

Too often, customer experiences with automated chatbots are subpar. The bot might spend too much time identifying the problem, or its communication style is too challenging for customers to interact with effectively. When you're creating chatbots/copilots to assist customers, make sure that you provide an engaging experience that's easy to interact with and that maximizes the chances of providing the customer with the result that they're looking for. Microsoft Copilot Studio helps subject matter experts quickly create intelligent copilots for customer interactions. By using a few simple techniques, copilot creators can design more engaging copilots that lead the customer toward the best resolution for their issue.

Throughout this module, you learned about some key elements for designing more effective copilots in Microsoft Copilot Studio, including:

  • Techniques for planning copilots.

  • Design elements for creating successful copilots.

  • Different conversation types and why they're important.

  • Best practices for creating good trigger phrases.

  • Different techniques for building conversational copilots.

  • How to use analytics to improve your copilot's performance.

Your next steps would be to explore more advanced topics, such as handling user authentication and integrating Copilot Studio copilots with other technologies.

More resources

To learn more about key concepts that are related to building copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio, select the following links.

Create Copilots

Work with Topics

Enhance and improve

Monitor and diagnose