OnDevice Markup Extension
This docs page is outdated, please refer to the new one for the OnDeviceExtension
The OnDevice Markup Extension allows you to customize UI appearance on a per-DeviceFamily basis. It is inspired on the OnPlatform markup extensions from Xamarin.Forms 3.2
<TextBlock Text="{helpers:OnDevice Default=Hi, Desktop=Hello, Xbox=World}"
xmlns:helpers="using:Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Extensions.Markup" />
Property | Type | Description |
Default | object | Gets or sets the default value for this property, used if the device family property is not set or doesn't match one of the provided values. |
Desktop | object | Gets or sets a value for this property on a Windows.Desktop device |
Holographic | object | Gets or sets a value for this property on a Windows.Holographic device |
IoT | object | Gets or sets a value for this property on a Windows.IoT device |
Team | object | Gets or sets a value for this property on a Windows.Team device |
Xbox | object | Gets or sets a value for this property on a Windows.Xbox device |
Device family | Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher |
Namespace | Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Extensions |
NuGet package | Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI |