@azure/arm-containerregistry package
Active |
The Active Directory Object that will be used for authenticating the token of a container registry. |
Actor |
The agent that initiated the event. For most situations, this could be from the authorization context of the request. |
Agent |
The agentpool that has the ARM resource and properties. The agentpool will have all information to create an agent pool. |
Agent |
The collection of agent pools. |
Agent |
The QueueStatus of Agent Pool |
Agent |
The parameters for updating an agent pool. |
Agent |
Interface representing a AgentPools. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
Optional parameters. |
Agent |
The properties that determine the run agent configuration. |
Argument |
The properties of a run argument. |
Auth |
The authorization properties for accessing the source code repository. |
Auth |
The authorization properties for accessing the source code repository. |
Base |
Properties that describe a base image dependency. |
Base |
The trigger based on base image dependency. |
Base |
The properties for updating base image dependency trigger. |
Callback |
The configuration of service URI and custom headers for the webhook. |
Container |
Optional parameters. |
Credentials |
The parameters that describes a set of credentials that will be used when a run is invoked. |
Custom |
Describes the credentials that will be used to access a custom registry during a run. |
Docker |
The parameters for a docker quick build. |
Docker |
The Docker build step. |
Docker |
The properties for updating a docker build step. |
Encoded |
The parameters for a quick task run request. |
Encoded |
The properties of a encoded task step. |
Encoded |
The properties for updating encoded task step. |
Encryption |
Error |
An error response from the Azure Container Registry service. |
Error |
An error response from the Azure Container Registry service. |
Event |
The event for a webhook. |
Event |
The content of the event request message. |
Event |
The basic information of an event. |
Event |
The result of a request to list events for a webhook. |
Event |
The event request message sent to the service URI. |
Event |
The event response message received from the service URI. |
Export |
The export policy for a container registry. |
File |
The request parameters for a scheduling run against a task file. |
File |
The properties of a task step. |
File |
The properties of updating a task step. |
Generate |
The parameters used to generate credentials for a specified token or user of a container registry. |
Generate |
The response from the GenerateCredentials operation. |
IPRule |
IP rule with specific IP or IP range in CIDR format. |
Identity |
Managed identity for the resource. |
Image |
Properties for a registry image. |
Image |
The image update trigger that caused a build. |
Import |
Import |
Import |
Inner |
inner error. |
Key |
Network |
The network rule set for a container registry. |
Operation |
The definition of a container registry operation. |
Operation |
The display information for a container registry operation. |
Operation |
The result of a request to list container registry operations. |
Operation |
The definition of Azure Monitoring log. |
Operation |
The definition of Azure Monitoring metric. |
Operation |
The definition of Azure Monitoring list. |
Operations |
Interface representing a Operations. |
Operations |
Optional parameters. |
Operations |
Optional parameters. |
Override |
Package |
The properties of a package type. |
Platform |
The platform properties against which the run has to happen. |
Platform |
The properties for updating the platform configuration. |
Policies |
The policies for a container registry. |
Private |
The Private Endpoint resource. |
Private |
An object that represents a private endpoint connection for a container registry. |
Private |
The result of a request to list private endpoint connections for a container registry. |
Private |
Interface representing a PrivateEndpointConnections. |
Private |
Defines headers for PrivateEndpointConnections_createOrUpdate operation. |
Private |
Optional parameters. |
Private |
Defines headers for PrivateEndpointConnections_delete operation. |
Private |
Optional parameters. |
Private |
Optional parameters. |
Private |
Optional parameters. |
Private |
Optional parameters. |
Private |
A resource that supports private link capabilities. |
Private |
The result of a request to list private link resources for a container registry. |
Private |
The state of a private link service connection. |
Proxy |
The resource model definition for a ARM proxy resource. It will have everything other than required location and tags. |
Quarantine |
The quarantine policy for a container registry. |
Regenerate |
The parameters used to regenerate the login credential. |
Registries |
Interface representing a Registries. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Defines headers for Registries_create operation. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Defines headers for Registries_delete operation. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Defines headers for Registries_generateCredentials operation. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Defines headers for Registries_importImage operation. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registries |
Defines headers for Registries_update operation. |
Registries |
Optional parameters. |
Registry |
An object that represents a container registry. |
Registry |
The response from the ListCredentials operation. |
Registry |
The result of a request to list container registries. |
Registry |
A request to check whether a container registry name is available. |
Registry |
The result of a request to check the availability of a container registry name. |
Registry |
The login password for the container registry. |
Registry |
The parameters for updating a container registry. |
Registry |
The quota usage for a container registry. |
Registry |
The result of a request to get container registry quota usages. |
Replication |
An object that represents a replication for a container registry. |
Replication |
The result of a request to list replications for a container registry. |
Replication |
The parameters for updating a replication. |
Replications |
Interface representing a Replications. |
Replications |
Defines headers for Replications_create operation. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Replications |
Defines headers for Replications_delete operation. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Replications |
Defines headers for Replications_update operation. |
Replications |
Optional parameters. |
Request |
The request that generated the event. |
Resource |
An Azure resource. |
Retention |
The retention policy for a container registry. |
Run |
Run resource properties |
Run |
Properties that are enabled for Odata querying on runs. |
Run |
The result of get log link operation. |
Run |
Collection of runs. |
Run |
The request parameters for scheduling a run. |
Run |
The set of run properties that can be updated. |
Runs |
Interface representing a Runs. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Runs |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
