Events - List By Single Resource
Lists current service health events for given resource.
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The fully qualified ID of the resource, including the resource name and resource type. Currently the API support not nested and one nesting level resource types : /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-name}/{resource-type}/{resource-name} and /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resource-provider-name}/{parentResourceType}/{parentResourceName}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} |
query | True |
string minLength: 1 |
The API version to use for this operation. |
query |
string |
The filter to apply on the operation. For more information please see |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
The list of current service health events for given resource |
Other Status Codes |
DefaultErrorResponse |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
Sample response
"value": [
"id": "/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/BC_1-FXZ",
"name": "BC_1-FXZ",
"type": "/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events",
"properties": {
"eventType": "ServiceIssue",
"eventSource": "ResourceHealth",
"status": "Active",
"title": "ACTIVE: Virtual machines in West US",
"summary": "An outage alert is being investigated. More information will be provided as it is known.",
"header": "Your service might have been impacted by an Azure service issue",
"article": {
"articleContent": "<html>An outage alert is being investigated. More information will be provided as it is known</html>"
"links": [
"type": "Hyperlink",
"displayText": {
"value": "Request RCA",
"localizedValue": "Request RCA"
"extensionName": "Microsoft_Azure_Health",
"bladeName": "RequestRCABlade",
"parameters": {
"trackingId": "BC_1-FXZ",
"rcaRequested": "False"
"type": "Button",
"displayText": {
"value": "Sign up for updates",
"localizedValue": "Sign up for updates"
"extensionName": "Microsoft_Azure_Health",
"bladeName": "AzureHealthBrowseBlade",
"parameters": {
"trackingId": "BC_1-FXZ"
"level": "Warning",
"eventLevel": "Informational",
"impactStartTime": "2018-11-07T00:00:00Z",
"impactMitigationTime": "2018-11-08T00:00:00Z",
"impact": [
"impactedService": "Virtual Machines",
"impactedServiceGuid": "fd8065f5-ffd0-4756-8788-e6a11bf36257",
"impactedRegions": [
"impactedRegion": "West US",
"status": "Active",
"impactedSubscriptions": [
"lastUpdateTime": "2017-12-05T21:05:00Z"
"recommendedActions": {
"message": "Recommended actions title",
"actions": [
"groupId": 23243,
"actionText": "action 1"
"groupId": 23432,
"actionText": "action 2"
"localeCode": "en"
"faqs": [
"question": "This is a question",
"answer": "This is an answer",
"localeCode": "en"
"isHIR": false,
"enableMicrosoftSupport": true,
"enableChatWithUs": false,
"priority": 2,
"lastUpdateTime": "2018-11-08T00:00:00Z",
"hirStage": "active"
"nextLink": "{originalRequestUrl}?$skipToken={OpaquePageNumber}"
Name | Description |
Actions |
Recommended actions for the service health event. |
Additional |
Additional information |
Article |
Article of event. |
created |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
Display |
Display text of link. |
Error |
Error details. |
event |
Service health event |
Event |
Level of event. |
events |
The List events operation response. |
Event |
Source of event. |
Event |
Current status of event. |
Event |
Type of event. |
faq |
Frequently asked question for the service health event |
impact |
Azure service impacted by the service health event. |
impacted |
Azure region impacted by the service health event. |
Level |
Level of insight. |
link |
Useful links for service health event. |
Link |
Type of link. |
Recommended |
Recommended actions of event. |
system |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
update |
Update for service health event. |
Recommended actions for the service health event.
Name | Type | Description |
actionText |
string |
Recommended action text |
groupId |
integer (int32) |
Recommended action group Id for the service health event. |
Additional information
Name | Type | Description |
message |
string |
Additional information Message |
Article of event.
Name | Type | Description |
articleContent |
string |
Article content of event. |
articleId |
string |
Article Id |
parameters |
object |
It provides a map of parameter name and value |
The type of identity that created the resource.
Value | Description |
Application | |
Key | |
ManagedIdentity | |
User |
Display text of link.
