_not_null, force_null, content_encoding options_tsv - delimiter, null_string, content_encoding options_copy - delimiter, null_string, header, quote, escape, force_quote, force_not_null, force_null, content_encoding. options_binary - content_encoding

Knowing the above, we can discard recordings with null gravatar_id during parsing.

INSERT INTO github_users
     SELECT user_id, url, UPPER(login), avatar_url, gravatar_id, display_login
       FROM azure_storage.blob_get('pgquickstart', 'github', 'users.csv.gz', NULL::github_users,
                                    options := azure_storage.options_csv_get(force_not_null := ARRAY['gravatar_id']));
INSERT 0 264308

Access private storage

  1. Obtain your account name and access key

    Without an access key, we won't be allowed to list containers that are set to Private or Blob access levels.

    SELECT * FROM azure_storage.blob_list('mystorageaccount','privdatasets');
    ERROR:  azure_storage: missing account access key
    HINT:  Use SELECT azure_storage.account_add('<account name>', '<access key>')

    In your storage account, open Access keys. Copy the Storage account name and copy the Key from key1 section (you have to select Show next to the key first).

    Screenshot of Security + networking > Access keys section of an Azure Blob Storage page in the Azure portal.

  2. Adding an account to pg_azure_storage

    SELECT azure_storage.account_add('mystorageaccount', 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY');

    Now you can list containers set to Private and Blob access levels for that storage but only as the citus user, which has the azure_storage_admin role granted to it. If you create a new user named support, it won't be allowed to access container contents by default.

    SELECT * FROM azure_storage.blob_list('pgabs','dataverse');
    ERROR:  azure_storage: current user support is not allowed to use storage account pgabs
  3. Allow the support user to use a specific Azure Blob Storage account

    Granting the permission is as simple as calling account_user_add.

    SELECT * FROM azure_storage.account_user_add('mystorageaccount', 'support');

    We can see the allowed users in the output of account_list, which shows all accounts with access keys defined.

    SELECT * FROM azure_storage.account_list();
     account_name     | allowed_users
     mystorageaccount | {support}
    (1 row)

    If you ever decide, that the user should no longer have access. Just call account_user_remove.

    SELECT * FROM azure_storage.account_user_remove('mystorageaccount', 'support');

Next steps

Congratulations, you just learned how to load data into Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL directly from Azure Blob Storage.