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Azure Cosmos DB: REST API Reference

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed multi-model database that supports the document, graph, and key-value data models. The content in this section is for creating, querying, and managing document resources using the SQL API via REST.

The Azure Cosmos DB REST API provides programmatic access to Azure Cosmos DB resources to create, query, and delete databases, document collections, and documents. To perform operations on Azure Cosmos DB resources, you send HTTPS requests with a supported method: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE to an endpoint that targets a resource collection or a specific resource. This section explains how to work with resources by using the REST API.


These API reference articles shows how to create resources using the Azure Cosmos DB data plane API. With the data plane API you can configure basic options such as indexing policy, partition keys much like you can with Cosmos DB SDKs. If you require complete feature support for all Azure Cosmos DB resources, we recommend using the Cosmos DB Resource Provider. API reference articles are listed below.

Supported REST API Versions

The following table lists the supported REST API versions by the Azure Cosmos DB service. The version must be specified via the x-ms-version header in every request. The latest version is used when the header is not provided.

Version Change introduced Retirement date
2018-12-31 Partitioned collections automatic migration
2018-09-17 Composite and additional spatial indexing
2018-08-31 Dynamic collection scaling improvements
2018-06-18 Multi-region write support
2017-11-15 Multi-region Strong Consistency
2017-05-03 Large partition key
2017-02-22 Consistent prefix
2017-01-19 Lowered minimum throughput for partitioned collections to 2500 RU/s
2016-07-11 Change feed
2015-12-16 Partitioned collections
2015-08-06 Upsert
2015-06-03 Order By support
2015-04-08 DocumentDB general availability (now part of Azure Cosmos DB)
2014-08-21 DocumentDB public preview (now part of Azure Cosmos DB) February 29th, 2016

Cosmos DB Resources

The following articles describe the supported REST APIs for each resource type. For general information about the resource model, see Resource model and Cosmos DB resource URIs.

See Access control for how to authorize requests. For general information about request and response options, see the following articles:

See Also