Name | Type | Description |
localizedValue |
string |
Localized display text of link. |
value |
string |
Display text of link. |
Error details.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
string |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
Service health event
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} |
name |
string |
The name of the resource |
properties.additionalInformation |
Additional information |
properties.article |
Article of event. |
properties.description |
string |
Contains the communication message for the event, that could include summary, root cause and other details. |
properties.duration |
integer (int32) |
duration in seconds |
properties.enableChatWithUs |
boolean |
Tells if we want to enable or disable Microsoft Support for this event. |
properties.enableMicrosoftSupport |
boolean |
Tells if we want to enable or disable Microsoft Support for this event. |
properties.eventLevel |
Level of event. |
properties.eventSource |
Source of event. |
properties.eventType |
Type of event. |
properties.externalIncidentId |
string |
The id of the Incident |
properties.faqs |
faq[] |
Frequently asked questions for the service health event. |
properties.header |
string |
Header text of event. |
properties.hirStage |
string |
Stage for HIR Document |
properties.impact |
impact[] |
List services impacted by the service health event. |
properties.impactMitigationTime |
string (date-time) |
It provides the Timestamp for when the health impacting event resolved. |
properties.impactStartTime |
string (date-time) |
It provides the Timestamp for when the health impacting event started. |
properties.impactType |
string |
The type of the impact |
properties.isHIR |
boolean |
It provides information if the event is High incident rate event or not. |
properties.lastUpdateTime |
string (date-time) |
It provides the Timestamp for when the health impacting event was last updated. |
properties.level |
Level of insight. |
properties.links |
link[] |
Useful links of event. |
properties.platformInitiated |
boolean |
Is true if the event is platform initiated. |
properties.priority |
integer (int32) |
Priority level of the event. Has value from 0 to 23. 0 is the highest priority. Service issue events have higher priority followed by planned maintenance and health advisory. Critical events have higher priority followed by error, warning and informational. Furthermore, active events have higher priority than resolved. |
properties.reason |
string |
The reason for the Incident |
properties.recommendedActions |
Recommended actions of event. |
properties.status |
Current status of event. |
properties.summary |
string |
Summary text of event. |
properties.title |
string |
Title text of event. |
systemData |
Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. |
type |
string |
The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" |
Level of event.
Value | Description |
Critical | |
Error | |
Informational | |
Warning |
The List events operation response.
Name | Type | Description |
nextLink |
string |
The URI to fetch the next page of events. Call ListNext() with this URI to fetch the next page of events. |
value |
event[] |
The list of event. |
Source of event.
Value | Description |
ResourceHealth | |
ServiceHealth |
Current status of event.
Value | Description |
Active | |
Resolved |
Type of event.
Value | Description |
EmergingIssues | |
HealthAdvisory | |
PlannedMaintenance | |
RCA | |
SecurityAdvisory | |
ServiceIssue |
Frequently asked question for the service health event
Name | Type | Description |
answer |
string |
FAQ answer for the service health event. |
localeCode |
string |
FAQ locale for the service health event. |
question |
string |
FAQ question for the service health event. |
Azure service impacted by the service health event.
Name | Type | Description |
impactedRegions |
List regions impacted by the service health event. |
impactedService |
string |
Impacted service name. |
impactedServiceGuid |
string |
Impacted service guid. This is the permanent identifier for the impacted service. |
Azure region impacted by the service health event.
Name | Type | Description |
impactedRegion |
string |
Impacted region name. |
impactedSubscriptions |
string[] |
List subscription impacted by the service health event. |
impactedTenants |
string[] |
List tenant impacted by the service health event. |
lastUpdateTime |
string (date-time) |
It provides the Timestamp for when the last update for the service health event. |
status |
Current status of event in the region. |
updates |
update[] |
List of updates for given service health event. |
Level of insight.
Value | Description |
Critical | |
Warning |
Useful links for service health event.
Name | Type | Description |
bladeName |
string |
It provides the name of portal extension blade to produce link for given service health event. |
displayText |
Display text of link. |
extensionName |
string |
It provides the name of portal extension to produce link for given service health event. |
parameters |
object |
It provides a map of parameter name and value for portal extension blade to produce lik for given service health event. |
type |
Type of link. |
Type of link.
Value | Description |
Button | |
Hyperlink |
Recommended actions of event.
Name | Type | Description |
actions |
Actions[] |
Recommended actions for the service health event. |
localeCode |
string |
Recommended action locale for the service health event. |
message |
string |
Recommended action title for the service health event. |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Name | Type | Description |
createdAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
createdBy |
string |
The identity that created the resource. |
createdByType |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
lastModifiedAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
The identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedByType |
The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
Update for service health event.
Name | Type | Description |
summary |
string |
Summary text for the given update for the service health event. |
updateDateTime |
string (date-time) |
It provides the Timestamp for the given update for the service health event. |