An object that represents a scope map for a container registry. |
Scope |
The result of a request to list scope maps for a container registry. |
Scope |
The properties for updating the scope map. |
Scope |
Interface representing a ScopeMaps. |
Scope |
Defines headers for ScopeMaps_create operation. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
Defines headers for ScopeMaps_delete operation. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Scope |
Defines headers for ScopeMaps_update operation. |
Scope |
Optional parameters. |
Secret |
Describes the properties of a secret object value. |
Set |
The properties of a overridable value that can be passed to a task template. |
Sku |
The SKU of a container registry. |
Source |
The registry node that generated the event. Put differently, while the actor initiates the event, the source generates it. |
Source |
The properties of the source code repository. |
Source |
Describes the credential parameters for accessing the source registry. |
Source |
The properties of a source based trigger. |
Source |
The source trigger that caused a run. |
Source |
The properties for updating a source based trigger. |
Source |
The properties for updating the source code repository. |
Source |
The properties of a response to source upload request. |
Status |
The status of an Azure resource at the time the operation was called. |
Storage |
The properties of a storage account for a container registry. Only applicable to Classic SKU. |
System |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
Target |
The target of the event. |
Task |
The task that has the ARM resource and task properties. The task will have all information to schedule a run against it. |
Task |
The collection of tasks. |
Task |
The task run that has the ARM resource and properties. The task run will have the information of request and result of a run. |
Task |
The collection of task runs. |
Task |
The parameters for a task run request. |
Task |
The parameters for updating a task run. |
Task |
Interface representing a TaskRuns. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Optional parameters. |
Task |
Base properties for any task step. |
Task |
Base properties for updating any task step. |
Task |
The parameters for updating a task. |
Tasks |
Interface representing a Tasks. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Tasks |
Optional parameters. |
Timer |
The properties of a timer trigger. |
Timer |
Timer |
The properties for updating a timer trigger. |
Token |
An object that represents a token for a container registry. |
Token |
The properties of a certificate used for authenticating a token. |
Token |
The properties of the credentials that can be used for authenticating the token. |
Token |
The result of a request to list tokens for a container registry. |
Token |
The password that will be used for authenticating the token of a container registry. |
Token |
The parameters for updating a token. |
Tokens |
Interface representing a Tokens. |
Tokens |
Defines headers for Tokens_create operation. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Tokens |
Defines headers for Tokens_delete operation. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Tokens |
Defines headers for Tokens_update operation. |
Tokens |
Optional parameters. |
Trigger |
The properties of a trigger. |
Trigger |
The properties for updating triggers. |
Trust |
The content trust policy for a container registry. |
User |
Webhook |
An object that represents a webhook for a container registry. |
Webhook |
The parameters for creating a webhook. |
Webhook |
The result of a request to list webhooks for a container registry. |
Webhook |
The parameters for updating a webhook. |
Webhooks |
Interface representing a Webhooks. |
Webhooks |
Defines headers for Webhooks_create operation. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Defines headers for Webhooks_delete operation. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Webhooks |
Defines headers for Webhooks_update operation. |
Webhooks |
Optional parameters. |
Action |
Defines values for Action. Known values supported by the serviceAllow |
Actions |
Defines values for ActionsRequired. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
Agent |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the getQueueStatus operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Architecture |
Defines values for Architecture. Known values supported by the serviceamd64 |
Base |
Defines values for BaseImageDependencyType. Known values supported by the serviceBuildTime |
Base |
Defines values for BaseImageTriggerType. Known values supported by the serviceAll |
Connection |
Defines values for ConnectionStatus. Known values supported by the serviceApproved |
Created |
Defines values for CreatedByType. Known values supported by the serviceUser |
Default |
Defines values for DefaultAction. Known values supported by the serviceAllow |
Encryption |
Defines values for EncryptionStatus. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
Export |
Defines values for ExportPolicyStatus. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
Import |
Defines values for ImportMode. Known values supported by the serviceNoForce |
Last |
Defines values for LastModifiedByType. Known values supported by the serviceUser |
Network |
Defines values for NetworkRuleBypassOptions. Known values supported by the serviceAzureServices |
OS |
Defines values for OS. Known values supported by the serviceWindows |
Operations |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Operations |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Password |
Defines values for PasswordName. |
Policy |
Defines values for PolicyStatus. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
Private |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Private |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Private |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Private |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Provisioning |
Defines values for ProvisioningState. Known values supported by the serviceCreating |
Public |
Defines values for PublicNetworkAccess. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled |
Registries |
Contains response data for the checkNameAvailability operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the generateCredentials operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the getBuildSourceUploadUrl operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the getPrivateLinkResource operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listCredentials operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listPrivateLinkResourcesNext operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listPrivateLinkResources operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the listUsages operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the regenerateCredential operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the scheduleRun operation. |
Registries |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Registry |
Defines values for RegistryUsageUnit. Known values supported by the serviceCount |
