Deploy Microsoft Teams Rooms with Skype for Business Server

This topic explains how you add a resource account for Microsoft Teams Rooms when you have a single-forest, on-premises deployment.

If you have a single-forest, on-premises deployment with Exchange 2013 SP1 or later and Skype for Business Server 2015 or later, then you can use the provided Windows PowerShell scripts to create device accounts. If you're using a multi-forest deployment, you can use equivalent cmdlets that will produce the same results. Those cmdlets are described in this section.

Before you begin to deploy Microsoft Teams Rooms, be sure you have the right permissions to run the associated cmdlets.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
$cred=Get-Credential $admin@$org
$sessExchange = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName -Credential $cred -AllowRedirection -Authentication Kerberos -ConnectionUri
"http://$strExchangeServer/powershell" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$sessLync = New-PSSession -Credential $cred -ConnectionURI "https://$strLyncFQDN/OcsPowershell" -AllowRedirection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Import-PSSession $sessExchange
Import-PSSession $sessLync

Note that $strExchangeServer is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Exchange server, and $strLyncFQDN is the FQDN of your Skype for Business Server deployment.

  1. After establishing a session, you'll either create a new mailbox and enable it as a RoomMailboxAccount, or change the settings for an existing room mailbox. This will allow the account to authenticate to Microsoft Teams Rooms.

    If you're changing an existing resource mailbox:

    Set-Mailbox -Identity 'ConferenceRoome01' -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true -RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String <password>
    -AsPlainText -Force)

    If you're creating a new resource mailbox:

    New-Mailbox -UserPrincipalName -Alias ConferenceRoom01 -Name "Conference Room 01" -Room
    -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true -RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String <password> -AsPlainText -Force)
  2. You can set various Exchange properties on the Teams Rooms resource account to improve the meeting experience for people. You can see which properties need to be set in the Exchange properties section.

    Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AllowConflicts $false -DeleteComments
    $false -DeleteSubject $false -RemovePrivateProperty $false
    Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -AddAdditionalResponse $true -AdditionalResponse "This is a Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business meeting room!"
  3. Turn off password expiration on the resource account.

    Set-AdUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true
  4. Enable the resource account in Active Directory so it will authenticate to Microsoft Teams Rooms.

    Set-AdUser -Enabled $true
  5. Enable the resource account with Skype for Business Server by enabling your Microsoft Teams Rooms Active Directory account on a Skype for Business Server pool:

    Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -SipAddress -DomainController

    Change the -DomainController and -RegistrarPool attributes to values appropriate for your environment.

  6. Optional. You can also allow Microsoft Teams Rooms to make and receive public switched telephone network (PSTN) phone calls by enabling Enterprise Voice for your account. Enterprise Voice isn't a requirement for Microsoft Teams Rooms, but if you want PSTN dialing functionality for Microsoft Teams Rooms, here's how to enable it:

    Set-CsMeetingRoom -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -DomainController -LineURI "tel:+14255550555;ext=50555"
    Set-CsMeetingRoom -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -DomainController -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true
    Grant-CsVoicePolicy -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -PolicyName VP1
    Grant-CsDialPlan -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -PolicyName DP1

    Again, you'll need to replace the provided domain controller and phone number examples with your own information. The parameter value $true stays the same. You will also need to replace the voice policy and dial plan policy names.

Sample: room account setup in Exchange and Skype for Business Server on premises

New-Mailbox -Alias ConferenceRoom01 -Name "Conference Room 01" -Room -EnableRoomMailboxAccount $true -RoomMailboxPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "" -AsPlainText -Force) -UserPrincipalName

Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -AllowConflicts $false -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false -RemovePrivateProperty $false
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -AddAdditionalResponse $true -AdditionalResponse "This is a Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business meeting room!"

Enable-CsMeetingRoom -Identity -RegistrarPool -SipAddressType EmailAddress
Set-CsMeetingRoom -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -LineURI tel:+155555555555
Grant-CsVoicePolicy -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -PolicyName dk
Grant-CsDialPlan -Identity ConferenceRoom01 -PolicyName

Configure accounts for Microsoft Teams Rooms

Plan for Microsoft Teams Rooms

Deploy Microsoft Teams Rooms

Configure a Microsoft Teams Rooms console

Manage Microsoft Teams Rooms