Time Series Instances - List
Gets time series instances in pages.
GET https://{environmentFqdn}/timeseries/instances?api-version=2020-07-31
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Per environment FQDN, for example 10000000-0000-0000-0000-100000000109.env.timeseries.azure.com. You can obtain this domain name from the response of the Get Environments API, Azure portal, or Azure Resource Manager. |
query | True |
string |
Version of the API to be used with the client request. Currently supported version is "2020-07-31". |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
x-ms-continuation |
string |
Continuation token from previous page of results to retrieve the next page of the results in calls that support pagination. To get the first page results, specify null continuation token as parameter value. Returned continuation token is null if all results have been returned, and there is no next page of results. |
x-ms-client-request-id |
string |
Optional client request ID. Service records this value. Allows the service to trace operation across services, and allows the customer to contact support regarding a particular request. |
x-ms-client-session-id |
string |
Optional client session ID. Service records this value. Allows the service to trace a group of related operations across services, and allows the customer to contact support regarding a particular group of requests. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Successful operation. Headers x-ms-request-id: string |
Other Status Codes |
Unexpected error. Headers x-ms-request-id: string |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
GET https://10000000-0000-0000-0000-100000000109.env.timeseries.azure.com/timeseries/instances?api-version=2020-07-31
Sample response
"instances": [
"typeId": "9b84e946-7b36-4aa0-9d26-71bf48cb2aff",
"name": "F1W7.GS1",
"timeSeriesId": [
"description": "ContosoFarm1W7_GenSpeed1",
"hierarchyIds": [
"instanceFields": {
"Name": "GeneratorSpeed",
"Plant": "Contoso Plant 1",
"Unit": "W7",
"System": "Generator System",
"Status": false,
"Version": 1.3,
"Code": 28
"continuationToken": "aXsic2tpcCI6MTAwMCwidGFrZSI6MTAwMH0="
Sample request
GET https://10000000-0000-0000-0000-100000000109.env.timeseries.azure.com/timeseries/instances?api-version=2020-07-31
Sample response
"instances": [
"typeId": "9b84e946-7b36-4aa0-9d26-71bf48cb2aff",
"timeSeriesId": [
"description": "ContosoFarm1W6_GridVoltage3",
"hierarchyIds": [
"instanceFields": {
"Name": "GridVoltagePhase3",
"Plant": "Contoso Plant 1",
"Unit": "W6",
"System": "Generator System",
"Status": false,
"Version": 1.3,
"Code": 28
"continuationToken": "aXsic2tpcCI6MTAwMCwidGFrASI6MTAwMH0="
Sample request
GET https://10000000-0000-0000-0000-100000000109.env.timeseries.azure.com/timeseries/instances?api-version=2020-07-31
Sample response
"instances": []
Name | Description |
Get |
Partial list of time series instances returned in a single request. |
Time |
Time series instances are the time series themselves. In most cases, the deviceId or assetId is the unique identifier of the asset in the environment. Instances have descriptive information associated with them called instance fields. At a minimum, instance fields include hierarchy information. They can also include useful, descriptive data like the manufacturer, operator, or the last service date. |
Tsi |
Information about an API error. |
Tsi |
A particular API error with an error code and a message. |
Tsi |
Additional error information. |
Partial list of time series instances returned in a single request.
Name | Type | Description |
continuationToken |
string |
If returned, this means that current results represent a partial result. Continuation token allows to get the next page of results. To get the next page of query results, send the same request with continuation token parameter in "x-ms-continuation" HTTP header. |
instances |
Partial list of time series instances returned in a single request. Can be empty if server was unable to fill the page in this request, or there is no more objects when continuation token is null. |
Time series instances are the time series themselves. In most cases, the deviceId or assetId is the unique identifier of the asset in the environment. Instances have descriptive information associated with them called instance fields. At a minimum, instance fields include hierarchy information. They can also include useful, descriptive data like the manufacturer, operator, or the last service date.
Name | Type | Description |
description |
string |
This optional field contains description about the instance. |
hierarchyIds |
string[] |
Set of time series hierarchy IDs that the instance belong to. May be null. |
instanceFields |
Set of key-value pairs that contain user-defined instance properties. It may be null. Supported property value types are: bool, string, long, double and it cannot be nested or null. |
name |
string |
Optional name of the instance which is unique in an environment. Names acts as a mutable alias or display name of the time series instance. Mutable, may be null. |
timeSeriesId |
Time |
Time Series ID that uniquely identifies the instance. It matches Time Series ID properties in an environment. Immutable, never null. |
typeId |
string |
This represents the type that this instance belongs to. Never null. |
Information about an API error.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
A particular API error with an error code and a message. |
A particular API error with an error code and a message.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Language-independent, human-readable string that defines a service-specific error code. This code serves as a more specific indicator for the HTTP error code specified in the response. Can be used to programmatically handle specific error cases. |
details |
Contains additional error information. May be null. |
innerError |
Contains more specific error that narrows down the cause. May be null. |
message |
string |
Human-readable, language-independent representation of the error. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users. |
target |
string |
Target of the particular error (for example, the name of the property in error). May be null. |
Additional error information.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Language-independent, human-readable string that defines a service-specific error code. This code serves as a more specific indicator for the HTTP error code specified in the response. Can be used to programmatically handle specific error cases. |
message |
string |
Human-readable, language-independent representation of the error. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users. |