Replications |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Replications |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Replications |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Replications |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Replications |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Resource |
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType. |
Run |
Run |
Defines values for RunStatus. Known values supported by the serviceQueued |
Run |
Defines values for RunType. Known values supported by the serviceQuickBuild |
Runs |
Contains response data for the getLogSasUrl operation. |
Runs |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Runs |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Runs |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Runs |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Scope |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Scope |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Scope |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Scope |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Scope |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Secret |
Defines values for SecretObjectType. Known values supported by the serviceOpaque |
Sku |
Defines values for SkuName. Known values supported by the serviceClassic |
Sku |
Defines values for SkuTier. Known values supported by the serviceClassic |
Source |
Defines values for SourceControlType. Known values supported by the serviceGithub |
Source |
Defines values for SourceRegistryLoginMode. Known values supported by the serviceNone |
Source |
Defines values for SourceTriggerEvent. Known values supported by the servicecommit |
Step |
Defines values for StepType. Known values supported by the serviceDocker |
Task |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Task |
Contains response data for the getDetails operation. |
Task |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Task |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Task |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Task |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Task |
Defines values for TaskStatus. Known values supported by the serviceDisabled |
Task |
Task |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the getDetails operation. |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Tasks |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Token |
Defines values for TokenCertificateName. Known values supported by the servicecertificate1 |
Token |
Defines values for TokenPasswordName. Known values supported by the servicepassword1 |
Token |
Defines values for TokenStatus. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
Token |
Defines values for TokenType. Known values supported by the servicePAT |
Tokens |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Tokens |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Tokens |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Tokens |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Tokens |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Trigger |
Defines values for TriggerStatus. Known values supported by the serviceDisabled |
Trust |
Defines values for TrustPolicyType. Known values supported by the serviceNotary |
Update |
Defines values for UpdateTriggerPayloadType. Known values supported by the serviceDefault |
Variant |
Defines values for Variant. Known values supported by the servicev6 |
Webhook |
Defines values for WebhookAction. Known values supported by the servicepush |
Webhook |
Defines values for WebhookStatus. Known values supported by the serviceenabled |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the getCallbackConfig operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the listEventsNext operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the listEvents operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the ping operation. |
Webhooks |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Zone |
Defines values for ZoneRedundancy. Known values supported by the serviceEnabled |
Known |
Known values of Action that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ActionsRequired that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of Architecture that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of BaseImageDependencyType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of BaseImageTriggerType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ConnectionStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of CreatedByType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of DefaultAction that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of EncryptionStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ExportPolicyStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ImportMode that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of LastModifiedByType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of NetworkRuleBypassOptions that the service accepts. |
KnownOS |
Known values of OS that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of PolicyStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ProvisioningState that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of PublicNetworkAccess that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of RegistryUsageUnit that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of RunStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of RunType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SecretObjectType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SkuName that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SkuTier that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SourceControlType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SourceRegistryLoginMode that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of SourceTriggerEvent that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of StepType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TaskStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TokenCertificateName that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TokenPasswordName that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TokenStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TokenType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TriggerStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of TrustPolicyType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of UpdateTriggerPayloadType that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of Variant that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of WebhookAction that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of WebhookStatus that the service accepts. |
Known |
Known values of ZoneRedundancy that the service accepts. |
get |
Given the last |
Given the last .value
produced by the byPage
returns a continuation token that can be used to begin paging from
that point later.
function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined
- page
An object from accessing value
on the IteratorResult from a byPage
string | undefined
The continuation token that can be passed into byPage() during future calls.